What's the alternative?

What's the alternative?

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National Treasury with a gold and/or silver backed fiat, like it used to be

Constant depressions basically

the great depression happened after the Federal Reserve and Bank for International Settlements existed.
There was no depression before that, unless you read only Rockefeller sponsored history books

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panics =/= depression
I really hope you understand the difference

why use snitchcord, fuck that shit, I'll never go

but that has nothing to do with the fed

4 shekels have been deposited into your shekel account

are you kidding?
what the fuck happened to you
you are too stupid to be posting here, no joke


hi like a day or two ago a leaf posted a series of infographs about banking and how it destroyed america and it was extremely enlightening and important do any of u happen to be that leaf i would like to discuss things


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No jews

I'm not that leaf but can u post the infographics anyway?

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total worldwide ban on usury
countries emitting their own currency

State banks. Except California. They must pay in illegal's body parts.

>precious metal backed currency
>seize Middle East oil
>end the FED and cease printing fiat currency
>all oil out of the Middle East must be paid for by old fiat petrodollars
>priced by Uncle Sam
>require US exports be paid for with precious metals
>require US imports be paid for with old fiat dollars
>Asia and Europe have no choice but to trade precious metals for fiat dollars so they can buy oil (from us)
>make issued bonds non-transferable
>pay back bonds with old fiat dollars
>cancel bonds held by non-US citizens

It's in order. Idk if it's accurate or not but it makes a lot of sense and I've always heard that banks were the ultra jew

Monero bump thread. Reminder if you dont have 100 xmr youre going to be a homeless hobo when america crashes.

A test between capital and labor backed currency.

The US Treasury issues a new currency, the Jackson, which is a mini-bond like Lincoln's Greenback or Hitler's Reichsmark. It can only be used to pay for labor, products and services. It is not allowed to be used to pay debt, nor as collateral for debt. The Jackson is mandated as currency for all purchases and taxes.

This would give the US government enough money to virtually eliminate income tax while having funds for major infrastructure projects.

For a few years the Jackson is tied to the dollar, but once enough currency is in the market, it is decoupled.

The test is which currency becomes stronger, the debt backed dollar or the labor backed Jackson. The dollar will rapidly devalue, inflating everyone's debt away. Usury will become a thing of the past without any regulations.

This should be relatively easy to pass legislatively.

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I will do you one better: 3rd reich's style
Not gold of silver or any material, but work's value.



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Gold standard.

It has everything to do with the fed, dumb-dumb.

Sticks with notches.