New brevik movie

Can you believe they made him say "based and redpilled" in the movie?

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I can’t wait for it. I hope they say why he did what he did.

its out i think

What a pointless movie

The worst goy to ever come from scandinavia. May 6 million foreskins be collected to heal the divide.

No, people are forgetting, they need another dose of left-wing politics in Norway.
I knew I wasn't seeing double when I saw people trying to push the "survivors" meme on the UN channel, they are pushing hard to turn that country into Sweden.

its pretty hilarious that they had the balls to make this movie after like half a decade of islam fucking up europe

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It's hard to empathize with the commie victims.

I highly doubt they explain that. "Oh, he killed rising stars in Norway's Marxist Communist movement, intent on mandatory transgender surgery and third world migration for all."

“I’m gonna kill all those labor niggers!” 9/10

They should let him out of prison, and just give him weapons free where ever commies gather. He could be like the Doomguy, but for commies.

Then afterwards if some school shooting or whatever happens the moviemakers will pretend they didn't influenced it.

he is literally screaming it during the shootng

have not seen the movie but i doubt they dont focus on that

Yeah, and I am sure as hell the conclusion of the movie will be:"If those kids were armed, they could have defended themselves against the enemy and saved their friends"

>Mfw given immunity from killing communists.

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iirc, friend of mine said he was hiding in a house, one with bathrooms or something, said he didn't go in, said that he could be overpowered there


the wiki said he shot at the door to open it but moved on. might be true

I l;iked that actor in "Oslo, august 31st" or whatever.

So hey, speaking of Breivik, did he ever get the PS3 he was threatening the hunger strike over? Did they leave him just a PS2? Did they concede, and did he then ask for a PS4? What happened with that saga?

The ONLY mass shooter I approve of. People in commie leadership training are legitimate targets.

he is still playing that PS2

At first i thought norweigian prison was basically a 4 star hotel

but you cant leave and all you have is a ps2 with the same games


norway is sick

at least its not a ps4

So, are Marxists the good guys in this movie?

Didnt Brevik slaughter the budding leftist leadership crippling the gaying of norway?

What ps2 game does he play over and over again?


what a loser

a demo disc

>Has dozens of documentaries about evil nazis and hitler
>also has movies about che guevara and how he was a great revolutionary


honestly they are fucking up bigtime

amazon made a series where the nazis won and america quite obviously owns

I remember watching one of this with the missus, had to turn it off because it was sensationalized garbage with "reenactments" it's jarring when you watch a holocaust denial documentary and all it contains are details, maps,references, testimonials etc

Shadow of the Colossus

I watched it this evening

It was such a sad and tragic event.
All they need is a theme tune. Something poignant and fitting. I was thinking this.

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World of warcraft


The guy gets to play PS2 games and workout all day without the fear of being raped
For many years I seriously considered that was a better alternative to the wage slavery I am in currently

What if I smuggled drugs into norway, how much punishment would I receive? If its 1-3 years in their hotel prisons I wouldn't mind it. Fuck its still my plan C if I can't pay off my student loans

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They couldn't do this because he created the conditions of mass confusion by setting off that enormous car bomb hours earlier and by dressing up as a cop. So nobody had any idea what was going on while Breivik casually strolled around an island shooting

Gran Turismo 4, obviously.

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They couldnt do what?

very fitting indeed

Come up with a plan to overpower him together, they were probably too scared for that and just trying to save themselves and their close ones.
That's why scaring the shit out of them first and then disguising himself worked so well. I wish he'd recorded it.

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St Breivik, pray for us

I remember being at a degenerate music festival that weekend blowing my mind with acid and on the other side of the world kids were having their brains blown out with bullets.

Oops wrong reply

In other news Varg has a good video about Breivik in prison, noting that Breivik was super smug in the media about the so-called 'hotel prisons' in Norway, then quickly discovered how horrible they really are once jailed in solitary and he started complaining.

The faggot should have shot himself in the head

Did Brevik really cry out "come out chu markists". Its like dylan roof but can aim.

It's hard to believe this guy didn't even get life or the death penalty. Didn't he only get like 10 years?

Is this getting a theatrical release?

Because I'll go for the express purpose of cheering loudly every time he shoots a shitlib.

someone dub a version with this song playing it'll be even better having this commie irish fag singing this

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i did exactly what i was expecting too, new brevik when


> Norwegian Mass Shooter
> Filmed in English

It's almost as if there's a kike producer or something

you dont have a license

U got the job wannabe berevik

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hard to do wotht he borderline commie goverment

so we get this, but no Most Dangerous Game movie?
Get your shit together, Chaim.

>walks into building
>breivik says "you will die today, liberals, marxists, members of the elite.

The best one.

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with the*
jesus i really can't seem to spell today

high IQ move if you think about it.

Isn't it (((odd))) that Norway is much less cucked now in comparison to Sweden that's right next door? I wonder what could've caused this. Keep in mind that those commie little shits would've been politically active by now, had they been alive

is he from Vargland? when you kill in Vargland they give you 10 years of snus and saunas out in the countryside. It's a viable option for those who don't like to work.

Mass shootings look like so much fun.

>their shocked confusion at gun noises

I believe they still have not have recovered since the shooting

He did get life sorta as the sentence may be extended indefintely

They do actually use the term "Alt-Right" to describe him in the movie.

Anyway it's super cheap and boring.

This movie looks like shit by the way.
>Running kids acting stupid
>Brevik literally says kill liberals and "the elite"
>In English
>Cuts away from brevik executing people
What rubbish, it's like pg13 of the most violent massacre in recent history wtf.

Didn't the norweigens make a better movie about this already?

So it breivik's way the only one to stop this madness?
Also has anyone got more details on his story and plans?

Nope. It's in the movie. They make it clear it was a political retreat for the elite sons and daughters of the leftist ruling party. And that they were all politicians in training.

Read his 1492 page meme book
Also the court room testimony is pretty definitive

He went on a hunger strike because they got him an Xbone instead of a PS4. He explained he could already get all those games on his PC.

Cmon sweetie, give us a rundown here

Jump off a bridge you underage faggot. Maybe if you were paying attention 7 years ago you wouldn't be in this position nigger

Who's playing pic related and the guy called Porntip?

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He's not allowed internet access since he's a political prisoner

Whoa easy there Pajeet, I was way too busy getting dat booty to care baka

>1492 page book

Life, no parole. Movie makes Norwegians look like the most passive aggressive faggots possible
>We're going to uphold our values which say we will never kill or throw away a person ever, no matter the crime
>Except here, where we will twist the system to effectively keep him in jail until he dies because we're really fucking angry but don't want to admit it


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his manifesto is full of Israeli references


fuck zionism and fuck Israel

he basically cut and pasted his manifesto from different sources while glueing it all together into one anti-Islamic ideology.

he's secular but uses Christianity only culturally, as in Western culture, he venerates Zionists and 'the few jews' in Norway but says the UK, France and US have a jewish problem, he's 'progressive' in that he's not anti-gay but at the same time rants against Islamic degeneracy, it all points to what he claims is his true enemy which is modern European culture of neoliberal watered down marxists for accepting Islamic migration thus his targeting of future political leaders

They already WERE politically active. Only a third of Breiviks victims were "kids" and they were all politically active and in their late teens.

Felt bad for the security guards desu.

yeah i dont get why some nationalists always supports Israel and hates on the Palestines. Is it because they are controlled opposition or is it because they believe we have a common enemy in the muslims?

What should happen with the jews then?

According to his wiki he will be getting out of jail soon. God bless the Norwegian justice system.

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I stopped watching as soon as he was done killing all of those little commie fucks.

What he did was awesome, wiping out the future leadership that would lead Norway off a fucking cliff. In 100 years, when we wipe out the last of them, Anders needs to have his face on a piece of currency.

He will never actually leave prison unless busted out. not even if he lives to be 150 years old.

So he was all over the place, probably even lurked, thanks user :*

Meh, dunno much about who they were, the point is that looks like his plan worked. That might be the only way it seems

So he's a turbospencer or a ben shapiro that snapped out of too many milker's jokes.

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>unless busted out.

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A reminder Brevik targeted the only liberal group in the country that actually spoke up about israel genociding Palestinians and their illegal jewish only settlements in the west bank.
That why he is sitting in a resort prison with a room nicer than yours.
He could have went after muslims but he chose to go after woke open borders for israel liberals.
Brevik is a kike

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I got you

he probably did lurk, he talks about talking to people 'on the internet' about other EU wars against Islam like Serbia. He also gives out a complete step by step manual to join his revolution yourself by becoming a turbo Euro terrorist such as how to conduct propaganda and shit.

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Would probs not even be that hard to be honest. like 4 guys with a week of planning and some explosives.

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