She won. You lost

You whiteknighted. She rejected, BTFO of you incels. Just like all women. Why? Your politics are toxic. Not just politically toxic, but toxic to any significant human relationships. Not just woman. But jobs. And parent. Any basic interactions with “the normies”. It’s why you’re alone. Jobless. Angry. Stupid.

Here’s the Truth. The real red pill.

It’s not her. It’s not them. It is you. You’re the problem.

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>implying it's the politics and not the single-mother-bred beta personality that dries up panties

let's be real, even if Jow Forums was full of pinko fags they still wouldn't be getting laid

Wtf im a #cruz-missile now

Lift some weights user, wash your penis, turn your life around

Attached: hurtpepe.jpg (1200x800, 46K)

Where the fuck have you been? Nobody's talked about that coalburning lroastie for weeks. Get back under your rock, Schlomo.

fucking lol

Attached: 1528784490143.gif (1280x640, 155K)

Nobody, Absolutely nobody except the 2 assholes who post these threads, gives two shits about this mentally retarded whore.

Jow Forums nbfo