Tyt cringe

Does anyone else have family that watches the absolute stupidy of The Young Turks? My father watches it and jesus christ. They are all children, especially that Chenk guy. They excusively talk shit about trump and the republican party, and my father eats that shit right up. it makes me physically cringe everytime i see. any other degenerates have this problem?

Also send your best tyt shitposts thanks.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Your dad is a bitch. Fuck your mom in front of him to assert dominance.

this but unironically

>watching genocide deniers

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I watched this stuff when I was in highschool back when they had their own irc during their broadcast like 8 ago

Older men would send me porn and ask me for dickpics unironically on it. Or else some wierdo would literally send me paragraphs of his cultist book.

I just wanted to talk to anna back then but now she doesn't look too good

>I just wanted to talk to anna back then but now she doesn't look too good

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"men are so fake"
*puts on fucking layers of makeup to hide their natural face*

Cenk and his mate all but admitted to fucking underage appalachian girls

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Asking the Real question: Each video has something like 13,000 views how is it possible for them keeping the production, especially considering that there are many people that work for them.

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OP here. i have no fucking clue dude, i guess lefties donate and thats what they live off of. because there is absolutely no way they can live off 13k views every video

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There's a Jew on his show. Or maybe more. Plus his a Columbia graduate, lots of Jews there. The show is subsidized by Jews.

She a jew i don't care what anyone says


Of course its the jews. its always the jews

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They are funded by the government of Qatar.
She's worse than a jew. Imagine working for an organization named after a group who committed an actual genocide on your people. Not only that, but working directly under a person who denies that genocide ever happened. Ana is mentally damaged.

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your dad is a moron, tell him I said so

im so glad my dad isn't some bluepilled faggot like yours

FUCK the young turks

Christ this fucker tried to stop me from going to In and Out because they donated to the republican party. He says that i have toxic masculinity. i could make a whole fucking thread of all the bluepill cuck shit he does

Do et fgt

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Tell him you are going to the dog park so you can learn to be more rapey....

>tried to stop me from going to In and Out
Start bringing home chick fil-A

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>mfw having pics of her asshole but not wanting to receive another ban

Fuck turks, young or old

Fuck it im doing it, be on the look out for a greentext.

chunk yogurt

oh fuck - c'mon - log on anonymously and DO IT...

You know I would do it for you.

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The hidden Jow Forums discord is NND8DfE we have over 5000 members and are growing.

It has to stay hidden or (((discord))) will shut it down. As far as discord knows its a Minecraft discord.

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the left looks cuter desu

based and alpha pilled

I used to watch them when they were fairly moderate to progressive. Now they're fairly regressive with their ideas. Almost the entire left is these days or just straight out of touch.

Conservatives are now more accepting of moderate and some liberal views.