Where was the post188888888 posted yesterday?

Was it interesting or some bullshit waste of digits?

Attached: post188888888.jpg (1280x720, 64K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Cant remember, but it was a waste. Really arbitrary

Attached: 1529613704992.png (897x694, 959K)

Attached: C5813267-494F-4F66-BC6D-C6C80865FB50.jpg (640x933, 410K)

scripted kanye get and false flag prune. they wanted to hide the truth.

Attached: 1538523546902.jpg (655x643, 80K)

Attached: Shit Post Ahead 2.png (666x200, 81K)



Yall losing faith in meme magic. Kanye is aboutta blow up and win trump more supporters, waiting for it to happen

Thanks anons.

absolutely terrible

Wasted. Eight is not a powerfully magical number.

Attached: 77777777.png (1356x1360, 231K)

Very interesting thread number, all 7

Praise Him

Attached: 1505856718975.jpg (350x468, 48K)



Here it be niggars

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-10-10 23:36:16.png (836x162, 71K)

Trolling at its best, a bland post with so much hype.


Attached: Screenshot_2018-10-10-23-25-16.jpg (1249x2226, 980K)

was posted before trump won the election obv, it was the first major proof Kek existed. More came afterwards and now here we all are

checked again

It was a bullshit waste of digits

Attached: 1536582742887s.jpg (99x125, 2K)


Holy shit, America is finally going to have a black president.

The hidden Jow Forums discord is NND8DfE we have over 5000 members and are growing.

It has to stay hidden or (((discord))) will shut it down. As far as discord knows its a Minecraft discord.

Attached: 188.png (493x562, 341K)


gay and gaypilled