/NPC/ Exploration General -- Beware the Enemy PC Edition

I've been waiting for a good time to drop this one on Jow Forums and now seems better than ever.

Try explaining in whatever words you can come up with pic related.

Previous threads:

some traits of NPCs discussed in threads.

Feel free to suggest edits/removals/additions. 4. has been most debated for now.

1. NPCs lack an inner voice
2. NPCs are not aware they are NPCs
3. NPCs are ultimately superficial
4. NPCs are hardwired to their script. They can make incremental improvements to their script but cannot fundamentally reprogram themselves.
5. NPCs react negatively when confronted with off-script ideas, situations, and environment.
6. NPCs fall in with the crowd by default.
7. NPCs believe their actions and reactions are organic and spontaneous.
8. NPCs are like drones executing their predetermined subroutines.
9. NPCs can be at odds with each other if their coding puts them in different factions.
10. NPCs tend to be tribal, both emotionally and intellectually.

I will gather all input in these threads and further distill it if needed.

For reference: twitter.com/not_npc/status/1049203337399361536

NPCs and some (((PC)))s are trying to bury this meme by 1) advocating for violence 2) Gender baiting 3) Concern trolling
NPCs' derailing terms: "forced meme" "dehumanizing" "solipsism" "CIA" "This meme will make Jow Forumstards psychopaths" and "solipsism" once more
NPC meme is: 1) non-violent 2) not exclusive to one gender 3) optimistic & hopeful

NPC behaviour:


Attached: emotion.jpg (500x322, 21K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Let us discuss why the NPC meme of all things has such a volatile response.
And why they think getting mad about it won't be like sugar on encouragement.

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Thanks for getting the ball rolling. I for one think NPCs like to post on Jow Forums about how much better they are than other people, and never really discuss anything. Just say things like "t. NPC" and "Look at this NPC"

Inb4 paO1voxA

How long until we see 60 post faggot shill?

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lol exactly

How do we fight against his charm and wit?

That's just the usual shitposting that could be from anyone, akin to how cuck is not a narrow specific term for when ones loved one has cheated with another, but a term now used for overly submissive nature, weakness or emasculation in general.

We program NPCs to attack him

NPCs in action

I suggest listening to this. Have an open mind.

The hidden Jow Forums discord is NND8DfE we have over 5000 members and are growing.

It has to stay hidden or (((discord))) will shut it down. As far as discord knows its a Minecraft discord.

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>anyway, you really shouldnt spoonfeed like this
I think there is a duty to help those who are attempting to develop their minds, if they are spoonfed too often it can hurt them in the long run, but the risk of that here is rather low.

The more you respond the saltier it gets. Pretty poorly programmed if you ask me.

If any of you lack an inner voice, read NOS - The Book of Resurrection to resurrect it.

Attached: Nos - 'Ego'.png (496x993, 125K)

He's doing a pretty shit shill job, keeps the threads bumped with replies and people refuting his claims lead to further discussion.

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I've always known NPCs as "Stock Souls", similar to "Stock Characters". After a few years in the real world, it just became glaringly obvious that there was a definite, finite number of souls — personalities, fates, motivations, experiences — walking around in many bodies.

You meet the same people over and over again. Some of them are fucked up by this or that, or lucky and distinguished in some way, but they seem to have thousands of essentially like copies of themselves.

Anyone else experience this? Do NPCs share souls?

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taking e's makes me pie eyed also

Really hoping I get some insightful/revealing commentary on the OP pic....

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Cuck just means a dude's wife fucked a nigger

They already do that plenty when I go outside.

Yeah it's almost like I'm a human being with thoughts and the ability to form my own ideas

NPCs are programmed to damage control for themselves now. Look at this NPC!
t. level 99 wizard

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I just wish people stop confusing NPC with sheep

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hahahahaha I knew that would get you. For someone with their own ideas, you certainly respond very predictably to certain stimuli.

>t. NPC

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You're almost there, break your programming.

I want you to try harder

Of course, you think I'm hiding?

2nd time I've seen this in NPC threads. They want some IP's I see. Scared?

I agree, NPC lacks inner monologue, a sheep is just a conformist. It's possible for a PC to still be a sheep. The npc's that can't comprehend it are why it's becoming another tired meme about normies.

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Interesting site I found btw. The link to download is on here somewhere.

I think part of the shilling may be to do with the discovery that npcs can be programed even by anons govt. Does some research into neuro linguistic programming though others say its fake. What if npcs are a voting bloc used like a bio bot net and we hack and hijack it via memes and shitposting

>i want you to complete more quests
OK NPC. I will go out and collect a shekel to deposit into your account. Better give a good item in return or I'm just going to keep it.

Do you think we can hack npcs?

I've been doing some thinking on NPCs tonight. I believe that the response it elicits indicates that we're right on target. We have become aware that NPCs exist, and seemingly, they can be programmed. The question becomes then how can one forcibly red-pill millions?

If an NPC's entire motivation springs not from the self but on peer pressure and constant media saturation, then for a countersignal of edgy memes for cheeki children would be the worst possible thing for gatekeepers fearing competition and a rocked boat.

Don't get teh aggro

Attached: angrynpc.gif (382x254, 1.28M)

>Let us discuss why the NPC meme of all things has such a volatile response.
>And why they think getting mad about it won't be like sugar on encouragement.
I do not think all the people reacting against it are NPCs, I also do not think all the people spreading the NPC meme are necessarily PCs.

In the first case it could legitimately people people who believe in humanism, that each human has intrinsic value, in addition it could also be less educated Christians who do not understand the parable of the weeds.

In the second case, I see a potential for an NPC to end up programmed pretty similar to the stereotypical Jow Forums user, such a person would see the salt the NPC meme is generating and begin to repeat it as generating salt is part of their programming.

Either way, I have seen more excellent discussions from this chain of threads than is typical, that it is also a salt mine is just an added bonus.

The NPCs who get triggered by it are the easiest to explain, their programming is trying to prevent them from either being woken up (if such a thing is possible) or exposed.

I think you are correct i have had similar thoughts it would add validity to reincarnation maybe this whole planet is just where pcs go through trial or some vanilla sky type thing

Do you even know what a shill does? Were you even here for the real shilling? If you think I'm a shill, you are a lot more duped than you think. You think a shill would sit here and talk to you over and over again? You turn me away because I scare you, because I'm trying to save you

Who writes the NPC scripts?

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bio bot net is a very interesting theory, I think you may be onto something with this, deserves further exploration. It feels to me like we're on the edge of discovering the driving force behind "meme magic".

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>having your mind blown by the Euler property thing
the whole thing hinges on e^ipi being equal to -1, and it's not that amazing when you understand that pi is the angle of rotation (180 degrees) along the unit circle in the complex number space because e^ix = cos(x) + i*sin(x)

So if it blows your mind you're just a brainlet who can't get an intuitive understanding of how it works

>I've been doing some thinking on NPCs tonight. I believe that the response it elicits indicates that we're right on target.
Sounds like you haven't been thinking at all

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>talk to you over and over again
>same talking points
>npcs must be shills because i can't experience non-npc existence
I totally expect that from an NPC. You still have a ! over your head and I keep clicking you.

We really don't have that many math illiterate people do we? C'mon guys I know you can try.

Thanks for the response, I'll get back to you in a few with my analysis.


The question is, if we are increasingly realizing we are in a simulation and identifying NPCs. What is the next stage of the game?

If the goal is to transcend the game or "beat" it in some way. Sort of like a complex puzzle game that isn't even known to be a puzzle. What do you guys think?

1. All PC players had their memory wiped before entering the game world.
2. The game world started around 9/11/2001
3. The point of the game is to exist in a wildly absurd world and to figure out some transcendent wisdom or 'beat" the game via figuring out some secret.
4. NPCs exist in mass, and PC's probably number around 5 million.

Look at you, disconnected from reality. Wake the fuck up and get over yourself. Please, it really is possible

Stop dehumanizing us with NPC you Russian bot/Nazi. Pic related is actually their "logic". Can we even call it logic though? I don't think so. I think the code breaks down and they go back to default calling a nigger in a MAGA hat a white supremacist. We are onto something!

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Yeah, I don't see any reason that reincarnation should be time-bounded. Failed PCs stuck on the wheel of Samsara? Stuck there by design, failure, weakness?

>The question is, if we are increasingly realizing we are in a simulation and identifying NPCs. What is the next stage of the game?
Try killing yourself and see what happens

Exactly and memes in general could crash their programs but some more than others imagine being an npc confronted by npc memes and realizing you in fact are an npc i suspect like democrats many would double down some would crash but some would become next level self aware

Few Humans if ever enjoy being criticized and not even a masochist would enjoy the revelation that they have a critical feature in their thought process missing that makes them 'less' than someone who is projecting conversation in their head.
I found the theory that isolation begets independent thought fascinating, pretty much most to all Jow Forumsacks are social autists to daywalkers at best. Left alone for long periods of time, not a boon for mental health but as far as the social bubble is concerned you are off the grid.

>disconnected from reality
But I'm here clicking you!

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You don't win by surviving or figuring out some secret. That's playing by the rules of those who set up the simulation — those who trapped you here. You don't win. You escape.

Pop culture (jews)

Oh man, that pic gave me a good laugh

>But I'm here clicking (You)!

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>Try explaining in whatever words you can come up with
>i.e. use your own words

I'll give you another shot before you eternally labeled an NPC.

I think the simulation is a meta-reference all over the place. Religions, philosophies, etc. We can assume the simulation started sometime in the past 20 years too.

1. Why did we all join the simulation game in the first place.

2. What is the nature of the simulation. Is this a puzzle game? We all started without knowledge it is a game.

3. Is it a "try being a peasant" type of simulation meant to let you experience the current technology, aka slice of life, or does it have a point or lesson we all co-witness. I imagine Trump is a major or important character to the simulation so might be a hint there.

I am thinking the same i was trying to think of an experiment but we have already memed so much

Looks like that's a quest complete. Thanks for the meme, NPC pal. What's the next one?

NPCs should not have rights.

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and why haven't you tried to tackle explaining the OP pic yet?

I don't think it's that type of escape game. For one thing Trump won the election and not Hillary.

>The question is, if we are increasingly realizing we are in a simulation and identifying NPCs. What is the next stage of the game?
Realizing that it is God who made the game and he did so to provide us a place to develop and to test us for what internal morality we decide to adopt because he doesn't want to let PCs that are willing to harm others to further themselves out of the box.

>If the goal is to transcend the game or "beat" it in some way. Sort of like a complex puzzle game that isn't even known to be a puzzle. What do you guys think?
See above.

>1. All PC players had their memory wiped before entering the game world.
It is appointed unto men once to die, and after this is the judgment.

>2. The game world started around 9/11/2001
Our ancestors also exist, they are now elsewhere.

>3. The point of the game is to exist in a wildly absurd world and to figure out some transcendent wisdom or 'beat" the game via figuring out some secret.
Close enough.

>4. NPCs exist in mass, and PC's probably number around 5 million.
Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

e + 1 = 0
-1 = -1
e = -1

khan academy is for babies

Stop giving it (You)'s, you're all feeding into its positive response algorithm and encouraging it.

I intuitively think one goal should be hacking the bio botnet of npcs using brute force of the bio herd we can sway policy but to what end? Space? Transcendance of some type? I also think if memory was wiped it would be priority to regain it

This meme has spawned the best Jow Forums discussions in years.
Who knew we'd uncover the secrets of consciousness through memes?

Seems more meta than that.

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Also we need to map their "logic" i mean their programing logic. Is this why sjw uses the term binary so much to an obsessive level? I think if we can map their logic we can make leaps from that point foreward

In case you missed the last thread, homie is an (((enemy))) PC.

You on the other hand, I'm a bit worried about...

Frog fag

Haven't been here in quite a while, but I gotta say this NPC shit is pretty funny, it's hitting them harder than Cuck did.

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I've received some messages about the "meme" of history and gods. Mainly the canaanite pantheon and Hyksos people.

It was a pretty wild message to receive. There is a certain "meme" quality to Gods especially in ancient times that is reflected even today in onilne memes. For instance the copy-paste nature of many Gods across the ancient world just with different name and slight variation.

Another message is that El was unhappy that Jews killed other believers.

Thats an aspect a lot of people miss time isnt flowing in the way our senses percieve and even if it were if you step beyond intuition there is no reason why we should only be reincarnated foreward in such a scenerio and that would explain a lot


>Still shit at job
Did you think the new ID would help you blend? Didn't work retard! Keep coming to every thread trying to kill this before it hits twatter further and spreads. Doing great!

Like saying tastiest shit

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>NPCs are starting to support the NPC meme

Shit's starting to get weird man.

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The old insults; idiot, dumb, even faggot, none of these were even felt anymore.
Cuck and NPC are like shivs, perhaps cuck has no sting on Jow Forums anymore but anywhere else those words are painful enough to register and register hard.


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Can we get back to the dream discussion?

>NPCs dream, but like animals, only dream in first person because they have only memories to draw on
>PCs dream in third person because they are used to observing themselves internally.
>NPCs cannot dream in third person because they lack the ability to observe themselves, so they cannot place themselves in third person into their dreams.

Are discussing dreams the way to truly identify a genuine NPC from a PC who has never used their brain functions?

That explains why cities are so liberal. I've also long had a theory that city dwellers are simply protected from or able to escape reality by a simple abundance of echo chambers that pander to their egos and beliefs.

I wonder also if its a necessity like world fugged cant support life go play in the sim till it gets better but could also be a trial imagine a simulation as a defense or prosecution tool in a trial

7/10 on the NPC scale

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They are programed to attack you for saying that




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There is only one God, only one creator, any pantheon is a group of fallen angels, they are enemies of mankind, they have offspring walking the earth in the flesh who are here to destroy as many actual humans as they can. These people are the Canaanites, it is why God ordered the children of Israel to not leave a single one of them alive.

Cities are liberal because EMF causes brain damage which makes you more liberal.

Attached: becoming_liberal.jpg (1920x4238, 790K)

You are trapped in some lower level. Learn about the Canaanite pantheon and how the Jews settled on worshiping only El. You'll be awoken to the truth.

Ive also thought that a soul trial by a god would be a good explanation

Following NPC program perfectly

Good point if its basic learning ai we can program it improperly.

>prosecution tool in a trial
This suggestion is the closest, this life is the trial, the outcome determines where your soul belongs when it ends.