Tansania goes after whores in schools - expells them

Arusha, Tanzania — It happens twice a year at Arusha Secondary School. Each one of the school's 800 female students is accompanied into a toilet and told to pee in a jar. Outside the cubicle, a teacher waits to make sure the samples are not swapped.

The girls are taking compulsory pregnancy tests. And if they come back positive, the student is expelled immediately.

The tests have been happening at this school, for students from grades eight and up, for three years.

Tanzania uses a morality clause in a 2002 education law to give schools the legal framework needed to expel students -- the practice originally dates back to the 1960s. The law has been more widely applied since President John Pombe Magufuli took office in 2015.

Last June, Magufuli, dubbed "The Bulldozer," went a step further, announcing that pregnant students would not be allowed to return to school after giving birth.

"In my administration as the President no pregnant girl will go back to school... she has chosen that of kind life, let her take care of the child," he said at a public rally in 2017. His speech removed any discretion schools had over how they enforced the morality rule.

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A perfectly reasonable step.

I'm okay with this

So should pregnant girls be expelled from schools in the US as well?

>she has chosen that of kind life, let her take care of the child

Can't really fault that.

Actions and consequences


What about abortion? Can a girl keep in school if she aborts the fetus?

Murdering a baby is arguably worse than having premarital sex

She should be hanged for infanticide.

But what about aborting a fetus? That’s not murdering a baby before the fetus has a nervous sytem, no?

Life starts at conception, Hans.

This is written in the BBC tone of how is this even possible. Fuck j hate "journalism" like this

>no education
>a second mouth to feed
>no laws to force the fathers to take responsibility
Is this just a ruse to get more teenage prostitutes?

I prefer late abortions of Germans, they have no nervous system too just NPC reaction code.

>But what about aborting a fetus? That’s not murdering a baby before the fetus has a nervous sytem, no?

By the time the mother is aware that she is pregnant, the baby has a fully functional heart and circulatory system.

In contrast to the polish nervo system which can conserve massive butthurt in its DNA for centuries

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Forget to change your flag back?

There's something to learn even from niggers.

Absolutely, Hans.
And in Europe too.
If You're such a slutlet You can't reach the age of majority before begging to be filled with cream You don't deserve an education,

>the baby has a fully functional heart and circulatory system.

But not a functioning brain or nervous system. How is it not just a ball of cells before it has any brain wave functions and nervous function responses (around week 18)?

Schools should not abide to killers in the student body; teen pregnacies that result in abortions should be punished by firebranding the slutlet with the Letter S for Slut and permanently excluding her from public and private education.

We don't give a fuck about your logical fallacies hans You're either human at conception or never; every other benchmark is subjective and arbitrary and can vary of full weeks.
Also, by your conception You can abort someone up to when They're two years old.
You serve Moloch and We won't tollerate your disgusting inhumane degeneracy.
Go an hero before We do it for you.

It would arguably be unconstitutional.

But We don't give a fuck anymore because lefties have been ruining your costitution for a full century by now and you should just make a new one.

Fuck yes. If they have sex, they should be disbarred from college/uni. Degenerate women are the cause of most of our social ills in the 21st century.

I never thought I'd say this, but the niggers did something smarter than us for once.

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You mean barred from uni. Disbarred is when you remove a lawyer's ability to practice law.

Shit, yeah, it's late and I should be going to sleep instead of shitposting on Jow Forums.

What about nigger life?

The hidden Jow Forums discord is NND8DfE we have over 5000 members and are growing.

It has to stay hidden or (((discord))) will shut it down. As far as discord knows its a Minecraft discord.

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I read that as Tasmania

I wouldn't mind just tossing everything after 13, except for the 20th, 22nd, 25th, and 27th. The rest of the amendments were mistakes.

Really, I just want the 14th gone. And the 26th, too. Voting age should be 25, at least.

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Reddit Faggotry

Same here. What the fuck is a Tansania?

>t. hard-wired to steal shopping carts

In glorious capitalist US, shopping carts cost $.25 according to Aldi. That's a good deal.

Large, influential East African country. Basically the Germany of Africa. They used to trade tons of slaves, and were the economic centre of sub-Abyssinian Africa.

Kilwa ring any bells? Zanzibar? Lake Victoria? Mt Kilimanjaro?

Attached: tanzania-mount-kilimanjaro[1].jpg (730x487, 81K)

>Lake Victoria
Ah, ok. It was a white people colony that got turned into a niggerized country.

It started off as a slave trading colony. Arabs/Indians/Indonesians set up camp on Zanzibar, traded slaves, ivory, and other luxuries from the mainland, and then sold them to merchants. The VAST majority of slaves that didn't go to the New World came from that area.

They're still extremely superstitious and fertile. We're talking a population boom from 40 million (in 2010) to a projection of over 60 million by 2020. They're at 58 million currently.

Attached: tanzania-population-pyramid-2016[1].gif (610x425, 44K)


Well, I did mention they're like the Germany of Africa, didn't I? And that's more than just because they were colonized by Germany. Tanzania is particularly aggressive, and likely to invade and kill off its neighbors. They need their lebensraum .

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Wow, so even Germany's old colonies are full of niggers? What an industrious people.

Yes. Germany created a bunch of Nazi niggers that have invaded all of their neighbors at least twice.

>niggers weren't doing that before somebody decided to divide up Africa into countries
oh ok

Like African education is so amazing and even if you'd give them Western tier stuff it could change their country.

no link, didn't read. also stop with the double spacing. goddamn faggots trying to take up half my monitor with their shitty opinions.