Right when Afd starts getting traction in the Country.
Joseph Barnes
They have discussed these legal immigration rules for over a decade...
Carter Bennett
not really canada is still the easiest western country to move into legally although I am looking to move into germany leipzig to be specific what can I expect? I will also go to a university there
Jayden Evans
what exactly have changed?
Evan Parker
Mainly as follows:
A. no “market demand” requirment for a visa B. no “is there a German for this job” check requirment C. no “university degree or equivalent training” requirment D. new possibility to come even if job doesn’t pay 50k euros E. new possibiliy to come even without a job to seek a job in Germany if person speaks German, has skills and has certain financial assets for 6 months (around 6,000 to 10,000 euros)
Ethan Foster
Canada has no language requirement, this makes it de facto easier to go to. But from a purely “skills based” immigration requirement, Germany will now be easiest as you don’t even need a uni degree.
Nolan Martinez
I see
Logan Morales
Hmm I could easily meet these requirements. Should I become a German?
Leipzig is full of neo-nazis who hate all immigrants.
I have heard that the UK, the Neatherlands and France are much more friendly towards people coming from different countries. Even better is the USA, which is an actual country created by immigrants.
Kevin Phillips
Samuel Roberts
>What does the average german think of this? They don't give a shit. Germans want football, beer and their car.
Ryder Perez
I recently talked to a Mexican who said that in Mexico public transportation is cleaner, safer and more advanced. He felt that coming to Germany was coming to a 3rd world country with Mexico being more advanced.
Landon Hernandez
Germany's new immigration should be: white you're in. POC you're out go to France.
Jayden Bennett
can you stay in india please?
Ayden Perez
I can speak german, need to practice writting tho.. can I come hans?
All those turks and africans tho...
Ayden Martinez
so speak german and have high skills? OH NO THAT'S TERRIBLE
Parker Mitchell
sure thing
Kayden Wood
We need an emigration law first: Race traitors and foreigners out!
Charles Butler
The hidden Jow Forums discord is NND8DfE we have over 5000 members and are growing.
It has to stay hidden or (((discord))) will shut it down. As far as discord knows its a Minecraft discord.
france will probably be the first muslim caliphate of europe. sadly
Christopher Cruz
labor and language skills is free to interpretation. We will violate our beautiful language and put an even higher burden on our education system.
Angel Nelson
>all of Jow Forums migrates to Germany and politically dominates local politics thus seizing the seat of power of the EU and we gain control of Europe and build a Hyperborrean utopia White man come home?
similar to what the Neo-cons and democrats have done here, flooding us with third world immigrants who vastly vote left.
Blake Watson
funnily enough an immigration law by canada's model is what the AfD demands. can they stop trying to fuck us over finally
Eli Powell
They better give immigrants the right to vote to keep the nazis out of power.
Oliver Perez
At least now all the Germans that are stuck in huehue land can return home.
Kayden Watson
>You have to fulfil these conditions if you want to come to Germany Dumb kraut As if any useless nigger that turns up in Germany would be deported back. You only have to make it there to be coddled and giving housing and welfare for life.
Kayden Martin
So could I move to Germany right now with no job and live there? No I couldn't you fucking retard
Why would you want to anyway? Germany is a horrible place
Dylan Thompson
Don't believe me? I suggest you travel to a couple of other places first, such as developing countries like China, Brazil, or Mexico, and then visit Germany. You're going to find out that many 'developing' countries are in many ways more first world than this one. Germany is going down the tubes fast, thanks to immigrants.
Daniel Walker
Deutschland, Ja!
Jose Nguyen
Bentley Watson
nazi racist bigot
Jace King
The hidden Jow Forums discord is NND8DfE we have over 5000 members and are growing.
It has to stay hidden or (((discord))) will shut it down. As far as discord knows its a Minecraft discord.
You're retarded. Your subject is a clickbait and you negate yourself in the comment section. You just created rules so that not every faggot with a wellfare wish can come. Dumbass.
Luke Nguyen
Which is a response to the rise of AfD. In other case your immigration laws would remain as they are.
Jackson Mitchell
this is the same what your country did for decades.. i can't wait for our new rape gangs
Supp Germs. Big Hitler fan here. I just graduated and am a Chemical engg. I have no intentions of staying in Germany permanently or marrying Germans, however I do want to have some international exposure which is awesome and earn a lot of that German monies $$$ which I can spend in India.
Do German companies accept people who don't have a master's degree from a German uni to work there? Can I convince a company to let me work there while I learn German part time over there?
Heil Hitler.
Tyler Howard
>Germany’s new immigration law creates most liberal immigration rules in the world And the Germans keep on voting for their own extinction lol, reminder: MERKEL IS STILL THERE, she won an election AFTER Cologne for Christ's sake.
Oliver Phillips
UK had very leftist immigration laws back in the time that's when Most of these unskilled immigrants came its hard as fuck to move into UK these days
Liam Lee
>get the new tools for a photo op >quick, pretend like you're undoing this spigot
Thomas Reed
Cringe Kill yourself No one will hire you unless you speak C1 german and have a degree from a german university
Colton Hill
fuck off hans, dont put your swamp brothers in there
Evan Wright
This. The eternal germans love nothing more than their own destruction. If they can destroy their surrounding countries at the same time, they love it even more. Germany is the suicidal serial killer of all countries. Germany needs to be finally destroyed once and for all, it's the only way to stop this madness.
Sebastian Thompson
>angloid talking about voting what did you faggots did after your rape gangs endless terror and acid attacks? we are at least trying to change something but you are still voting blindly larbour and '''conservatives''' without a real alternative
>be white german perfectly qualified with univ degree >"sorry user we can't hire you" t. big company >be niggers barely babbling 2 words in german >"fucking perfect! sign here" t. big company
I know this feel dear germanons, we have the exact same kikery going on here in Francistan.
just send in a video of someone fucking your wife and you will be promoted to top level german
Leo Williams
Why the fuck are krauts so eager to bring foreigners into their country? You cunts are going to give them all EU passports and they can go anywhere then. Why do you faggots always without fail have to destroy a good thing?
Isaiah Hughes
Of course it is you fucking brainlet pajeet. You are the kike's tool to accelerate white genocide.
Jack Williams
Shut up Irish subhuman
William Diaz
Those are really nice pliers. This is the second time you've posted them here in a month. I'm a tool whore so I notice these things
Aiden Fisher
Shut the fuck up petrol huffing abo nigger convict.
>will receive millions of Asians, Africans and South Americans... legally in the next years Meanwhile in japan pcmag.com/news/364105/japan-created-a-robot-that-can-install-drywall >Japan's National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, more commonly known as AIST, is a Tokyo-based research facility focused on tackling socio-economic problems. This extends to building cool robots with which to solve them. DURR NO ONE WILL DO THESE JOBS WE NEED TO FLOOD LE COUNTRY WITH NIGGERS HURRRRRRRRR
True, I refuse to take public transport in germoney anymore. Full of immigrants and hippy retards wearing idiotic grins asking people for money to help buy these poor immigrants train tickets, while the poor immigrants are sat in their Nikes playing on their Iphones. And they couldn't be happier.
Jason Ward
Once that cunt Merkel is out and Seehofer takes the rains there'll at least be some chance of a coalition.
We have never voted for a leader that openly stood up and begged for millions of Muslims to come, and we have never had a 'Cologne' where hundreds or thousands of women and girls were raped and assaulted in the same place at the same time. In fact we voted AGAINST Merkels policies, merkels cry for more Muslims and Africans was perhaps the key factor in the final Brexit vote.
Ryder Evans
Slovenia you will be occupied in 10 years.
Nathaniel Garcia
Bruce Chang - I'll let some Sudanese nigger rape my wife and I'll run off to German to reconnect with my mutt heritage and find a new wife.
Brayden James
what makes you think your opinion matters you retarded potato farmer? I'll do as I please