Trump said shit was going to go down this month

Trips decides what happens

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Other urls found in this thread:

Trump sees the Jews crashing economy to influence midterm.
Nationalizes Federal Reserve

Democrat party collapses and is dismantled.

I reckon it'll be 2020 for that

The Dutch successfully invent nuclear fusion.

All democratic socialists and commies get thrown out of the new space battleships

Way before. Massive Meltdown.


With power in every sector of government, Trump has to act fast against the Federal Reserve, before they vote every democrat in for the Midterms.

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democrats will lose in the west for the next 300 years, and the world will live in peace

And then they build a nuclear powered gravity bong the size of the CERN particle accelerator.

hes got proof isreal did 9/11 along with the clintons.

oy vey muh reroll

You remember that ID exists, right?

mass npc awakening

Finally builds the wall

American dollar collapses.

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FISA today

Exposes the Federal Reserve, seizes the means of production of U.S. Dollars.

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Conplete devaluation of the USD and the dissolution of all property lines.

Genocide of all nonwhites.

I got trips in that thread so I'm rolling again.
Death to the old crone. Otherwise the Military Tribunals commence.
PS Stock market crash too

Israel will stage a Russian missile attack on the United States

Hahahahaha maybe if the president wasn’t a cuck

George Lincoln Rockwell rises from the grave and replaces this zionist.

Ruth Bader Ginsberg dies

deep state exposed

Jewburg dies

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Then a debt jubilee and blowing up the FED.

y'all think it'll be something nice going down, but it'll just be a ton more kikery

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Why would some LARPing faggot replace the best president since Kennedy?

ooo off by 1. a medium amount more kikery then.

The archons begin dying

I give up.

Declare war against EU

Sessions unseals some indictments

All gibs are revoked in order to pay for the wall and deportations.

The hidden Jow Forums discord is NND8DfE we have over 5000 members and are growing.

It has to stay hidden or (((discord))) will shut it down. As far as discord knows its a Minecraft discord.

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"Best since" doesn't neccesarily mean good by default.
Trump has done good things, but you cannot hide how many Jews are in his cabinet nor how pro-Israel he unfortunately is.
Someone like Rockwell or William Pierce would've been a blessing to your country.

Wall gets funding.

Fuck you man i thought the jew died. I was actually happy for a minute. :(

Unsealing of indictments.

Time travel

FTL travel

Criminalize Islam

The Soros dynasty crumbles

he dabs on some random schmuck from cnn at a press conference, proceeds to start flossing while calling them fake news and finally telling them to fuck off

one or more alphabets become legit and just organizations

Kikes try to crash the global markets to prove the right is incompetent. Clinton will be assassinated in Europe.

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OP gets gf

We are trying to maintain a level of realism.

RBG dies of stroke

This man has 2020 vision.

Fake alien invasion.

I nut up and finally kill myself.

Q ded

RBG dies, regardless of whether or not it's part of Trump's news or plan.

Israel gets nuked

They make it legal to question the Holocaust.

5G kill grid drives everyone insane and civil war erupts.

Stock Market will crash, but it will recover in the next month to all-time highs. before a great depression event in 2020.

I get a gf.

Q confirmed real. It's Michael Moore. Clinton gets a job as a top EU advisor.

I win the mega millions jackpot.

Trump names the jew.

Europe Awakes and sends all rapefugees to Africa, Muslims are expelled.

Kike diaspora is expelled from America, California goes red and the Democratic party is abolished

Rolling to get this schlub an ugly gf.

Another 9/11, but in a Muslim shithole.


Soros dies.

The internet is shut down.

WW3 Starts in Syria.

HRC has a 'heart attack'

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A niglet shoots up a school full of white children.

a particular combination of events occurs again which makes revolution favorable with out global revolt.

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China collapses. Clinton suicides.
gets an ugly gf.

The merchant meme becomes illegal.

His son-in-law?!

Vatican is destroyed in terrorist attack.


New update, just in from my rheumatism. RBG dies 10/31. October Surprise.

Awakening of psychic powers among populace.

Reveal that biblical giants were covered up.

all niggers enslaved

contraception+abortion illegal

Terry A Davis rises from the dead and releases Temple OS .

Refugees go back

yellow river dries up

Huge crime bust in California

Rerolling for nephilim. This would inadvertently help with my sumerian theories.

rape legal

you might not even need trips

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Taylor Swift gains 30 lbs in one month. Bill Clinton dies from advanced AIDs.

Praise jesus

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>tfw "My Home And Native Land" is 1488 in Jewish Gematria

opens up the camps

Gin drinking iceber dies

War with Iran I hope

I'm going to win the mega millions jackpot