Yes I'm a Paki so that's out of the way.

1. Yes the US constitution may protect free speech and gun rights, but neither of those have guaranteed that women have an inferior place in society. The Quran does guarantee it.
2. Yes there are Somalia's but there are also Malaysia's and Turkey's and Dubai's.
3. Yes there is an inbreeding problem but that's something that many Muslims have got wrong and many are suffering now for it, plus its self-correcting.
4. Look at Islam as the only viable way to remove women's rights and recognise that women having rights and votes is where the West has gone wrong.
5. Western men have gotten weak because they have broken their connection to God. Christianity at its heart is just wrong and contradictory (three Gods in one, son dies but is somehow a God even though Gods don't die etc). At its heart Islam is logical (worship one God).
6. The world still hasn't seen a true Western European Islam. Why not be at the forefront and set the agenda of how European Islam will be before leftists try and push theirs?
7. Islam will go on with or without the West. From what I can tell, Western Europe won't go on without Islam.

Attached: white+sharia+web+pic.png (562x315, 293K)

Other urls found in this thread:


pic is from kfyrtv.com/content/news/Controversial-White-Sharia-Now-signs-posted-in-Bismarck-462185573.html

Abdullah ibn Mas’ud reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, was having trouble with the immense weight and volume of negro Jizz-ya that had filled his rectum from the payment. His stomach sloshed and The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, decided to allow the bull to finish the Payment of Jizz- ya onto his tongue.
Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 6665, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 666
>May you receive a large load of negro Jizzya in your rectum and upon your tongue like The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.

>Western Europe won't go on without Islam
in fact western europe problems started when muslims moved in nigger, saged

My family moved here in the mid 1950s. Things didn't get really bad until the mid-00s thanks to Jews getting voted in by women and then opening the immigration floodgates. Blame us if you want, you're just in denial about the true cause. That won't help you solve the problem though.

Yes I'm a Muzcuck so thats out of the way

1. Yes the US constitution may protect BLACK BULLS from hatespeech but wont stop STDS
2.Yes not all blacks have big dicks but all big dicks are black

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Allah gave me green ID because im a true muslim, unlike oP

Lol drove by a group of Muslim school kids today and purposely ripped through a puddle and soaked them and their backpacks

yeah brainlet, make 1+1, more of you coming and beautiful cities are turning into shitholes like your countries

retard, we weren't flooding in until women started bringing every possible socialist party into government in w europe. Like I said, stay in denial.

i don't care that "they" let you in, the fact is that you turn beautiful places in shitholes

This is what western men are in 2019-1 Faggots targeting kids.
Leaf, please leave kids alone. Man up and fight your equals instead.

>i don't care that "they" let you in
You should. Can't fix a problem until you understand the root cause.
Not really. The places full of niggers are the ones that are shitholes, niggers can be any religion though, in the UK they are mostly Christian.

Tbqh I can see his logic. Islam may not be our religion and I wish we still had christian values (which is what I am used to) but the New World Order option which we are being pushed towards seems unnatural, spiritually dead, unholy and satanic.

the problem will be fixed when muslims and niggers will be kicked out of our countries, so we can focus on whats important to us.. a few of you are ok, but as a whole you are a cancer

>unnatural, spiritually dead, unholy and satanic
It is, which is why people are depressed and living without a purpose these days, especially the young. When young people have all sorts of mental illnesses and at the same time get transsexual lifestyles pushed on them, then it's obvious they don't have any direction in life.

Okay but feminism+judaism is the cancer. Everything else is a symptom.

for sure the jews support the invasion, but i think feminism have nothing to do with that, islam is the opposite of feminism

Honestly from the start, I detected a roastie, and now you just confirmed. Kyfs.

it's time for the prayer abdul

The U.S. will never become Islamic you dumb fuck.

never say never

You know what?
I think you're right.

>Yes I'm a Paki

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How's about you people ditch Islam and bow down to Satan the true creator of man?

Attached: Satan-231.jpg (600x620, 44K)

>has to stay hidden guise
>posts it on one of the most popular high traffic boards in the current year
tempted to report it myself but I won't

secularism and feminism will eventually destroy society and something has to fill the vacuum. Christianity in Western Europe is basically dead. you do have a completely gelded version of it but that won't suffice. the natural order will be restored and sadly Islam seems to be what will replace it.

the root cause is jews

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you know you guys could could just make certain parts of sharia as law in the west by giving it another name.
atleast so you could reign in the feminists and jews

not while women have the vote

i think islamic societies should focus on cleaning up their own problems. pic related. glorious pakistan.

Attached: beautiful-karachi.jpg (556x370, 90K)

then vote someone who hates women to power first

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Mate, how many times do I have to tell you? We're not homos and we're not going to join your poof religion.

you really have no right to talk what with it being mabdatory to give alimony to your girlfriend

paki mainlander, i know you have a low inbred IQ so its dumb to ask you to understand logic, but if women have the vote (51%) then how are you going to get them to vote for someone who hates them?
imran khan didn't exactly come out strong against feminism.

>Yes I'm a Paki

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how did trump get elected then?
surely yj could just convince them that women will get more rights if they give votes to specific person,seemed to work in the us

Yes OP, all the other countries destroyed by Islam weren't correctly interpreting Islam, and Western Islam will correct that.

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why is it always canadians that turn out to be feminist trash

he was up against a piece of shit warmongering whore who was already despised throughout america, and was corrupt as fuck.
he campaigned at a time when the public was just fed up with immigration, bankers being given huge-ass bailouts by the US govt, intelligence agences doing nasty shit with their wiretap powers, corruption being exposed through the cablegate, wikileaks, snowden type shit.
he managed to rally the common folk. if you want to know how and why Trump won, just watch any interview of Steve Bannon, he doesn't bother to hide anything.
basically it was a perfect storm.

Would be okay with muslims if you didnt go around trafficing and raping white chicks. Pity cause we have the same enemy and personally, I respect the values of Islam much more than Christianity or Kikeism.

so the brits arent tired of the stuff the uk government does?
whats the approval rate of the conservatives in the uk?

Fuck off muslim shitskins.
Taking a very old text from a illeterate sandnigger warmonger bandit
>dis book/dogma will save you

>still being religious in [Current Year]
We can detect black holes through gravitational waves

Science moves thing forwards.
Retarded religious texts move things backwards.
Its pretty fucking evident

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quite ironic that the most muslims in europe are in france

Nah mate, you've got islam all wrong. The muslims are a bunch of pooftas. Why do you think they never let women into their mosques during "prayer time"?

>so the brits arent tired of the stuff the uk government does?
yes hence brexit. yet even that wasn't enough to remove feminism because *women vote*. you mainland pakis should learn from the UK/US's mistakes and take away their votes while they are still relatively marginalised and suppressed through patriarchy. because they will seize power at any moment of weakness by paki males. if there's a war with India because they can't accept Imran Khan actually fixing up Pakistan and making it a strong country, they (paki feminists) will strike, I guaran-fucking-tee it.
That kind of shit is not done with an Islamic mandate at all, even if they were to use the logic of war booty thats bullshit. Such men would be strung up on lampposts if there was Sharia. Remember it was mostly the legal system/police that let this happen. Do you think that would have happened with Sharia? No, the men would have been killed.
Islam isn't anti-science. Why the fuck do baguettes always try and divert from the actual point being discussed?
Also if science was really so great by itself and the sole reason for making a healthy society, then why isn't the West having babies and why does feminism/marxism even fucking exist here? Fucking baguette retard.

Nah mate, you've got it wrong, we sit down and watch anime. Nice quads though.

Britain has one poofta and his name is mo-homo

Attached: Muh-homo'd.jpg (284x584, 109K)

well imran did not sign the womens bill when it came in the provincial assembly and instead asked the council of islamic ideology for advice and they said no,so he didnt.
so something similar might happen again.
also, majority of our population is becoming more and more religious and the religious parties even say that its haram for women to be rulers of a nation(it really is though and for many reasons)

Yeah I was hoping IK would turn out at least a little bit based and he hasn't disappointed me too much yet. We'll see how he performs over the next 5 years, hopefully he will set things straight in Pakiland.


True. There can't be anything worse for a man than globohomo