Fukkkkkk, My share value is declining by the second

Is this finally it? Are we finally in recession ?

Attached: 1539253867493.jpg (612x428, 97K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Get wrekt you Roo

That man looks like one of our goyim mutts

wrong flag retard

Wait. He's real?

Attached: 200px-Le_56_Face.png (200x164, 44K)

ass with ears

Idk listen to what the expert has to say


Based Bruce. The memes are real

la creatura...

Attached: IMG_5888.jpg (1280x720, 116K)

56% lmao

Goddamn, the mutt meme lives

joke on you, hes jewish

Attached: dobre_bo_polskie.webm (854x480, 163K)


>polish communist jew
>living, breathing incarnation of amerimutt

Attached: 02f.jpg (655x527, 34K)

This guy obviously knows what he's talking about.

Attached: download.jpg (218x231, 6K)

Dios mio!

this one is better

Attached: 1537317503735.jpg (360x396, 155K)

How old is this creature and how many times was it gassed?

If anypme is wondering, his name is Jerzy Urban.

He's a kike, used to be main propagandist during communist in Poland.
Did I mention already he's a kike?

Usual coincidence.

>this gif
What. Lore please.

yet here i was thinking your people were based josef...why does he even have a platform?

la creatura americana

he is demon creature from ancient world

Yea I was more used to this guy, but the one OP posted is quite a nice creatura too

How did he amass such a fortune? Apparently worth over a hundred pln.

hundred million*

Used to be a commie propagandist.
Currently he is very cynic joker.
Likes to jokes of himself, has no boundaries.
Is considered to be allowed to joke of literally anything, and he likes to use it.

Yep. Thats Poland - uncurtailed freedom of speech (with exception of denying holohoax).

hes a troll. It was a joke about 'polish' death camps. Urban (his surname) was a spokesman for commie goverment before 1990. Now he runs a leftist nihilistic newspapar

Attached: Little-Green-Men-ferengi-19047658-692-530.jpg (692x530, 121K)

do xmas crypto shopping like the rest of us

oh. also in the clips he says "Its good, because its polish" - a slogan used to propote polish products

El ogro

Urban is the most based leftist in history

Dios mio.. el defecador de los centros comerciales...

Thanks for the lore dump.

el 56 perciente

Even the mutt warboss is worried.


Attached: D98C8888-0691-440E-A0BC-FE7A1E774E2E.png (711x919, 932K)

Blumpf btfo


God you people are so retarded. It's literally just a small pull back because the fed raised rates after an unprecedented bull market. Go outside and get some fresh air.

How the fuck did Jow Forums meme the amerimutt into real life?

Attached: 1535302111852.webm (720x404, 2.68M)

>Usual coincidence.
It's not him being a jew, he's just a representative of a nihilistic middle class, like a lot of jews. You will find similar people who aren't jews

>My share value is declining by the second
Unemployed and unemployable, lives with mommy.
Yeah, I'm sure your portfolio is looking really rough.

what the fuck is this
is that guy shopped or what

Attached: 1525719886207.png (640x480, 213K)

Colonel McMutt

sergeant A. M. Utt

he's just a mega-jew.

The hidden Jow Forums discord is NND8DfE we have over 5000 members and are growing.

It has to stay hidden or (((discord))) will shut it down. As far as discord knows its a Minecraft discord.

Attached: 24858.png (470x562, 340K)

Is this a discord raid or something?

my thoughts exactly.


El goblino Australiano...

>not considering that every American is at least 5% Jewish

what the fuck
I thought you were better than this Jow Forums

wasn't he in Star Wars

Attached: spaceMerchant.jpg (256x197, 9K)

the fuck
i thought it was photoshopped

Ah that meme makes perfect sense now.

i uh..found this pic

Attached: why.jpg (640x427, 36K)


Say what you want about him, but the kike is hilarious.

Attached: 1517244268196.webm (640x480, 2.92M)

Christ is it a ferengi?

There is an employee at my local grocery store that looks exactly like le 56%. I have been working uo the courage to sneak and picture of him to post on here.


beautiful creatura del mundo nuevo

keep me posted


It is the omen we were waiting for, the end is nigh.

guy looks just like the 56% meme


Attached: when you realise you got a hand up your ass.jpg (639x639, 22K)

Wow you're right! I see it too topkek

Came here to post this!

Attached: 1426785564253.jpg (262x197, 17K)

wtf this is real or shopped?

Is it him?


Yes, he is real, he was PRL propaganda minister. He went full crazy after fall of communism.

bodhi mantra predicted this over 2 years ago goyim


Hory shit-o

The fuck?!?!
I didn't know he was real. Sheeeeit!

economic times in America couldn't be better

you all think Poland is nazi and xenophobic, but what you don't know, is that we all love Jerzego Urbana


God I hope so, cuz if we are the next step is race war.