Itt: We describe the worst experience we've had with a muslim, a jew , or a black person

>Itt: We describe the worst experience we've had with a muslim, a jew , or a black person.

Hard mode: Do all three

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A Jewish politician was talking to people in front of a grocery store

Muslims got irritated because we didn't buy their merchandise

Black person violently attacked my coworker when he was trying to stop him from stealing a product

Mohammad was a child rapist, fuck you fite me

Sup leaf, mind if I fuck up your thread?

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I was attacked by a black muslim because I'm Jewish

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never had a bad experience
saw a black guy get arrested in front of me on armed robbery charges tho

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fuck off bot

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I once called a gypsy a gypsy right to his face, he called me a junkie back because I smoked weed, pretty perplexing situation

fuck off nigger faggot

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he got you there

I'll start
>be me
>work at recycling plant
>women are mostly from somalia
>they can't do fucking anything correct
>all they have to do is sort plastic types
>one night i'm cleaning conveyor belts near the roof of the factory
>no guard rails, just a straight drop to concrete
>think i'm alone at the end of the day in safety
>dumb muslim bitch figure decides to turn on the entire factory system
>siren of factory starting up rings
>i go on full panic mode, grab on for dear life and start the ride
>i fall down to the next conveyor belt (still high up) and make a leap of faith on top of a piece of machinery
>i'm a fucking fatty and barely make it
>climb down and press the emergency stop button
>boiling on the inside
>spit in her face
>walk off the job

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I hope youre getting paid to post these shit collages nobody will read otherwise its pretty embarrassing

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user i know you think you're doing something revolutionary, but nobody is going to read all of these. Don't embarrass yourself- but by all means, please keep bumping my shitty leaf thread.

who said anything about bumping?

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Mugged by a nigger.
Never personally had a bad experience with jews. They're a cultural level problem.
All the muslims I've met have been just fine by me.

Gypsies also?
I was assaulted by three 20-30yo gypsies and got a black eye when I was about 8-9 years old, they threatened to kill me if I tell anyone.
Gypsies also stole my bicycle when I was a kid.

Jew mutt kid got mad at me for some reason, beat his ass

Muslim, no proper experience

Blacks, oh hoho, around them... well you know the rest. Most of them are disgusting.

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stoner trash

>be me
>be half jewish on mothers side
>farthers side is pure east-anglians that like to gerneration skip between north and south whilst having strong military tradition
>grow up in london
>go to 99% jew school because it has a good repuation
>full jew kids that arent orthadox see american culture and try act tuff and like black rappers, constantly squaring up and saying "you want to go, you want to fight me"
>peacocks fucking everywhere
>call every "hard" kids bluff, when they do throw a swing i show them how to really fight and send them home bleeding
>constantly be sent to behaviouly team
>school had security cameras everywhere so i never got into real trouble since i never technicly started a fight
>mfw in the kingdom of the jew the half-jew is king.

Says the meme flag kek

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We don't really have those in Florida, the only Muslim I've met down here was the gas station clerk and he is pretty cool.
I understand why Jews are constantly in a state of assmad, if i inherited jewish untermensch genetics id be pretty pissed as well
Ah highschool, some niggers mom wanted to charge me with assault cause I beat her faggot as son up and punched him through a glass display case for trophies won by the school, only other fight i got into with a darkie is some black dude who tried to take my skateboard from right next to me, the gas station clerk got mad at me because he was the one that had to clean the negros blood off the little walkway into the place.

i will skip the muslim part because my relative has converted to muslim, i cant get over it.

Jew. A orthodox jewish kid was acting very disgustingly in same train i was traveling with. Digging his nose and eating the poop and diggin his ears and wiping it on the bench.

Black people are daily hollering and making noise and chimping around. Always annoys me.

Multiple black guys attacked me many times at school. A Muslim punched my sister in the face so hard that her jaw broke and it had to be fixed surgically. I've never met a Jew.

Be me
>flying from Italy to mexico
>board plane
>90% jews on it
>thought to myself "Jews aren't like Jow Forums say"
>it was worse
>some unlucky fucker ran out of steps so we couldn't leave the plane, he had to call his rabbi or some shit while the Alitalia crew tried to make him walk out of the plane
>lost a connecting flight
>fucking jews

Fucking hell...

That image alone warrants the genocide of every single black. Just imagine how many such crimes go unreported by the MSM. Just imagine how much suffering these subhumans bring forth. And even when all their achievements are glorified and recognized, there still are so very very few of them. These creatures bring nothing but suffering and give nothing in exchange. We can't go on like this. We can't live alongside them any longer.

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I work as a security guard in several hospitals and every bad encounter with them is work-related

Muslim: guy who was threatening one of the doctors in the emergency department because nobody there could speak Arabic, even though most personnel there can speak Dutch, French and English. When my colleagues and I arrived and removed him from the hospital, he called us racists and threatened to send his whole family/gang after us, all in fluent French.

Jew: Woman who didn't respect the visiting hours threatened to sue me for discrimination. When I explained to her where she could file a complaint in the hospital, she just walked away while calling me all kinds of slurs.

Black: Whole family that chimped out because they couldn't understand that a nurse can't help one patient when she is currently helping another one. The one she was helping had trouble breathing and needed a doctor, while the other one (who was a family member of the black family) just had to go to the bathroom. We eventually had to call the police to help us remove the entire family from the premise.

hmmm haven't really had one. Some muslim visiting the country wouldn't shake my sisters hand because she's a woman which was weird as fuck

Hardmode: I'd just name the Jew then silly.

Shalom rabbi!

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Jew, well I knew a jew from who I borrowed some money (I borrowed 1000 crowns for my schoolbooks) then I had to give him 1200 crowns back, was pretty pissed off about it eh.

Muslim, I picked up a fight with one muslim which I won despite me being drunk, I think my breath scared him away. Or maybe the smell overall because I spilled a lot of beer on my shirt and etc.

I never met a nigger only one ethiopian who was pretty friendly. So instead I will talk about gypsies who used to bully my sister, so I was once coming from school when I saw 3 gypsies yelling at some girl then I realised it's my sister so I shouted "Hey you black filth, hey shitskins" and then they shouted "WHAT DID YOU SAY YOU GADŽO" (word for white in their language). So i said it once again and then they ran towards me, I managed to take 1 of them down and get one running away, the last one said "fuck it, don't worry pigskin we will find you and next time you wont be so lucky" That happened 5 years ago and as far as I'm concerned they are behind the bars, well I'm not sure but I heard someone saying that.

You're mad someone wan
You're mad someone wanted to charge you with assault, when you committed assault?

did you shake his hand when he was deported?

ill blame on 3 on the literal shut down of a local carpet manufacture in kitchener-waterloo ontario

Eating Mexican food. See Muslim guy walk from convenience store to child daycare behind gas station. Exposes himself behind fence. Call cops. Notify manager of child day care. She's a Muslim too what a coincidence. She leaves daycare to go tell her uncle to leave because cops get called. Place closes down couple years later. No evidence of assault. Never ever have a child day care in any Muslim area. Muslims will die violent deaths in America.

Have been robbed and jumped by niggers. Jumped and put in the hospital once for being white and walking down their street (their words).

Every jew I've met acts like they're vastly superior as if I'm just some lesser than.

Haven't met any muslims.

Wtf didnt know gypsies are a problem in your countries as well
they are truly the worst scum there is
During festivals they would jump in front of your car so you would hit them
Then they would swarm around your car and keep asking you for money for hospitals and threatening to sue you
I have a million stories about these monkeys

It's called information proliferation, you dumb fucking leaf.

He looks Skaven.

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Dumbass, he probably meant his wife

we need this turned into a t-shirt minus the "fuck trayvon" part. just walk around with the number of whites dying from these niggers on our chests, anyone wanna talk about it can

All of these stories are real

>Be white fast food manager in black city
>Come in to work in the early morning
>Have to chase of homeless sleeping on patio
>Crackheads bang on the windows begging for food before we are open
>First customer comes through drivethru
>orders a chicken bowl
>have to tell customer that this isnt chicken restaurant this is burger restaurant
>she speeds off at 100mph through the parking lot running over a toddler
>a woman in scrubs digs a half eaten sandwich out of the trash and starts screaming at my front register person
>Says she ordered the sandwich with no mayo and there's mayo on it
>I tell her to buy some food or get out
>Her boyfriend shows up and starts yelling at me to give them money
>She calls the cops on me for theft
>cops show up and arrest boyfriend for a warrant
>she leaves to go to her shift at the hospital but assures me she'll be back to deal with me
>School gets out
>dining room is flooded with half naked teenagers sporting gang tattoos
>tell them to put their clothes back on
>they spit on my face and start throwing shit around
>Call police
>police show up and call parents
>parents show up and spit and my face and throw shit around
>during the commotion my crew has stolen food and is all sitting in the back eating
>tell them to get back to work
>they spit in my face and throw shit around
>closing manager shows up an hour late
>starts screaming about how nothing is done and the store is a mess and I have to stay late to clean up
>walk out
>have to take the bus home because someone stuck a knife in three of my tires
>mfw they think we hate them because of the color of their skin

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An eye for an eye. She should be burned to death too. That is only fair. But a part of me says that would be too easy a way to go out and not commensurate to the heniousness of the crime.

Did she complain to management?