OK guys... I am genuinely afraid now, WW3 coming up?

What if America is truly sabotaging the Russian space program? First that drilled hole on a Soyuz in space a few weeks back and now a Soyuz launch failure... the first such failure since the 1970s.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-10-11 at 12.57.53 PM.png (1222x1176, 335K)

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Russia is importing millions of Middle-Easterners and other non-whites... maybe, just maybe, there's now some of those (or mixed offspring) working inside the space program or the factories which build the rockets and so on?

Attached: Russian Christianity.png (704x693, 162K)

Yes, WW3 begins now
t. Rothschild

The war starts between US and China, not Russia.

>What if America is truly sabotaging the Russian space program?
not beyond impossibility even with 1 passenger on board
but the risk in this case does not outweigh the benefits

even with 1 passenger on board being American*

>be poorfag country
>record levels of corruption and failure of institutions at all levels
>only held together by a literal dictator
>are shitty rocket failed, blame the West!

Attached: 1465274815905.jpg (225x225, 10K)

r*ssia cannot into space. lmfao

what is it wasnt 'western sabotage' wut if it was eastern sabotage, or middle eastern sabotage, or ISIS sabotage?

fucking ''r*skis"'and their western boodyeman...LMFAO

Attached: space vatnik.jpg (600x800, 75K)

Find the Jews employed at Energia and you've found your saboteurs.

Imagine if because the jew media and jewmocrats have been slinging shit at Russia non-stop and Russia was sick of it so decided to play the same blame game and claim the space station air leak and now this are being done by nations they want to get fucked.

theyre slinging shit at anyone they can, Im convinced all they want is just another war with whomever to get the goyim minds off problems back home.

As an American I must admit we are suspect and shoukdnt be trusted or believed. I don't believe anything produced by our government, and you shouldn't either.

Why are worried, its time. To rejoice when ww3 starts, if you don't get killed by the first nukes. You have mad max to look forward too.

... Russia is the only country in the world with the capability to regularly launch rockets with capsules on them with people inside.

America hasn't been doing this for a decade and China for several years.

i thought Poland cannot into space

Thought usa and rus where working together on the international station?

both are festering shitholes and both cannot into space.

Those pesky (((Russian))) bots

no, China is pissed at England over hundred years of shame opium war, USA is pissed at England for murders of Lincoln and Kennedy, Russia is pissed at England for murder of the Tzar, we are going to war with England and the war won't take long, a fleet of micro drones will have the appropriate principles handled in about 20 minutes

Russia issued arrest warrants for the Rothschilds

>Russia issued arrest warrants for the Rothschilds

what a load of bullshit, trust you me when I tell u if the (((russians))) wanted anyone dead in this world hey'd be dead by now.

Fucking lol if you think this. The USA has had complete control of space for decades now and anbody telling you otherwise is basically a chimp stuck on the ground.

Probably some asshole stole the quality control budget as usual.
Putin's oligarchy will collapse in the next 5 years, screencap this.

Attached: 1528192654836.jpg (1080x1181, 322K)

Fake - ru mm not told about "sabotage". But it is self sabotage by roscosmos corruption

>one corrupt,dictator oligarch exits the political stage and another one enters.

it's a vicious repeating cycle in mordor.

russians have no hope of freeing themselves until they make it their top priority to screen out jews from politics

Attached: What Vatnikery Is This.jpg (225x225, 4K)

Fuck I hope we sabotaged it and those stupid Russians never find the evidence.

No, Russia is our enemy. Russia and America, both expanding towards each other for the last few hundred years, are inevitable enemies.

Good thing we got Alaska and we're not giving it back.

>Lincoln and Kennedy
What? You should be pissed England tried to rig our election against Trump.

USA still does it for the USAF all the fucking time. It just isn't public knowledge.

I'm pissed England got involved in both world wars. And also all the other "balance of power" bullshit. It obviously hasn't helped anyone. The US should have stayed out and not staged false flags to enter both.

>Russian rocket fails
>Blames anything but Russians

Attached: 45645645646.png (269x269, 97K)


I NEED TO KNOW!!!!!1!!1!!

Russia blames the "west" for everything bad happens to them, this isn't news.

Big if true

no link = fake news

former head of security at Trump Taj Mahal mentioned this in an interview about the nuclear problem, guy is also a NASA engineer


>millions of Middle-Easterners and other non-whites
Are you dumb? Well I guess you are. Our gov only importing Central Asians and that only for the duration of the working contract. After that they have to go back or appeal for Russian citizenship.

>What? You should be pissed England tried to rig our election against Trump.
cambridge analytica delivered the win to Robert Mercer and Trump, MI6 got Trump into office so he could do their war against Iran

Naa it failed because the Russian cosmonaut was too fat for the engine

> inb4 he did internship in Burgerland

Attached: 5bbf1cf3fc7e9310748b4575.jpg (900x506, 140K)

>if the (((russians))) wanted anyone dead in this world hey'd be dead by now.
well no doubt, any special forces people will tell you the Russians are the nastiest threat you will face, if they're going to do something they don't flinch

Not until 2060

That’s really one of their astronauts? Even we know better then to send up the fatties.

No, wasn’t used

Don't need to send up food if you can life off the fat.

Not so secret is it?

Lol. I work for discord.
Enjoy your ban.

Is it really hidden if you spam this in every thread?

Knowing Kikemerica they probably did have something to do with it. I will cheer once the Russian nuclear arsenal makes it's way to the Great Satan.

What the fuck is “discord”?

This is what Jow Forums has become.

You are all uneducated fucking retards living in a fantasy land of "what-if's"

>What the fuck is “discord”?
pile of faggots political action group

they're lazy bums

What if simply money for a rocket got stolen by one of Putin's buddies?