Why does the american left lie so much?

It´s really getting frustrating to watch. They almost never say anything that´s factual.

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>why do leftists anywhere lie

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Who do you believe to not be lying in the US? I promise you're wrong. Never trust an American, especially our politicians. Just deal with Israel and ignore our puppet state.

truth is always the first casualty of war

Just seems like they are in a contest with who can gaslight and by lies and deception trick people to believe their bullshit. And they´re ok with it. They don´t even care about the objective facts anymore. Another recent example is eric holders bullshit speech.
Where he claims republicans have abused ther power for all the wrong things.
NAME ONE ERIC HOLDER. He can´t. They have no self analysis. They can´t even objectively admit a lot of the things trump and the republicans are doing is good for the US atm. Their entire party program seems to have become. Anything republicans do we are against. No matter what it is. And anything republicans are for, we are against. It´s a ridiculous excuse to not have to tell what it is you stand for.

>anything they are for we are against, anything they are against we are for.
You get the idea.

both sides are basically like that at this point user, though i would argue the left is worse

I only really see the left doing. Whilst they are pretending it´s ok because everyeone is doing it. It´s same reason they run around calling everyone nazi's to have some kind of excuse/fabricate a boogeyman in order for them to hetz against.

>They almost never say anything that´s factual.

When reality proves you wrong time and time again you have to lie

They mob because they are intellectually and physically weak. Why is this so hard for them to understand?

>Gradually I began to hate them.

Mob rule is the new buzzword of the Republicans though. Where's the lie?

>baseball shooter icon

Wooooooooooooow, ((((((DWORKIN)))))) really did it the madman.

Where is the lie? Everything Mr. Hat says was incorrect.
>calls women a mob
>Encourages violence against media and protestors
>calls nazi's very good people
As for mob? This is exactly what maxine waters call for her. To gather a mob wherever there are republicans or even trump voters. And to just go after them and let them know they are not wanted in the area, be it at a restaurant or gas station or wherever.

Because if they told the truth there wouldn’t be any democrats

>you’re either angry mob or stupid people but not both

I think the left is suffering from mass ignorance. I wonder how many of the left actually look at left vs right debates. I watch them all the time, one of the best ways to get informed imo because it's assumed each side will bring their best arguments.

But the Nazis are the good guys :(. Hopefully one of these days we can be honest about it.

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Leftists want to feel like they are good people without doing any of the legwork, due diligence, etc.

Look how many leftist millionaires and billionaires there are in Cali and NY. If they really cared so much about what they preach, they would use their massive wealth and influence to directly get the ball rolling to a far greater degree than currently.

It's almost hilarious that ultra blue states don't ever find fault with the ultra rich ruling class.

Eric Holder of all people bitching about someone abusing power is hilarious.

.... Does the nigger on the bottom seriously have the Congressional Republican shooter as an avatar?

They're a weak angry mob

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Trips of truth. Of course, it is possible that it is real, in their minds.

>Eric Holder of all people bitching about someone abusing power is hilarious.
It´s all projection and lies. 'they are trying to hodl on to their power'. 'special interests' WHAT. Trump is about getting rid of special interests, special interests, including foreign special interests are what have been controlling the US democrats for ages. Also pic related. Where the fuck is his prefrontal cortex. Go look up the human brain and then look at his head!

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And no it´s not fake, it is from this video.
It is NOT photoshopped.

He definitely encourages violence against protesters though. He's expressed delight at them being removed from his rallies and "joked" about wanting to "punch them in the face" or "jokingly" lamented that in days gone by, they would have had their heads kicked in. You think when he extends that same ire towards the media, that he isn't channelling that same energy? Pull the other one.


You're being disingenuous if you think he isn't trying to incite violence not just against that one protester, but anyone who does.

>calls nazi's very good people
He claimed there were very good people on both sides at Charlottesville. There were an awful lot of either Nazis, white nationalists, or groups that are willing and happy to walk hand in hand with them and not bat an eyelid when they start waving nazi and nazi affiliated flags and start chanting nazi shit. you can see this from their own recordings they made that day. When one side has open, blatant nazis, and that side kills a woman, to then claim that there were "good people on both sides" is an act that seeks to diminish who they were.

Someone like Batman is going to appear and he’s going to fuck all these liberals over one by one as they sleep as they drive their cars as they are at work or they’re taking a piss they’re all going to die

Just remember it was the fucking left antifags and a little communists that killed the girl not the car

The only Nazis around today are the fucking left

The hidden Jow Forums discord is NND8DfE we have over 5000 members and are growing.

It has to stay hidden or (((discord))) will shut it down. As far as discord knows its a Minecraft discord.

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No you are lying and i´m tired of that shit. He didn´t encourage violence against protestors. Was literally some assholes who showed up at HIS RALLY. And start punching people. And it´s extremely disrespectful to do, especially given what they are talking about is about doing good for all american citizens.
>You're being disingenuous if you think he isn't trying to incite violence not just against that one protester, but anyone who does.
You can´t just fill in the blanks with your own cognitive bias jackass. Everything is like that with you, and when you dig deeper into it all these claims you find out are total horseshit. I´ve seen virtually all his speeches during campaign and primaries, and quite frankly a lot of the in office rallies aswell. I know exactly what he said.
Democrats on the other hand are encouraging to form mobs and harass republicans or trump supporters in their civil life. To basically make it a thought crime to support or having voted for trump. realclearpolitics.com/video/2018/06/25/maxine_waters_god_is_on_our_side.html
Maxine waters calls for it here for example. You can forget it.
>He claimed there were very good people on both sides at Charlottesville. There were an awful lot of either Nazis, white nationalists, or groups that are willing and happy to walk hand in hand with them and not bat an eyelid when they start waving nazi and nazi affiliated flags and start chanting nazi shit. you can see this from their own recordings they made that day. When one side has open, blatant nazis, and that side kills a woman, to then claim that there were "good people on both sides" is an act that seeks to diminish who they were.
Again you are a fucking retard. This was a PERMIT arranged rally. And it was about protesting against tearing down confederate monuments. Then LITERAL COMMUNISTS show up wearing literal communist flags, and start harassing the people at the rally. They bang on cars and act very aggressively.


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>event is called unite the right
>wtf why are all these diffrent types of right wing groups at this same event

This right here. I also watched the campaign rallies and everything from the right was in reaction to leftist violence. That fag is brainwashed.

This guy shows up at a rally. AT A RALLY, he´s not supposed to be there, and start punching people. It´s literally IN THE VIDEO. Trump says this guy shows up and his punching people and they try to get him out. And he says it´s too bad that you can´t fight back anymore when someone is punching you. Back in the day if people show up at political rally and start beating people for having different oppinion. They´d be carried out on a stretcher.
These 'protestors' show up at other peoples shit and start harassing and attacking people. They have no business being there. Same with charlottesville. That lead to heather heyer dying. Heather heyers 'group' were the ones who weren´t supposed to be there and who were acting aggressive and attacking people. She should have stayed the fuck at home. They had a permit for the rally. These communists that she represented had no business being there. And so they are attacking a car beating on it and it drives through a crowd. It´s all instigated by these asshats who act like victims. STAY AT HOME. It´s not your fucking business if someone wants to have a rally.
>There were an awful lot of either Nazis, white nationalists, or groups that are willing and happy to walk hand in hand with them and not bat an eyelid when they start waving nazi and nazi affiliated flags and start chanting nazi shit.
I like how you call everything nazi. White nationalists? nothing wrong with that.
>nazi affiliated flags.
Which to you just means anything related to for instance nordic or northern european culture. I see what you do there.
What were they there to protest? People trying to tear down confederate monuments. Then these assholes show up and start attacking them.

FUCK it has been forever since I've seen this picture

Not sure if b8 or retarded

Yeah but nazis are on the left tho.... They were National SOCIALISTS.

>Yeah but nazis are on the left tho.... They were National SOCIALISTS.
It´s a longer story but no. And i don´t want this thread to turn into being about that. But basically. National Socialist, the name, was mocking the socialist/communists. Natsoc ideology is the exact opposite of the marxist/socialist/communist. They rebranded social and took it away from the socialists. To mean the root of the word, which comes from the latin socius meaning bonds between men. And that it was about doing what is best for your people in your nation. Also no natsoc would ever refer to himself as a nazi. It was a slur for them meaning stupid person in a bavarian accent. Anyways, socialist/communists were in the process of attempting a red hot revolution like the one that succeeded in russia and in china and other places. And the communist thugs were running around intimidating people at their homes, or at work and aswell as rallies, for anyone who was against socialist/communist overthrow. This is why eventually everyone rallied to the NSDAP who would do something about these communist thugs. Natsoc basically defeated a full attempt of communist revolution in germany, so they didn´t massmurder germans like in russia and china etc. but unfortunately wwII happened though, for different reasons. This is why actual communists the worst thing they can think of is a natsoc.
tl;dr it´s a much longer story why they called themselves national socialists. And had nothing to do with the marxist ideology that is calleed socialist/communist. Which are very specific systems with very specific characteristics. In a socialist state. Private property is outlawed, so you can´t start your own business, and profit is outlawed. It´s totally against the private sector entirely.

>nazis are on the left

user, I have to ask...

Were you dropped on your head repeatedly as a child or were you just born with your head lodged firmly up your ass?

Your level of stupid shouldn't be alive

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I bet you don´t know the first thing about national socialist either. So i wouldn´t talk too much about ignorance. What most americans know about natsoc is something about them wanting to kill all niggers. Which isn´t even true whatsoever. And the only way they could ever think so is the idiot hollywood movies.

>That fag is brainwashed
No, it's Shareblue, CTR, MMFA or JIDF using a Bong proxy to spread propaganda in an effort to cover up their crimes.

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I just wish they were more original.

>Just a prank bro
Stolen from us.

>Pick a side - are we all dumb hicks or mastermind nazis?
Stolen from us.

That's my biggest hatred regarding libshits - they hate us so much, but ride our dicks by stealing our memes non-stop.

The lie is that it's a buzzword. It's an accurate description of Democrats and liberals. The lie is that they aren't violent thugs using mob violence and intimidation to achieve their political ends. The other lie they repeat often is that Repubilcans and conservatives are violent and use mobs and underhanded tactics to achieve their ends. Which is simply not true and something they themselves do. It's pretty disgusting. It's why liberalism is suffering globally. No one likes dishonest people.

>It's only a joke when we say it
Jeez. That's pretty pathetic m8.

>He claimed there were very good people on both sides at Charlottesville
I agree. This was a lie. There were no good people on the Democratic side. They were universally bad people.

Technically they were, since they were allied with the communists and opposed the conservative centrists.

>Angry mob
>Weak and defenseless
These aren't mutually exclusive? What part of both these statements are contradictory?

They don’t think they’re lying. It’s their religion. Like Islam, it requires a dedication to the belief system that supersedes common decency

every last one of you deserves to have your head caved in, unironically.

he takes everything Trump's says literally but then says "don't take Holder literally".

Because the right responds to their lies, and lends them "credibility" by doing so.

Why those the lower guy have the Congressional baseball practice shooter as his profile pic?

It's because they are nazi's man.

Because scientific facts don' t support their opinions.

they learned it from the jews

>american left
no such thing
all capitalist bootlickers

Check out Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, and then check out the opening of Industrial Society and its Future. It’ll help you understand why.

He has me blocked, wow some people actually read my tweets. im shocked

theres nothing wrong with either of these statements desu

youre just mad at who said them not that they said

They simply can't accept realty
Image related

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>yuri is describing american capitalists and their fetish for corporations

Maybe we are the bad guys. If more than half the country are Democrats, we seem to be the minority. Is it time to change our thinking?

>nazis are on the left bc SOCIALISM
Imagine being this retarded.

When I was a three or four years old, my mom caught me lying to her. She asked me why I lied and I said: "I made it up to be the truth". Leftists are suspended in a childlike state for their entire lives.

>why do jews lie so much
gee, I dunno

This is a very good post.

A few years ago everyone all of the sudden loved zombies and everything zombie. No one really knew why but they did. I even had so called intelligent people who called me a "conspiracy theorist" actually talk about the zombie apocalypse as if it would be a literal thing. It was an allegory and foreshadowing. This was always the plan to activate the "zombies". The pharma drugs and the frequencies have people under total mind control. The plan was to have Hillary in and they would activate the mobs and she would declare martial law and bring in the U.N. with the strong cities initiative. With Trump they're just activating the mob to, again, create the violence to eventually weaken the country and take him down.

Here this nazi is yet again trying to convince himself and everybody else that liberals are not acting like nazis.

The Nazis and white supremacists where fucking pais plants. It's been proven, the documents surrounding their payment and strategies for that exact day have been posted here numerous times.
Simply put, the Soros center for a new democracy paid people to join the rally with nazi flags and scream racist shit.
Agent provocateurs they're called.
Just like the protesters where paid for anti Kavanaugh.
Side note ; after Trump tweeted about it non where getting paid anymore and only around 20 liberals showed up.

Attached: ProtesterPayouts.jpg (960x960, 108K)

>we're Americans that care about our country
> that's why we want to change the constituition, bully our fellow citizens into silence, nakedly desire power and destroy everyone in our way, want to tax everyone into oblivion, and work to wreck the country from within as if we were foriegn agents
Can't make this shit up

When your reality is based on lies then the very act of telling the truth is itself a lie.

It's part of the charade. they want informed opposition to get angry and make mistakes. Righteous indignation has caused many a good man to lose their shit.

what a bullshit image.

Mob rule is a buzzword from the federalist papers a couple hundred years ago. Our government was built to protect against it and now democrats are actively advocating for it.

Point proven.
>Communist flag.
>Spouting complete bullshit.

>It´s really getting frustrating to watch.
So stop watching. These people are absolute nobodys and what they type on social media means absolutely nothing.

>If they really cared so much about what they preach, they would use their massive wealth and influence to directly get the ball rolling to a far greater degree than currently.

>richest man in the world and leftist retires from running his ridiculously successful company to cure the world’s diseases

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The Left secretly wants white Gentiles mixed out of existence or killed if they refuse. Once you understand that, their nonsense is revealed to be a method of destruction.

And he doesn’t go on Twitter every 5 minutes to get his dick sucked about it either.

Congrats, you got _one_

Any research of the progress of political theory through history would tell you otherwise, but whatevs.

It's a mish mash of nigger mutt genetics and god knows what else(probably some yid in there as well). Don't expect uniformity or human physiology.

>that infopic
>pic related

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This user is right even though he presents the point stupidly. The concept of Nazism being a right-wing ideology is entirely a creation of American and British propaganda during WWII.

Our current gov’t is democratic socialism. Same thing just alittle better(if you have a mostly white/asian population)