The cost of freedom

For ungrateful Liberals

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Disabled veterans are a curiously invisible people to the so called inclusive and diverse left.

why are you mad at liberals and not mad at the corporations that dragged the country into a global unending war? liberals dont want war.

>Disabled veterans are a curiously invisible people to the so called inclusive and diverse left.

Its too bad they are Disabled for the profit of the jew.

Corporations and government already merged. For the most part we have already switched to one world government too. Wtf are you talking about liberals or conservative anymore. Times up.

What freedom was he defending? Seems to me that he got disabled fighting in a war for profit, my friend. Tragic, my heart goes out to him and I have nothing but sincere respect for his bravery and sacrifice, but fighting for your freedoms? Nah.

Or are you one of those Mutts who genuinely believes that 9/11 happened because they hated your freedoms, instead of the destabilising influence of the US in the Middle East?

The opinion that the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were about preserving American freedoms is NPC as fuck.

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America doesnt even have a left wing and theyve invaded every country that has posed a threat to a company's profits. In fact this is one of the victims of those profiteering wars.

>The cost of Israel
For ungrateful goyim

excuse me but those guys are clearly fags. Abominations

he got a badass hook and i'm supposed to feel bad for him?

>America doesnt even have a left wing
so those antifa cunts in portland are... what? actors?

Liberals don't want war? You motherfuckers could have fooled us.


It looks like the bomb defused him.

>losing limbs in a geopolitical war for israel

There's nothing more cucked than your modern day soldier who thinks they're (((defending the nation))). I spit on the ground in front of every soldier I walk by and the look on their cucked faces is priceless.

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Politically you don't have a left wing. For all the bleating about Obama and Hillary being communists, global politics speaking they're centre right at best. Sure, you've got a couple of left wingers out there like Bernie and Ocasio Cortez, but they'll never be anything more than just token figures for the actual leftists in your population. They'll never get anywhere near the reigns of power in our lifetime.

your chinese cartoon dreams aren't actual occurrences

They are apolitical and just want to break things. They are not a political entity. You get called a communist in america for suggesting to raise the minimum wage from $8 to $9. There is no left wing in America, in fact America has made damn sure to sabotage, invade, or start a coup in every country that claims its left wing since like 1917.

Republicans are authoritarian capitalist
Democrats are also authoritarian capitalist.
There is no difference between them and theres a fucking reason that any time an invasion or drone strike is brought up there is bipartisan agreement that its a great idea. They only exist to serve multi national corporations and cartels.

lmfaooooo this dumb cunt defended your freedom in a remote arab shithole? It's hard to fathom how retarded you are

You sound like a cuck soldier.

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hilldawg was going to amp up the syrian conflict big time if she got elected, faggot. fuck off!
5/10 made me reply to a baitpost

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>cost of freedom
oh dear

>Implying Hillary is a leftist, or even a liberal
I don't know if its more sad that Democrats genuinely bought that lie, or Republicans if I'm honest. She's more to the left than Trump, sure, but she's far from left wing.

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Yeah and you retarded motherfuckers went right along with all them drone strikes that Obomba ordered. Sorry but I don't believe anything a liberal says. You people are nothing but liars and hypocrites and should not be trusted.

And don't even get me started on all the violence we've seen out of these nazi liberals.

relax you autistic retard. eveybody that disagrees with you isnt shilling or baiting for responses. I hate democrats and republicans equally because theyre exactly the fucking same.

America doesnt have liberals. You have facades for 2 strands of authoritarian capitalism that works for corporations and industrial complexes

Notice how Trump attacked syria with cruise missiles and MOABs just the same. If anything Hillary is more right wing than Trump is but truthfully there is no fucking difference.


I'm pretty sure what they meant to say was, "when he failed to properly defuse a bomb".

I didnt vote for obama. I'm not a democrat. I dont fit in your tiny ultra strict ideological fantasy. Politics is much more diverse than America's facade of democracy

>nazi liberals

what am I lying about?

What freedoms have current veterans really defended? Freedom to use my car for 4 dollars per gallon.

not even. war in the middle east drives oil prices up.

These wars were ironically fought for a police state because the first thing that happened after 9/11 was passing the Patriot Act

>but she's far from left wing.
I'm gonna be honest that's a bit scary coming from you, dad. I'm not really amped up to see the full 1984 nightmare that europe is becoming

>lost arm leg and eye
>diffused bomb
Are you sure?

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>They are not a political entity.
they claim to be one. who should I believe, them or you?
if, hypothetically, you were posting in bad faith and trying to run interference for them, how would your response be any different from what it actually was?

Hillary clinton is not left wing. her priorities are and always have been corporations over people. Filthy bitch got paid hundreds of thousands by wallstreet investment banks during the election to give a half hour speech or whatever.

You most definitely did vote for Obomba and if a liberal is talking they are lying. And yes liberals are in fact just as fascistic as the people they are accusing of being fascist. You people's snouts have been exposed. Now stop trying to bait everybody.

>Politically you don't have a left wing
>Sure, you've got a couple of left wingers out there
which is it

well have they given a political platform statement or done anything to validate a political platform or do they just exist to fuck with people? you decide.

Are you in high school? serious question.

I didnt vote in 2012 and I voted for Trump in 2016 and supported him right until he launched cruise missiles at Syria.

lay off the ideology. The world isnt like fox news or CNN.

I mean theres like 1 guy out of the 435 guys in congress, and even then theyre like barely left wing.

m8 the uk isn't Europe. You're shithole country is much more a police state than mainland Europe. Maybe we don't have muh gunz but at least police can't just stop us on the street and search us for no reason, or put us in jail for jaywalking

No you little nazi in fact I haven't been in school in over 25 year's. But that's beside the point. The fact remains you are a nazi and so is every liberal on this planet and I don't trust you or believe anything you say. Now off you fuck you little faggot.

two victims of zionism

>I spit on the ground in front of every soldier I walk by and the look on their cucked faces is priceless.
and then everyone clapped

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Am I a nazi, a liberal, a democrat, a communist, or what? make up your mind.

>I havent been in school in over 25 years
It shows

If you really want to know my political stance its along the lines of Bakunin anarchy and mutualism. Hardly anything like democrats or republicans.

She's really not left wing though mate, not by the metric of American politics and certainly not by the standards of the wider world. I know it's easier for you lot to put your political opponents into the "not like us!" bracket, but there really isn't a great deal of difference between the Republicans and the Democrats outside of key issues like abortion or gun regulation or whatever. Why do you think that basically every other first world nation has some degree of socialised healthcare, and has done for decades? It's because neither party is interested in changing from the status quo economically. The Democrats only go on about it now because they can see the writing on the wall with regard to healthcare and its future and want to be able to claim it as their initiative until the end of time.

>well have they given a political platform statement
yes, of course they have you idiot
>google name of local antifa group
>go to their website
>read their 'About'/FAQ
>it's political in nature

HRC is a liberal in the only way it matters.


s o y b o y c u c k

not only that, the supposed "Communist" Obama made it the law that you had to buy health insurance from a select set of healthcare companies that lobbied to get the ACA passed. Thats not fucking communism, thats capitalist exploitation to the nth degree. Cold war propaganda and mccarthyism has absolutely destroyed america's sense of what is and isnt left wing so much that they call the guy that made it illegal to not buy a price fixed product.

I mean i dont follow antifa nor care what they do. If they have a political platform then theyve shown no interest in pursuing it through the legal channels so whatever. Not my fucking problem.

so Hillary is right-wing by the standards of which country? Brazil? Japan? Hungary?
she's an American politician and in the relevant context i.e. American politics, she is on the left
also she's a feminist and supports multiculturalism. are you going to tell me those are right-wing?

You are ALL of those. And don't even try this I'm smarter than everybody nonsense you nazi liberals always try. You losers are in no way smarter than anybody. I bet you can't even change a car tire. Now again shut the fuck up. Muhmind is made up and I'm not changing it nazi boy.

I doubt she holds serious convictions one way or another unless shes being payed to say something.

If she is a feminist its because she wants more women in the workforce so the price of labor falls and if shes pro multiculturalism then its because she wants immigrants to further lower the price of labor and boost profits for companies.

if you've ever once thought to yourself why America fails on the global level just look in the mirror. You fat fucking retard, if you can do one fucking pullup or read a book front to back i'll kill myself right now

I literally said in that post that she isn't left wing by the standards of American politics. Just because she tried to court liberal sensibilities, that doesn't make her left wing in practice. She pays lip service to liberal politics, such as gay rights, which she was rather late to jump on board with, ethnic minority rights, and indeed feminism. I'm sure she considers herself a feminist, but her feminism is almost certainly second wave, and certainly doesn't properly take intersectionality into account, for example.

Not to sound like a bore, but I actually wrote a dissertation on Hillary Clinton, her politics and how the media presents her. I wouldn't call myself an expert on her, but I have done a fair old bit of research.

Hey nazi boy you sound a little butt hurt. Well I'm really glad to hear that. I've got the perfect solution for you.

Don't say I never did anything for you.

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Serves him right, shabbos goim got mauled by killing foreigners in their own homeland for his jewish paymasters. He should come back from there in a coffin.

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How did he lose all those parts if he defused the bomb?

I'm supposed to like him because he was defusing a bomb and it blew up. I could do that.
I like people who weren't blown up.

The cost of freedom, give me a break, freedom for the Jews to stay comfy at their homes thanks to their american dogs whom are fighting their wars.

Dumb-ass fool, everyone who believes like you has no mind of his own. Trash like you killed Germany.

Fuck Germany

>muh germany
they killed themselves who cares

Fuck you Golem, and the whole United States of Israel.

thats right if mutts hadn't gone to iraq they would have lost all their freedoms. seriously never got the fighting for your freedoms goy """argument"""

americans are way fucking dumber than you think

People with a brain

But they do want war. Hillary wanted to poke Russia and fuck with NK


>racially superior global superpower destroyed and grinded into dust by subhuman slavic farmers
wow, impressive.
They even had the head start with the surprise attack.

Clinton is not a liberal.


name one truly liberal policy that clinton stands for


The only two things common for the democrats and republicans are their unilateral support for wars in the middle east and money for israel.
Americans are the dumbest people on earth.

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I say fuck the world.

The hidden Jow Forums discord is NND8DfE we have over 5000 members and are growing.

It has to stay hidden or (((discord))) will shut it down. As far as discord knows its a Minecraft discord.

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minimum wage
gun control

Letting a bomb explode and killing your friend while also maiming you is not "disarming" a bomb. Holy fuck how much do we need to hold the hands (pun intended) of these single digit IQ snowflakes.The nation would be better off without them, it's why we send them to the middle of the desert to find bombs in the first place. Fucking losers.

> (((discord)))
> spamming on a public image board
> secret

we're not that stupid to fall for that honeypot mr cia guy. KYS.

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I met a veteran just the other day who had both legs blown off below the knee.

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Democrats buy it because they want to believe they are leftists, Republicans buy it because they need to demonize their opponents.

No liberal I know would consider Hillary a leftist, she's to the right of most of Europe. Its a big reason why liberals didn't show up to vote for her.

>she's to the right of most of Europe
that is a pretty low bar

the only truly liberal thing on there is abortion and thats irrelevant.

clinton doesnt want to touch the minimum wage and its one of those things she was forced to take on from the bernie sanders campaign and she never made any attempts to change teh minimum wage in the obama administration or part of bill's administration

Hey look it's another delusional faggot.

>I literally said in that post that she isn't left wing by the standards of American politics
yes and I presented counterarguments to this assertion
>blah blah intersectionality
all you are doing is demonstrating that leftism lacks coherent principles. it's a simple power grab: "the designated victim group should have more power tomorrow than they do today" with no endpoint even implied, let alone clearly stated
>I actually wrote a dissertation on Hillary Clinton
I'm sure that was a great use of your time and money.

She sat on the board of directors at fucking Walmart for decades and brain-dead idiots still think she's Mao Zedong or something. Trying to explain the political divide to right wingers is a waste of time, they are intentionally obtuse because they know they cannot win an argument on an intellectual level, they have to lower the dialogue until there is no more nuance and context, then make stupid arguments.

Hillary just wants you brown shirts to go out and harrasse everybody just like the Democrats did when they started the klan.

there no letting a bomb explode. they built for one function ,, to explode. must suck to have so much hate for real men.
tired of losing yet?

imagine thinking that a shitty think tank made up of book nerds destroyed western civilization by saying mean things.

Im going to fuck your mouth cleetus. Or better yet have daddy trump send you to syria

>only truly liberal thing on there is abortion
Well you just asked for one
> she was forced
She campaigned on it

Oh yeah? Well I'm gonna fuck you AND your mother right in the anus.

trump campaigned on sending clinton to jail yet here we are. Actions speak louder than words

>I doubt she holds serious convictions one way or another unless shes being payed to say something.
until we invent telepathy we will have to just judge people based on what they say and do
>If she is a feminist its because she wants more women in the workforce so the price of labor falls and if shes pro multiculturalism then its because she wants immigrants to further lower the price of labor and boost profits for companies.
yeah, probably. let's turn it around: Politician X wants to deport immigrants with the expressed goal of better wages for natives who work blue collar jobs. In the real world, this is a right wing politician. The vast, overwhelming majority of self-identified left wingers will treat this politician and their supporters like lepers. You are like the MAGA boomers on Facebook posting "b-but Hitler was a National SOCIALIST! Checkmate libs"

>Actions speak louder than words
she wasn't elected
And her husband did raise the minimum wage
She also supports secularism and public school

>She also supports secularism and public school
I cant believe this is a left/right dichotomy in america desu

thats a hard one but I think most left wingers would claim its more authoritarian police state than great labor renaissance. that would be a real interesting debate nobody will ever have running for office.

>I cant believe this is a left/right dichotomy in america desu
Why wouldnt it be?

Only if you're a right wing retard. You see, over in Europe, people figured out a long time ago, that the wealthy do not have the best interests of their nations in mind, letting them rule without a check on their power never worked out, so people rightfully organized and took the respect they deserve.

Cretins like you, you have competitions to see who can debase themselves to the wealthy the most. You've been brainwashed to love your chains and to defend your masters. It's really quite sickening, to see people act like animals, but that's America for you. A bunch of fucking animals pretending to be human.

I spent most of my 20s in Iraq and Afghanistan as an Infantryman. Serving 8 years total. I got a job with a defense contractor. 2nd week on job boomer (actually 60 year old boomer) telling me veterans preference in hiring is unfair, a form of affirmative action. He is sick
Of veterans getting all the jobs. This is warehouse work mind you not highly skilled work. I’m just happy to have a job.

The guy to the right went to fight an insane illegal war based on lies on behalf of Israel and the Jewish founded neoconservative movement.

It was a dumb thing to do, but he probably didn't know better. The Iraq War did absolutely nothing to secure freedom or peace or safety. Quite the contrary.

He might have had good intentions in joining the army or going to war, but that doesn't mean the war did anything to secure freedom. It didn't.

>that would be a real interesting debate nobody will ever have running for office.
because of:
self-identified left wing journalists
self-identified left wing academics
self-identified left wing tech elite
acting as gatekeepers for the limits of what is a "real interesting debate" and what is "hate speech"

>Libya, Afghanistan
>Balkans, Somalia
>Oman, Libya
Top of my fuckin head
Fuck off

>Muh couzin-brother died for yer freedums libtard!

Go back to the donald, adults are speaking.

Youre one of THOSE fucktarded morons
All those attacks in Paris caused by France destabilizing the Middle East, genius?

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