Ein Heller und ein Batzen: d.coka.la /UFzlBA.webm
Graf Zeppelin Marsch: d.coka.la /mawmw7.webm
HitlerJugend marsch (very rare version): d.coka.la /BpLHdE.webm
Wie die alten Eichen: d.coka.la /Fgz1zB.webm
Deutschland erwache! (Heil Hitler dir): u.coka.la /r9Ibrg.webm
Sturm Sturm Sturm (with Eng & Ger lyrics): d.coka.la /0EJRH.webm
Es war ein Edelweiss: d.coka.la /1TCX9.webm
Es war ein Edelweiss (rare version): d.coka.la /FaSaX.webm
Volk ans Gewehr: d.coka.la /wlVbDb.webm
Volk ans Gewehr (rare version): d.coka.la /BeG2FR.webm
Volk ans Gewehr (modern recording): d.coka.la /70UN9h.webm
Marsch über das Lied Volk ans Gewehr: d.coka.la /AeXEII.webm
Radetzky Marsch: d.coka.la /CiDTP8.webm
Erika (best version): d.coka.la /xpMNtb.webm
Erika (rare version): d.coka.la /3CWpvg.webm
Erika (rare version): d.coka.la /WM85o.webm
SA marschiert durch Deutsches Land: d.coka.la /XZnX0g.mp4
Als die goldne Abendsonne (rare version): d.coka.la /LFXrXS.webm
Panzerlied (very rare vocal only version): d.coka.la /FEf7WH.webm
Alte Kameraden (rare version): d.coka.la /Vbz2eg.webm
Alte Kameraden (rare instrumental version): d.coka.la /uRns0A.webm
Alte Kameraden (rare instrumental version): d.coka.la /6tstpF.webm
Kampflied der Nationalsozialisten (English & German lyrics): d.coka.la /iInyXo.mp4
Westerwald Lied: d.coka.la /U6EK8l.webm
Westerwald Lied (very rare version): d.coka.la /RvsAC.webm
Es ist so schön Soldat zu sein: d.coka.la /clYC0D.webm
Attached: 768ad763468a1d7dd1b487a30e66d39b.png (1024x1075, 16K)
October 11, 2018 - 11:11
Es war ein Edelweiss (rare version): d.coka.la /FaSaX.webm
Volk ans Gewehr: d.coka.la /wlVbDb.webm
Volk ans Gewehr (rare version): d.coka.la /BeG2FR.webm
Volk ans Gewehr (modern recording): d.coka.la /70UN9h.webm
Marsch über das Lied Volk ans Gewehr: d.coka.la /AeXEII.webm
Radetzky Marsch: d.coka.la /CiDTP8.webm
Erika (best version): d.coka.la /xpMNtb.webm
Erika (rare version): d.coka.la /3CWpvg.webm
Erika (rare version): d.coka.la /WM85o.webm
SA marschiert durch Deutsches Land: d.coka.la /XZnX0g.mp4
Als die goldne Abendsonne (rare version): d.coka.la /LFXrXS.webm
Panzerlied (very rare vocal only version): d.coka.la /FEf7WH.webm
Alte Kameraden (rare version): d.coka.la /Vbz2eg.webm
Alte Kameraden (rare instrumental version): d.coka.la /uRns0A.webm
Alte Kameraden (rare instrumental version): d.coka.la /6tstpF.webm
Kampflied der Nationalsozialisten (English & German lyrics): d.coka.la /iInyXo.mp4
Westerwald Lied: d.coka.la /U6EK8l.webm
Westerwald Lied (very rare version): d.coka.la /RvsAC.webm
Es ist so schön Soldat zu sein: d.coka.la /clYC0D.webm
Es ist so schön Soldat zu sein (rare version): d.coka.la /pNuub2.webm
Ich ging einmal spazieren: d.coka.la /knaAbk.webm
Deutscher Kampf im Lied: d.coka.la /IpJcwT.webm
Deutscher Kampf im Lied (rare version): d.coka.la /pq2pF.webm
Sieg Heil Viktoria: d.coka.la /ZkR03O.webm
Vorwärts Vorwärts: d.coka.la /cOqQ51.webm
October 11, 2018 - 11:11
Vorwärts Vorwärts (rare version): d.coka.la /mmQQzd.webm
Vorwärts Vorwärts (rare instrumental version): d.coka.la /e9Chp0.webm
Lore Lore (best version): d.coka.la /9E1Gi6.webm
Lore Lore (rare version): d.coka.la /fcSjgC.webm
Lore Lore (rare version): d.coka.la /8NqLWK.webm
Lore Lore (very rare version): d.coka.la /CWBEG5.webm
Goody Goody by Teddy Stauffer: d.coka.la /Y4Sg0h.webm
Horst Wessel Lied (rare version): d.coka.la /DvciOb.webm
Horst Wessel Lied (rare instrumental version): d.coka.la /aM0MDK.webm
Horst Wessel Lied (very rare version) d.coka.la /b5dmNG.webm
Horst Wessel Lied (English Subtitles): d.coka.la /i73LTI.webm
Märkische Heide: d.coka.la /8KOzNP.webm
Leonore: d.coka.la /M66y0z.webm
SS marschiert in Feindesland: d.coka.la /zzkwtL.webm
SS Marschiert in Feindesland (very rare version): d.coka.la /WxX89j.webm
Königgrätzer Marsch: d.coka.la /q4No1d.webm
Badenweiler Marsch: d.coka.la /gN8TY.webm
Badenweiler Marsch: d.coka.la /bAiIO3.webm
Erbsen mit Speck: d.coka.la /y5tLnL.webm
Sieg Heil mein Deutsches Vaterland: d.coka.la /2Wb1k.webm
Es pfeift von allen Dächern (very rare version): d.coka.la /veMksw.webm
NSKK Lied: d.coka.la /i7mgiy.webm
Mit Mercedes-Benz voran: d.coka.la /FzbBj5.webm
Das Volk steht auf, der Sturm brich los: d.coka.la /UAjhK.webm
Der mächtigste König im Luftrevier: d.coka.la /WUQ8cB.webm
Me-109 Lied: d.coka.la /ZV9IkM.webm
Flieger Sein Heißt Sieger Sein: d.coka.la /0xD6no.webm
October 11, 2018 - 11:12
Flieger sind Sieger: d.coka.la /rlIHD0.webm
Jagdgeschwader Richthofen Marsch: d.coka.la /TrGKel.webm
Stuka Lied: d.coka.la /cEdMQj.webm
Ein Flieger hat den Bogen raus: d.coka.la /TqyRuG.webm
Lisa Lisa (rare version): d.coka.la /FAXOY.webm
Deutsches Mädel: d.coka.la /0IGsHU.mp4
Deutschland du Land der Treue (rare instrumental version): d.coka.la /oImO6b.webm
Funkerlied (rare version): d.coka.la /xUFNs8.webm
Funkerlied (rare version): d.coka.la /KUXPLa.webm
Giovinezza: d.coka.la /CBeSYZ.webm
Fiamme Nere: d.coka.la /sImFd0.webm
Kaarina: d.coka.la /xnipLE.webm
Suomi Marssii: d.coka.la /alXsjf.webm
Waffen SS in combat, very intense, very rare: d.coka.la /9Zh3Cw.webm
Ich hatt' einen Kameraden: d.coka.la /2gm39x.webm
Ich hatt' einen Kameraden (instrumental version): d.coka.la /VLFQeQ.webm
Die Jugend Trauert: d.coka.la /vaj3EM.webm
call me any time: d.coka.la /VYVMoK.webm
Be like the cool kids: d.coka.la /fgober.webm
I Need a Hero (Adolf Hitler): d.coka.la /yWG70.webm
I Need a Hero (Wehrmacht): d.coka.la /xzgrgs.mp4
7 Nation Army can't stop Hitler: d.coka.la /Wgn0vZ.webm
Hey There Europa: d.coka.la /YjJNw.webm
The Youth of Germany (RWDSE song): d.coka.la /QsArGA.mp4
The German Youth: d.coka.la /juhFlb.webm
Kapitulieren? Nein!: d.coka.la /khyxgA.mp4
October 11, 2018 - 11:12
All listed in here: pastebin.com /hmFA6Kz2
Attached: 2.jpg (2129x1425, 190K)
October 11, 2018 - 11:14
Bump it goyim.
Attached: 2018-09-18 07.43.31.jpg (3120x4160, 3.18M)
October 11, 2018 - 11:40
Bump it.
Attached: 2018-07-25 23.42.50.jpg (3120x4160, 2.52M)
October 11, 2018 - 11:50
You should use dividing line (---------) in some places as shown here:
freetexthost.com /cotx6ydpsj
It's more organized, better sorted, that way.
October 11, 2018 - 12:05
Fuck off with your dividers.
Attached: xfbxfb.jpg (1140x742, 74K)
October 11, 2018 - 12:06
By the way, it's impossible for an OP to bump his own thread. When an OP posts in his own thread it's the same as adding sage.
October 11, 2018 - 12:07
Is this trojan alert actually the jews?
October 11, 2018 - 12:08
calm down, don't go full retard,
the purpose of the dividing line is to keep the traditional/old music apart from the new, so it doesn't get all mixed up.
and there's a few additional vids there on that page, btw.
October 11, 2018 - 12:09
Are you retarded by any means? Well of course you are.
Try harder, faggot.
Attached: lennu_koira_maailmalla.jpg (1200x630, 87K)
October 11, 2018 - 12:10
Protip to anyone reading this: with "Jow Forums X" you can embed webms directly in posts, so you don't need to open them in a new tab.
October 11, 2018 - 12:11
great stuff as always. hail
Attached: adrianasofica3.jpg (1067x1600, 296K)
October 11, 2018 - 12:11
Can confirm, maybe you're not a total retard after all. You need to install Greasemonkey too though.
October 11, 2018 - 12:13
My point is simply:
next time you share the list, copy it the way it looks there on that freetexthost page -- that's the same way it was posted earlier: archive.is /bsvSf
(the "unique" and the "modern" music videos were put inside their own posts)
...instead of having all of it jumbled up together.
October 11, 2018 - 12:18
>You need to install Greasemonkey too though. I'm just simply using Firefox with the addon from here: addons.mozilla.org /en-US /firefox /addon /4chanx /
No greasy monkeys needed for me.
October 11, 2018 - 12:20
OK, advice taken. Thanks. Hadn't seen the archive.
Attached: 180px-Hakkapeliitta-1940.jpg (180x249, 23K)
October 11, 2018 - 12:21
Hmm... I think the greasemonkey's scripts has been added into Firefox then.
October 11, 2018 - 12:22
>archive.is /bsvSf
Also, I'm still fucking with you. I was the op. Blame chan culture.
October 11, 2018 - 12:25
documentaries and similar videos:
How to defeat Jews (and how not to): d.coka.la /OvNOnY.mp4
Der Marsch Zum Führer (English Subtitles): d.coka.la /x7GSE.webm
The difference between Fascism and Nationalsocialism: d.coka.la /S104QI.webm
The Vikings explained: d.coka.la /0FY5OX.mp4
TGSNT: freetexthost.com /1zyvanxds4
Hellstorm: archive.org /download /HellStorm_201505 /HellStorm.mp4
How did the ancient Greeks look like? Like Nordics/Aryans? Or like Africans?: d.coka.la /Vl4TF5.webm
Noel Ignatiev and Barbara Spectre: d.coka.la /aXt7bX.webm
Auschwitz SS-Garrison HQ Order 15.5.1943: d.coka.la /uDkMZV.mp4 Auschwitz SS-Garrison HQ Special Order 14.02.1944: d.coka.la /xtBvH7.mp4
One Jew, a Global Infiltration: d.coka.la /JBodry.mp4
>(half of these are at the moment blocked on YT, the rest probably will eventually be)
October 11, 2018 - 12:45
I'll wget all these videos for just in case later today.
Attached: 5380529.jpg (720x479, 61K)
October 11, 2018 - 12:52
Uploading a Nationalsocialist-period German movie (with eng subs) at the moment, which on YT is blocked for many countries...... Will post the link here later if the thread is still alive. It's going to take some time to upload it (over 400mb, which isn't that much but the internet connection I'm using at the moment isn't very fast).
>what could it be
October 11, 2018 - 13:34
something else in the meantime:
Rabbi Jesus Christ - He Blessed Europe A LOT!: d.coka.la /F8NpD7.mp4
October 11, 2018 - 13:44
Here's the movie.
HANS WESTMAR - ONE OF MANY (high quality remastered version): a.doko.moe /irievg.mp4
>it's about Horst Wessel, they renamed him to Hans Westmar for the movie.
October 11, 2018 - 14:08