Pic says:
“Death to negroes“
False flags reached Brasil
Is that Hortler Swastika or does is actually mean something
I'd be way more supportive if it was real.
Looks like DNC are interfeering
Yes, they try to paint his supporters as fascists
That looks like it could be a cool alt swastika
>marker on whiteboard
>no idea where this is or who did it
this is the dumbest false flag ive seen yet, but somehow i still expect some brazillians to fall for it
based desu, I agree
rare double helix swastika
Ail Hortler
They try to false flag it as nazis, but the liberals cannot really draw a swastika themselves. It's like how a demon cannot draw a crucifix because of the intense agony that it causes.
I don't get why swastikas are so difficult for them to draw. Just draw an S, and then draw another sideways S through it.
Yep, this ones going in my Hail Hortler compilation
they're not, you have to be mentally retarded or intentionally try to get it wrong.
hell hotler
If a jew draws a religious symbol that is of the goyim it is considered idolatry, so to get around their own edicts they draw them incorrectly.
Cause they rarely draw them, just freestyle for false flags
Maybe it's a Canadian swastika since they look like two hockey sticks.