Why Jews want to replace hard-working White people with useless Blacks and Arabs? What's the point?

Why Jews want to replace hard-working White people with useless Blacks and Arabs? What's the point?
I already hate Jews, but I am confused about their support for illegal migration.

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Whites are the only race that almost beat the Jew. They literally fear another hitler rising up. They are just preemptively crushing a future threat

The hard working White man has ambitions.

But Jews don't care about Asians, who are just as good as Whites
Ambitions to earn and spend money. Isn't it what Jews want?

It's mostly banking kikes that are afraid of whites rising up and taking back their money. Jews are just useful idiots in accomplishing this.

I don't know what you mean by just as good, but whites are much better at war, industry, technology and art. Chinese are like the Jews of Asians, and the Japanese are the only possible threat to Jews. Jews don't give a shit about Asia as long as they can set up their sweatshops

I meant top-tier Asians like Japs or Koreans.
Still, I don't understand why they force Europe and States to accept refugies. Wouldn't it ultimately lead to economy collapsy?

Because hard working white people arent always good at their jobs and think they deserve more money than they do. When you operate a business you want to pay less for your labor so you can drive more profits into the business. This isn’t that hard to understand.

I see, low-paid rghtless worker. Gastarbeiters.
But what about all those gibs refugees get?

Jews are a nomadic people. They don't give a shit if they burn a city/nation to the ground. They just move on to the next host. Just look at their history.

Also you're forgetting the hitler and expulsions part. They hate whites because whites have expelled them multiple times. They fear whites because of hitler/the inquisition. They see us as enemies that should be destroyed

So, pure hatred. Who will the choose to destroy next? Muslims? Asians?

Probably the muzzies so they can expand Israel

Being racemixed is inherent to their racial identity and Jewish culture. They are envious of pure whites for this reason and see us as the threat.

The economy runs on debt, and most native Westerners are already in debt up to their eyeballs. So they're importing more borrowers to keep the system afloat for another generation.
Also, Captcha really, really didn't want me to post this

Haven't they been inbred for a long time and got genetical disorders for that reason?
Why would they force Whites to widen their gene pool? I am not talking about IQ (it is obviously lower in mutts), just the heredical diseases.

>What's the point?
Anger, jealousy, PMS, circumcision trauma.

They could have forced traditionalism on Whites instead of childfree lifestyle, thus increasing the population without migrants.

It's partially about disenfranchising white people but also creating all these disparate groups they an appeal to to support their agenda

That guy has no idea what he's talking about

Because the European man is the most dangerous being to roam the face of the Earth. The European superiority is undisputed. And If you want to dominate the world, you need to erase your primary competition.
Also, answering more specifically your question, the European man is far more likely than other group of people to revolt against slavery, which is what they ultimately want; that's why all the Jews shill for communism (literal slavery) or capitalism (wage slavery), and why they fear third-position philosophies (such as Fascism) that'll break our chains and liberate us from this system.

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Encouraging degeneracy was the path of least resistance

costs less to employ them

I'm genuinely confused. One can not deny the Jew role in illegal migration, yet the motives seem very obscure.
>support their agenda
You mean Muslims? Aren't they and Jews like cats and dogs?
Fearing for their lives, I see
Probably. Bad ideas spread easier
75 percent of German refugees are unemployed and have no plan for work.

My conclusion is the reason behind forced refugee influx is not economical: they drain economy and don't produce any significant workforce.
The reason is prevention. Weakening and disengaging the society, lowering it immunity to make it more tolerant to external threats.
Am I right?

Because white niggers have proven incapable of not chimping out. Us Jews are a peaceful people yet Romans crossed the Med to destroyed our temple. In the last century alone you started the two largest wars in history and killed 100s of millions of people, including 6 million jews as collateral damage to your autism. The only thing preventing another one is our control of your media. I don't know why you are so mad. We are being merciful, we won't stuff you into camps. Just slowly replace you demographically.

Kalergi plan
They want to make a rootless population.
It's the same reason why they want to abolish borders and individual cultures.

They just hate us. It's not a rational thing it's just how they are.


Your threats are pointless; anyone who dares to threaten the white people will be erased from space and time.

You're giving the Jews too much credit. They aren't some evil alien masterminds, but rather greedy parasites with a god complex. This is encouraged by their religion.
I've come to the conclusion that they are incapable of planning ahead because they are blinded by greed.
Europe's birth rates were falling and there is too many seniors to take care of. Therefore, less and less people to drive the economy.
Plus, like the United States, most people live so luxuriously they don't even realize it, and nobody wants to do the dirty work.

So why not import millions of young horny men that white women demand? Perhaps they can raise families, scrub the toilets, mix and mingle with the locals because racism doesn't make money.

Too bad they ended up forming ghettos and going on the dole.

Oops. And if you try to point out this mistake, you're a Nazi. Nobody likes being called a Nazi.

How many people have suffered under white colonialism and imperialism? How many lived and died as slaves on white plantations? If Jow Forums is right and King Tut was a white ginger then it was whites who enslaved my people in Egypt. Letting white people quietly vanish is almost an injustice it is so merciful considering your crimes.

Racially targeted bioweapons are a threat to governments which tend a homogeneous population.

Migrants are cheaper for the State than white kids.

Attorneys cannot give credit and generate fees of muds in their country of origin.

white people like things... and stuff.
3rd worlders are satisfied with slop and herpes.

much cheaper

Ignore all these brainlet posters. Here is the reason:
Whites are smarter and have a much better concept of the future than minorities. The white man prides himself on being independent and does not like his liberty taken away. Studies show that whites think more about the future and prepare more than other races (likely due to evolving in harsh winters). The Democrats are Jew puppets whose main goal is to get people reliant on the state to live. Whites are on welfare less than any other race (except maybe Asians) per capita. They don't want to let the government control their lives. This is why the Democrats want to let as many non-whites in as possible and give them voting rights, and push interracial breeding as well. They want the whites to either rely on the government or destroy their voting power.
The reason they want people to rely on the government is because nobody will vote against the hand that feeds them (or the hand that let's them live here). They will effectively create a one party government controlled by Jews. This is why the Jewish owned media pushes all these democratic principles. Trump is the last stand against welfare niggers voting Democrats into office every term.

To destroy our voting block. Isnt it obvious?

It's not like this is some mysterious secret user

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