Did John McCain spread his fucking brain tumor to them all or something? theres not way a rational...

did John McCain spread his fucking brain tumor to them all or something? theres not way a rational, or even undiseased brain would come up with such dumb shit.

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If they decide to REEEEEE for the next 6 years then it's their loss.

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the protesters are paid, it's an astroturf movement

Dems are NPC's.

The bogs have decided to execute order 66

>tfw not interested in poltics/not on Jow Forums when Bush was president

Can any oldfags confirm if the leftists were less or more crazy under Bush?

>a group of people doing everything they can to try to do [what they believe] will help their country
>not working in spite of them giving it their all
What options are there, user? Want them to give up? You guys forget that the left also wants the country to improve and just has a different viewpoint of how we get there. Should the right give up when it loses an argument? Should the right have quit when everybody was laughing at Trump running for President? Russia is winning this war. We are so divided even though we all generally want the same thing (America to kick ass). You guys who can’t see that are literally letting Russia beat you. How does it feel to lose to commies?

Less crazy. I've never seen these fucks more unhinged than they are now.
t. 50 something poltard

Who cares bush deserves all the heat in the world. Fuck Bush. Zionist slave.

Near the end they got silly, but not like this. Almost everyone hated him near the end. That's how obama happened.

I for one, am a bit excited democrats are still going apeshit. It brings us closer to the day I don't have to keep stockpiling ammunition and kit, and finally get to use these skills I've been practicing since I left the army.

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There was a small group of crazies who sold all their shit and tried to emigrate because they thought there’d be a draft and ww.

>The left wants America to improve
>The left wants socialism
Pick one

It's fun to watch and maybe some day soon we'll get to finally kill them.

never in my 60 years have i seen either party so totally insane. i whole heartedly support erasing all 15 to 25 year lds unless proof of trumpisim

Well they've always been full of shit.

Remember those anti war protests against bush. What happened when Obama was in office?

God wants to destroy them, so he is making them mad.

>only 6 years of DNC REEEE
we are going to destroy the DNC ideology completely. They won't exist and we'll split the Republicans into a nationlist and libertarian party.

They weren’t nearly as pissed over Iraq as they are over Kavanaugh.

similar in most respects, but they opposed Bush on policy rather than being completely delusional. Yes the left still memed that W was a moron. No president can succeed and be a moron.

Could it be that they were less crazy because Bush had actual flaws and corruption they could vent their frustration on? Trump is almost flawless, and leftists REALLY want to see Trump as a flawed person. This creates hugely delusional behavior in them.

and he had Cheney. they fucking HATED Cheney with a vengeance.

At the time they seemed bonkers, but the proliferation of social media has made the shit show more intense. Everyone is trying to one up everyone else with the most absurd shit they can imagine, because there isn't an immediate response to the horrible shit they're saying in the form of a fist to the nose.

>the leftists were less or more crazy under Bush?
way less, we all knew Bush cheated but nobody protested anything

too much cocaine bro

Ha after bush won against gore things were all Not My President. But that was temporary. Now it’s all the time.

No, they opposed him as a human being, the left despised Dubya, they were calling him literally hitler back then too. The reaction to Trump is more of the same but an order of magnitude bigger.

John McCain had Kuru from killing and eating kids. It's a rare disease associated with cannibalism and eating third world niggers.

True story.

Pro-tip: A lot of the Dems have it too.

>Almost everyone hated him near the end. That's how obama happened.
expect a repeat under Trump if you don't pull some crazy moves, you need 50 guys with ski masks and axe handles to break every bank window in a large city at night and spray paint your message on the glass


They also called him a war criminal and a warmonger constantly. Then when Obongo got into office all the war protesting stopped entirely, and then king nigger proved to be an even bigger warmonger.

Equally crazy. The Schrödinger's cat of craziness.They have just in the last 24 months chosen to reveal the level of craziness they want you to see.

You're right here, but there is no compromise or discussion. Trump is the perfect leader for this. He is more moderate than the left gives him credit for, but conservative enough for Jow Forums. More importantly, he is dragging his country, kicking and screaming for the better. We just need to keep edging him in the right direction.

Nah. The leftist leadership and the media has been quite ingenious in framing Trump (who in reality is Bush 2.0) as a literal Hitler. With this they've moved the Overton window miles to the left. The cultural marxist, pro-immigration, pro-feminist platform Trump presides over is now the extreme right in every burger's mind, left and right. Expect the craziness to only increase from here.

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The left was convinced Obama was doing this, and now Trump is ruining it. We're dealing with mass hysteria over here, think War of The Worlds, only with more screeching and faggotry, and instead of space aliens, illegal aliens.

the "code pink" (jew astroturf), daily kos and moveon.org were all kind of psycho, but now they and the humdreds of new shill groups are arguing the most stupid shit with a hightened intensity. they don't have a war or an economic crisis to protest, so that is why its like they are trying to re-create civil rights 2 electric boogaloo or whatever these kike whores are bitching about.

like screeching children, but now they are incoherent on top of it. they are actually protesting "presumed innocent before guilty" now.

US politics is WWE now

No, nowhere near as bad. Back then the country was still center right and the progressives stayed in their holes. Then when Obama took office along with the rise of social media they felt embolden and came out in full force and like cancer spread quickly. Now with Obama gone, the supreme court on lock down, and dems falling apart they're fighting tooth and nail not to be put back in their caves.

Fight hard and vote out every Democrat you can this Fall. They need a good spanking.

All of them, both sides, need something to pretend to be occupied with since they sure as hell aren't doing much governing. This seems to be working for now.

How's the left doing by the way?
Are they demoralized after the whole Kavanaugh shit or are they more motivated?

> be me
> navy brat of bigtime admiral
> makedadproud.png
> joins navyand kills enlisted soldiers through my own mistake on a navy carrier
> ohfuck.jpeg
> blame enlisted card activated
> gets shot down by rice farmers
> sells out comrades for special bowl of rice and get rescued
> get into politics
> win senate race
> good life
> mfw get brain cancer
> mfw my whole career was a sham

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I was in Raleigh this past weekend (pretty liberal are fancy colleges lots of lefties) and there were some women yelling on a street corner like crazy people about rape culture and how evil men are, who were getting catcalled by a bunch of blacks. another went and staarted screaming at a DUDEFRATBRO for wearing a beer pong shirt in hte crabtree valley mall by the starbucks and north face shop. he just laughed at her and walked off. she looked like she was insane disturbed. kept talking to herself till she left.

the left has no shame, even if they look like a complete brainlet

>Russia is winning this war.

What war is Russia winning?

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truth is, the DNC has no real ideology. It has a handful of different factions that have different ideas, under the same title. But the only ideas the DNC gets to push is whatever the money flow tells them to do. So really, the DNC is a shell organization to launder money and a gateway for good goy liberals to get into politics ( or get shot like Seth if they dissent from the main goal)

this is a cuck thing to say since Russia has nothing to do with it, the problem is the left is far more advanced in social media then a typic grass root republican that watches fox news and votes every november, the left is such a minority, but they take up a majority of most media, user.

the problem is that the DNC conflicts with itself and it can't hold onto any point without "rethinking" it or they have a point that is just too complicated to be explained

No, because trump would need some major mishandled disaster a la 9/11 or Katrina. They may have tried to bitch about his PR response, but aid day rotting on the runway because that cunt mayor wouldn't go to a meeting.

Less crazy.
Bush was a deep state babby, so the mainstream media didn't smear his name beyond "lol look at how dumb this guy is, ain't america dumb, world?". And the leftists just didn't care.
Now we've got 24 hour round the clock "DRUMPF DDIIIIIIIDDDD THIISSSS!" news coverage and the dumbasses react accordingly.

They'll keep doubling down till they flame out and do something stupid.

they were less crazy under bush. they bitched, they moaned, the late night comics took cheap jokes; Letterman seemingly devoted a clip a night to showing a clip of Bush fumbling over a word. But mass protests, democrat leaders calling for violence and actual spurts of violence going on? Don't member much of THAT. And you can see how congenial the libshit party leadership are with Bush and McCain now. fucking Swamp Uniparty globalists are chimping out on Trump harder.

doesn't matter, these morons will concoct a Katrina if they have to, the president cannot work on his own he has to react to the will of the public, give him something to react to and in the past 100 years the only thing that can affect foreign policy is breaking bank windows and spreading your message that way, point to those who profit from these things and they will divert and deflect and it will be more difficult for them to sell their wars

McCain cuck sell out couldnt even fly a plane that's ur job bro...I like people that dont squlle and make Tokyo rose propaganda

They will of more commie tactics set shit on fire and shit like that

your posts are a disaster. I realize that the N was trying to let everyone know your a nigger, but you can stop now.

great bait, minecraft server :-)

You are seeing the brownshirts that they were going to use against us on the street after Hillary won.

>(who in reality is Bush 2.0)
Trump is more like Bill Clinton than Bush.
Trump has the exact same policies as Clinton, uses the exact same rhetoric, has the same charisma.

Less crazy, for sure. You'd still see some lighthearted criticism in the media/entertainment industry (think Will Ferrell as Dubya on SNL) but nothing compared to the obsessive, irrational rage that grips the left now.

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Now THAT would be fantastic.

>the left also wants the country to improve
>you can't always get what you want

>america to kick ass
define america
is it one with a cohesive culture of like minded people with shared values, morals, and principles and race?
or a trash pile of diverse and multicultural ghettos with incompatible and antithetical values and morals, but forced to work together because muh law abiding citizens

>failing to accuse someone of gang rape
>trump being laughed at
>thinking these are comparable
this is the problem with the left. it's all a game. just part and parcel.
you define false accusations of gang rape as "doing everything they can" and when that failed it's like oh well, keep fighting.
as evidenced by hillary clinton's thesis paper title "there is only the fight"
saul alinksy 101.
the left is deranged and as per the NPC meme is incapable of stopping and thinking, introspection, and genuine self-reflection. leftists cannot take personal inventory, or think critically about themselves or have any sense of the past, present, or future.
post modern, hedonism guides the entire ideology.
rape accusations failed?
it's in the past.
move on to the New Present and initiate another campaign of evil.

basically Do What Thou Wilt.
the left is guided by evil, self- indulgence. and vice,
every harmful trait and practice emanates from the left.
from abjection to narcissism to self-hatred to suicide.
completely and totally in stalwart opposition to humanity.

pic related was considered "proof" that bush was steering this country into fascism and someone wrote a book that painted john mccain as a white supremacist. m8 they've always been batshit its just that now as with most things the loudest have a platform and the ability to recruit in larger numbers because everyone has a network card jammed up their ass.

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daily reminder for all of us: the left accuses you of what they are already doing

>We are so divided even though we all generally want the same thing (America to kick ass)
And that's where you're wrong, because outside of the words we use to describe that vague goal we DON'T want the same thing, not even close. THAT'S the issue, not that the Left and the Right don't want the country to improve but that our views on "improve" are diametrically opposed. The difference is that the Left's version of improvement involves radical wealth redistribution, the destruction of culture/tradition/heritage, and the removal of white people, all of which will do nothing to "improve" American beyond playing into (((their))) plan.

>muh russia
Bet you're a leaf.

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