There is nothing more despicable than a white male progressive, democrat, leftist or communist...

There is nothing more despicable than a white male progressive, democrat, leftist or communist. Despite being the very target of their own ideology, they are the backbone of the SJW movement. All the kikes and screeching bitches in the world couldn't accomplish shit by themselves.

It is the white male leftists who supply the muscle and the brains of the movement. They are the front ranks of antifa, the main content creators, the journalists who write most of the SJW articles, the ones who scream the loudest and most vociferously and physically attack those who disagree with them. They are the core of the leftist movement and the most traitorous.

If they wish to identify with women and homosexuals, then the proposition is simple: they should be treated as women and homosexuals. Where the white progressive, communist, Democrat and antifa is found, his pants should be pulled down and his anus turned inside out, or his testicles seized and crushed. All white males who are not right wing, should be assaulted in this manner for their womanly beliefs

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an arab is more despicable Tbh

Always hang antraitor before an enemy.

Basedboy SJWs are the worst

>Nothing more despicable

Nothing more pathetic.

This post again? It's like Jow Forums is evolving into reddit

Jow Forums has been t_d rebbitors venting off their edginess for a while now

Sorry you got deported Miguel my condolences.

What is their primary motoviation to be self loathing traitors?

The nearest I can tell it is simply they crave the approval of others. Always very concerned about being intellectually pure and staying away from evil “alt-right influences”.

islam is way worse than antifa or commies.

I kind of figure over the next 100 year Islam will be defeated by Western decadence and Degeneracy just like Christianity has.

Fix your priorities. Traitors first.

By the time that you figure out that the fascist asswipes are going to fuck over 99% of the population it will be too late.

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traitors go before the enemies

Then it's a good thing im Asian.

Can you shown an example of a legitiment fascist that holds ANY political office in the US? The whole leftist argument is predicated upon inventing enemies that are “oppressing” them.


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The orange clown isn't exactly a fascist but there are plenty of people manipulating him onto being one.

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You can be a Democrat without being completely retarded, but the modern liberals have driven all the reasonable people away so now all they have is Trigglypuff.

and because of that migration a good chunk of this board is zionist filth...

dont be too hard on them they are just npc's created to be a formidable but defeatable opponent

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Utter nonsense. Provide proof of fascist influencers. Provide proof of fascist policies for that matter.

Okay, now THIS is EPIC.

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True, but it's caused by kike indoctrination.
As Codreanu said, traitors get the bullet first.