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a psychologist and ssris didn't help me and made me feel like a zombie, but magic mushrooms cured my depression

Make Asylums Great Again.

At the absolute most just go to a therapist to talk things out and get a better picture of how you can improve your life. Like said SSRIs are a temporary fix and could potentially make your problems worse. Unless you have schizophrenia or some super serious shit psychiatrists are a meme that are just gonna pedal you meds at the first sign of a "problem"

I pay 170 bucks a month for so called free health care. what`s the problem?

Put down the pill bottle and pick up some Evola.
Fascism actually gave my life meaning and purpose.
I encourage you to start here:amazon.com/Men-Among-Ruins-Reflections-Traditionalist/dp/0892819057

^this is why you're so goddamn depressed and anxious all the time, you live in a world that is fundamentally broken.

gonna 2nd the magic mushroom option.
1 night of hell for a truely new day.
10/10. worth it.

>God Da,nit Can I please get some help!
Not unless you're able to listen. I don't really know what this means either but, it feels better for saying. Life sucks, enjoy it either way.

why should anyone care about slaves?

Another thing, don't get one of the therapists who will just listen to you talk for an hour without barely inputting and end the session. Mine was very willing to tell me exactly where I was being fucking retarded within my life in terms of substance abuse/other things and it helped tons.

You fell for the mental illness myth.
Weak faggot kys

Stop listening to assholes who keep telling you that you’re defective. Humans aren’t supposed to all be the same (NPCs). There’s nothing wrong with you and medication or therapy is going to cause you problems.

hypnotherapy works and is typically less expensive than (((psychiatrists)))

Other than that get some mushrooms and eat them out in nature with men you trust.

Tell your Trump to help you
Tell your "capitalism system" to help you

you love to protect those things isn't it ?

you don't need therapy, so go for a walk every day and smile as much as you can.

you can tell all your shit to some bum on the street.
and guess what, it's free nigger.
just try to not get raped.

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Depending on his issues and if he has any kind of support system he may very well need to just sit down with someone for a couple hours to get some input on things to change. It seems self evident to most people but to some they genuinely think they are doing nothing anxiety/depression provoking yet are still anxious/depressed,

This is pretty accurate to my situation as well. The cure is worse than the ailment if you're on some shit like adhd or add drugs.

No idea what you have, but the drugs had left me pretty paranoid before I stepped off the dosage slowly until I wasnt using them anymore. And fuck any doctor that tells you it takes more than a month and a half to drop them medicines.

You could literally make your "mental issues" disappear by diet changes...

>eliminate sugar & high fructose corn syrup
>eliminate refined grains

>Can I please get some help
Yeah, you've got some in this thread which is why you reject it. I'll take your insurance card information after you read this though. Jokingish aside though, you're fine and caring about where you end up is part of accepting who you are regardless of fruition.

>1 post by this ID
>all caps
I see the problem here, I just don't see how it is supposed to be my problem.

I mainly just dealt with horrible anxiety/depression that I have been able to drastically improve with lifestyle changes. Eating better, exercising, not smoking weed 24/7, not gaming until 5 am every night, basically just adding structure into my life again. I'm grateful I haven't been put on any meds because I know people currently on them and almost every single one is zombified without any issues in their life fixed or a complete fucking basket case also without any issues in their life fixed.

Stop being insane.

>thinking therapy and psychiatrists will fix anything
Oh what a fucking good goy. I hope you get raped for every dollar you have. Buy some weights, takes your fucking vitamins and stop being such a pathetic fuck.

if u can AFFORD to pay, then you HAVE TO PAY.
if u CANT AFFORD to pay, then you dont have to pay

its this simple. stop being a nigger.

To add to what you said though, I think ADHD/ADD is a meme in almost all of the circumstances but especially for young kids. Most of the "hyperactive" kids that are recommended that shit in school also have shitty parenting or other factors like trauma at a young age.

The problem is therapists can't change the way everyone else thinks and how they react to you.

One use they could have is they could diagnose you so you can get the fabled neet bux but that takes two years and they reject the vast majority of applicants.

Even though the gov't does nothing for most in need everyone's still going to hate and blame you since they assume you're taking their precious tax dollars. It's like when everyone bitches about foreign aid when rich nations give pennies to poor countries. Not to get too dark but despite all the lying about how good everyone is, most people basically want you gone for being weak and if you don't kill yourself they're going to hate you until you do.

Escapism or self improvement are really the main ways out. Good luck, OP. We're alone together in this gutter.

Yea learn about magick... the modern idea of Psychiatry is based on a false premise of reality (materialism)

Start with Real Magic by Dean Radin
And Chaos Protocols by Gordon White

i imagine 20-30% of Jow Forums posters are simply understimulated in their normal lives.

eg. no fun hobbies, no creative outlet, no healthy sexual stimulation, not a very high income or challenging job, little to no outdoor activity.

it's a miracle they aren't all committing mass scale crimes, it's probably all the sugar keeping them trapped in a high-low cycle of mood.

Psychiatry is Jew bullshit

That is the crux of therapy, if you go in genuinely willing to make changes in your life then it will probably work wonders. But if you are looking for them to agree with you and diagnose you with 70 different things so you can become a victim then you will probably not get anything out of it. Therapy has to be coupled with actual changes in your life (self-improvement like you said) otherwise it won't do shit.

Jow Forums cured my mental health problems. now instead of wanting to kill myself i want to kill other people

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user I... I hope you are the 18%

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Totally agreed, at least I was able to acknowledge while I was depressed that it was 100 percent my fault for causing it and actually made changes to get rid of it. However most people seem to just be looking for the diagnosis that their brain is "just like that" so they can check out of life and get neet bux, sad to say but it seems to be the case.

you speak the truth

lol jesus christ dude just hand your bank account over to a jew and save yourself the time

Fucking go outside!

>1 post by this id
Anyways unless you have genuine brain problems the best medicine is a healthy dose of introspection and willingness to change things in your life

This. Stop being a pussy oo and start eating lsd and mushrooms. Heroin to come down. Your pharamacy is in the street corner, just like the rest of us

Pic Related

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Also add "atheism" to this diagram and it'd be golden.

Thanks, Jeff.

I don't know about you but, any conversations I've had with a person who on the outside could fit this criteria seemed pretty god damn miserable despite being a success by 4chans definition. I could even go further and say every single one of them had some kind of chemical dependency at one point in their lives and fell in love with someone else who did. How did they fall for below Jow Forums standards is beyond me. It did happen though
>ids habbedening

Jow Forums should have its own separate pic outside of 12 hours internet

>sit at home, talk to no one, spend time shitposting on Jow Forums eating junk food
>”omg, why am I depressed? Lemme spend hundreds of bucks on meds!”
Try this instead:
>find a public park with a pull-up bar
>start working out with no gym fee
>eat healthy proteins (no onions tho)

You’ll end up spending less money, user. And you won’t feel shitty anymore.

Totally agreed, in my case I fit basically every criteria on that picture minus the antidepressants around 3 or 4 years ago, once I started changing those things (especially the weed and fapping 24/7) I realized I was the one making myself depressed, not that it was some ailment that I just developed like it was the flu like most people tend to believe. But yeah, everyone else I know that fits this picture right now is an absolute mental case.

womp womp

Get right with God user, you already know the answer

I'd say if you fit this picture right now the number one thing to do would be to get off of substances and get a job, by working it fixes the sleep, constant internet use, social interaction, and constant gaming problems all at once. From there focus on fitting in some exercise and eating healthy and I guarantee you will feel 100x better than you currently do.

Australia is even worse mate
75% of suicides are white men and 6 of us kill ourselves every day

Itt uneducated faggot children that dont understand what depression or mental health is.

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and if you do fix those things and genuinely are still depressed after months then congrats you are one of the few people that genuinely have some chemical imbalance and can get NEET bux, until then stop acting like its anyone else's fault but your own.

>I don't feel correct like all the others
>My parents couldn't really articulate their feelings
>I was a normal kid that developed different
>I used to fap a lot and smoke weed a lot
>I changed because I realized these things
>I saved this image because I fapped and smoked weed 24/7
I'm glad you gave me the (You) and I apologize for using you as fodder to other people who might relate. I'm glad you got out of your own mental entrapment and hope other people viewing can do the same.

I hate this meme.
Mental is the only thing that is 100% not only totally your own responsibility to maintain, you are also literally the ONLY person who can help you. What, you think a shrink has some magic voodoo powers that can influence your thoughts? Get real. You think drugs will help? It's just a mask, the real problem won't go away.
Read some books
Stop eating garbage
Lift weights
And don't expect some quick fix

.t cured my own 4 year depression in 1 year

found the LSCSW. why don't you get a real job instead of scamming the "mentally ill".

>paying for your “””mental””” “””health”””
why do people do this?
Do people really think they can outsource self improvement?

perhaps its all a psyop to milk the goy, and mental health is not complicated at all

>recently diagnosed as bipolar 1 with psychosis
Whats the verdict Jow Forums? Real disorder or jewish trickery?

LSD and mushrooms aren't such a bad comedown that you need opioids you waste of space.

>i was diagnosed with biopolar disorder #4567453
yeah it's real. take your meds bro

My comedowns were always horrible but I was undiagnosed bipolar so I guess thats why.

>I apologize for using you as fodder

Believe me there was no offense taken there, I 100 percent acknowledge I was in a fucked up place then so to me it isn't bothersome whatsoever that you made that post. But as just said I think the real source of fixing this issue is having a little humility and self awareness. To me, I looked at depression as my mind telling my that I am not living life to my own standards, once I probed deep into what those things were it became easy from there to visualize what I need to fix and act on it. However I will say, it isn't like I woke up one day and fixed all of these things at once, you gotta fix one habit at a time and maintain it for at least a month before you move to the next one. Once you can prove to yourself you have the discipline to stop/start one thing, the rest become much easier.

>t didn't cure and didn't help but, letting others know might about muh struggle might
Have you tried having a higher IQ?

its only as real as you let the kike doctors lead you to believe

What about the hallucinations I've had my whole life? Did I get kiked young?

[email protected]

Doctor of Metaphysics

No charge

No one gives a shit about you. Quit whining, go get a job to afford healthcare to deal with your head.

>Being so close together and shilling for the same point, being clearly different, and objectively similar.
You have no idea how hard this makes me anons. I get it though ultimately. Better yourself before others. Still... UFFFFGHH.

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user, wut...

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We do give a shit.

Who hurt you?

Priceless service

Most people with mental problems are just attention seekers who don't like the answers they are given.

>"Doctor please fix me"
>You are obese and you don't do anything you should get a hobby

>go to therapy goy
The second you say real shit they're legally required to call police on you. No thanks

Lets start a self-help group.

Cope harder soiboi, it isn't rocket science
Ever wonder why depression was so rare throughout history until the last ~150 years or so?
Cause depression is a disease of largesse, it's what happens when you indulge too much in hedonism or lazyness. The ancient philosophers had lots to say on the subject, I suggest you read them.

Which platform will we use?

I'm the coolest person, you are lucky I am here

Define "real shit", I've told my therapist tons of times that I was having suicidal thoughts without a single person being called. It's only if you tell them that you are going to act on it or go out and hurt someone else. If you focus on your own problems and don't go full Jow Forums shitpost about killing jews I guarantee they won't make a single call.

everyone hallucinates

The aspect of therapy that worked for me wasn't some magic voodoo like people believe. It was simply me realizing im wasting money for a guy to tell me shit I already knew deep down but was too lazy to actually change.

Drop the flag and I'll consider it

You're fighting spiritual battles with mortal weapons, brother. Seek the Lord with all your heart and He will deliver you from the Enemy in whose claws you languish.

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No they don't user. Get that checked out.

this. fucking this

Don't take any meds. Just get more sleep and exercise like Jow Forums says. I'm sure that'll fix you right the fuck up.

Try betterhelp OP

Whats to consider?

You will be emailing me in an hour.

>gets manic
>cant sleep at all
Good advice.

I have all the solutions.

This. Didn't have clinical depression but was dealing with the suicide of a close friend. Mushrooms were the only thing that really helped.

Exactly. Use your head and take your medication. Don't listen to the holistic healing retards on here.

Eat pineapple/ drink pineapple juice on a daily basis. You have a melatonin deficiency.

"Hurr durr its more complex than that"
Try it for a week, cunt. Tell me I am wrong.

You are a scoundrel

What would your Rabbi say?

He would slap you.

High dose psychedelics will definitely change you're entire personality but there's a good chance it would be for the worse

The jews weaken us at a very young age, this is profit down the road. the more children they can hook on sugar / junk food, the more they can follow and predict how these people will behave. They will know exactly what to invest in. Their body is slowly being damaged, most likely their eye sight will slowly begin to weaken, they'll wear glasses, skin will look like shit, between this and a stressful environment, they will seek more and more pleasure, maybe porn or drugs, maybe happy pills from the doctor. never ever considering what the root of the problem is.

You weaken the body that weakens the mind, which weakens the spirit, easy to control the herd. The root of the problem for many is health, the stuff we put into our bodies. Everyone is focused on the bigger picture of success, hot gf, money, kids. While failing to be conscientious of the very small picture too. We must keep a vision spectrum, far and near, big and small, high and low at all times to know who we are, where we are going, how we got here, what we need to do.

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Draw pictures

Embrace your mental illness faggot.

Been fucked my whole life. Didn't learn to accept it and harness it's powers for good until my mid 20's

The real cause of depression is...