Why the FUCK is nobody on here talking about this?

Why the FUCK is nobody on here talking about this?

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Keep pumping up those interest rates.

I want cheap housing. Also Gld SLV to the moon!!!!


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How come the Ron Paul types never consider the political ramifications of a rogue central bank that will purposely manipulate the economy to destroy a political opponent?

It's starting bros

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Nigger that's exactly what every one of us has been saying for a decade or longer. Go read a dick

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we did


nigga wut

ron pauls whole platform was "fuck the fed"

Gold Standard SOON!

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We can talk about that too

Nothing to see here, goy.

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bubububut the witcher OP.
dont you care WELL DONT YOU?

I can't wait till interest rates go up. Finally stop being punished for saving money.

This is THE biggest happening since 2001.

Holy fuck you're a drooling retarded nigger.

Good, Im tired of only making 1500$ per 50,000$ a year.

yeah i dont think trump wants the gold standard. he's piling up more debt than obama

>Go read a dick

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he's saying its crazy they're hiking interest rates by a quarter percentage every few months. that's crazy to hike that much even though we have THE BEST ECONOMY EVER.

no keep em zero and get zero interest

Tuned into fox business radio yesterday and they were shitting on the fed pretty good. Talked about how worthless it is and brought up the income tax becoming a thing bc of the fed.
We need to take advantage of this and meme the Jews out of power and save America.

What happened in that 3rd quarter of 2015? Did Trump cause that as well or did Obama actually do something?

You have no idea how a central bank works, prove me wrong

We need people to go to his rallies wearing shirts that say END THE FED or AUDIT THE FED and get in the front rows. Trump loves to interact with people in the audience and at the the very least he will see that he has public support in doing something about the Fed

It's your idea fag.
do it yourself.

Trump wants the Fed to go back to free money he isn't calling for it to be reformed or bring back the gold standard. How fucking stupid are Trumptards anyway?

>this kills the goyim

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There were like several threads yesterday sir.

How do we get sean Hannity to talk about the destruction of the Federal Reserve so Trump will see it?

Didn't JFK try to abolish the FED and sacrificed his life to become every boomer's hero?

Why doesn't TRUMP grow a pair?

That would suck worse.

The solution is have a transparent and public central bank that issues its own money.

>But how is that different from now?
Because the Fed isn't transparent, they're private, and all US dollars are the issuance of debt.

The only way to get free money is for it to be on the gold standard.

>Government is efficient and never fucks us over. We need more government!

the guy who said it ruined the bidget for the year with the space force despite only having spent 700 bil on a fucking logo and there will be nothing to show for it come next year and still no way to put people in space but paying russia


speaking of which that would be some awkward shit. the american space force riding into space with russian astronauts. the americans going why dont we shoot them before we leave that would save money and their CO saying your not paid to think

>Trust private, for-profit corporations with creating the US economy. It's their job to decide how much money I'm allowed.

the first rate hike was just a symbolic gesture. people were getting antsy that rates were so low for so long that the fed needed to do something to say "economy stronk, everything's fine".

He's wrong on that. We need higher interest rates. Obama & Bush had this shit at wayyyyy too low a limit.
That is ALL the Ron Paul types talk about.

its not merely the rates, you need to deport millions of chinks/poos

Common misconception. From 60s-00s, interest rates were above 7%. Interest rates were actually rising during many bubbles, including the late 70s and late 80s housing bubbles.
So there are more important factors than just interest rates, like lax lending standards and, more importantly-- population surges. The last 2 decades experienced unprecedented population growth from "Open Borders" globalisation policies. Overcrowding housing always leads to higher prices. Many landlords pack 20 renters to a room and collect rent. Foreigners are used to these conditions-- Americans are not.

When rates were going up durin Volcker area, real estate didn’t crash, but it kept going up contrary to expectations.

houses were always 2X the avg salary, regardless of interest rate, since people used savings-- not loans-- to purchase property. interest rates had no impact on house prices back then.

only when globalists imported millions of shitskins in 2000s, did housing prices surge to astronomical levels

how did this mode of financing become socially & morally acceptable when all it does is enrich usurers at the expense of enslaving the middle class thru mountains of debt?

how did peeps buy homes in the past when prices were stable? believe it or not, banks could not willy nilly create digital credit on a keyboard, workers deposited portions of their monthly paycheck, had to make sizeable down payments, and savings were utilized for RE purchases--not credit

We dont care, go to sleep


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last thread about this had OVER 9000 replies

>>Stock market rises
I did this
>>Stock market falls
The FED did this

4d grandmaster chess

That's literally the entire fucking point of being a
>Ron Paul type
You drooling subhuman retard

You retarded cheese bank nigger he's bitched about The Fed raising interest rates all four times they did it this year
>they never raised it on Obama once

If he's smart he's going to pile up gold at 1.2k so that when it reaches 20k he can pay off the debt with that.

Trump has parted with all kinds of old world habits. Respect the UN, no trade wars, overthrow a dictator a year.

Next up the don't buy gold habit of the west.

Whatever those fuckheads at the Fed do the stock market will fall at some point.
Good for Trump that he has a way to spin it.
Good for him, honestly.

>Latest Action: House - 03/22/2018 Referred to the House Committee on Financial Services

>Why the FUCK is nobody on here talking about this?
>"Trump says"
Because words are cheap. Call me when something is done about it.

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since one of you abandoned your other thread I'll post this here too. for perspective.

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unfortunately they are going to let it rot there.

DJT has already talked about nationalizing the Fed.

Whaaaat? When?

Well, you're late first of all you alarmist fuckwit

fuckin link

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This thread should be fucking stickied for a month straight as it's the biggest happening in recent years

Bump. Mods please sticky. People need this red pill.

4th quarter, dude. 4th quarter.

He's just salty they left the rates so low for Obama and they are raising them on his but they aren't wrong to raise rates. That being said central planning is doomed to fail and only the invisible hand of the economy can make proper decisions.

why is trump messing with the rothchild...he's playing a very dangerous game with him life and the life of his children

how is the market doing today

Freaking this!!!!!

I went to Ron Paul's twitter page and all he is talking about is NATO this, and Russia that. Here Trump is giving him, and all libertarians, an opening to push the "End the Fed" line and they are passing it up. Idiots.

are you actually trying to make a point here or are you just functionally retarded?

I was cheering apple paypal to crash yesterday

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Get a group together at the rally and shout "End the Fed" like folks do with "Lock her up" and "Build that wall"

Jannies have been a bit too happy with the banhammer these days.

>Foreigners are used to these conditions-- Americans are not.
You better get used to it then. Americunts pushed this predatory capitalism onto the world. You need to eat the cake you baked. I want to see your neoliberals, libertards, neocons, neoreactionaries living in cramped 200 sq feet apartments that take their entire productive lives to repay.

thanks to globalist scum, the West is transitioning towards a globalized housing system, to reach the state of housing in BRICS (Brazil, India, and China). This is the basis of creating and keeping housing bubbles.

Contrary to what us naive folks might assume, the really stupendous profits aren't made in luxury buildings--they're generated by tightly packed slums. Here's how it works. Let's say a middle-class flat of 600 square feet (7.5 square meters) goes for $1 per square foot. The slum's equivalent 600 sq. ft. has been cut up into numerous cubbyhole rooms, each housing many people who each pay a relatively high fee for the miserable lodging. The rent per square foot in the slum is thus $5/sq. ft.

According to Davis (and this book is heavily, even obsessively footnoted/sourced), densities in Third World slums are astronomical--18,000 residents per acre is not uncommon. That's four modest-sized 10,000 sq. ft. residential lots in the U.S. suburbs--4 houses that might house 8 people, total, not 18,000.

So slums are immensely profitable--much more profitable than permanent "middle-class" housing. And will you be surprised to learn that most of the property in these mega-city slums is concentrated in a few hands?

The net result of this great urban overcrowding/high-rents/profitability is indeed pernicious.

The Western housing market is in the process of slumification.