No way this guy would risk being that wrong about a PREDICTION. Trump crime family is going down.
It's Over
This guy is such a faggot
Sitting US Presidents can be indicted?
>Safely past midterms
Kikes gonna kike
he's part of the trump administration.
observe how he keeps trying to make himself the face of the democrat party.
Self Awareness Level = Goldfish
They "predict" he's going to be indicted every fucking week.
>check my record
Is this dumb Dago forgetting what happened last fucking week?
Im not adding his name to my Twitter search history, but he's a faggot regardless if this is fake.
>Donal Trump Jr.
Oh shit it's real. This can't be good. This can't be good
>he's still gasping for political breathe
It's honestly just getting sad at this point.
Even democrats made fun of him for fucking up his rape case
>Trump JR
Oh. Sorry. Thought the POTUS was Donald Trump Junior. My bad.
I'm gonna FREAK dude
>CPL this desperate to stay relevant
How about we just ignore him?
Over what?
Double agent confirmed.
Trump is playing then like a fiddle.
How? Even if the republicans lose both the House and the Senate the newly elected bodies don't take charge until the beginning of next year. Is this guy actually retarded?
Avenatti just keeps losing. If he actually had something on Jr, he wouldn't be tweeting about it.
CNN Reports that creepy porn lawyer was spotted at a grammar school with Joe Biden hustling little boys and girls into a van. Avenatti has a history of child rape and was committed to a mental institution in 2013 for treatment and was castrated to avoid a long prison sentence. According to medical records Avanatti originally raped barnyard animals with his Muslim child hood friends until he later moved on to small children and made millions selling these children to the Clinton Foundation after he had his way with them. Avenatti is seen as a major candidate for the Democrat Presidential nomination in 2020.
>pumping your voiceprint into a cia honeypot so they can track you down via your phone
Lol fucking brainlet
I picture this guy just sobbing uncontrollably while typing this and reassuring himself "60th time's the charm".
If trump.go down then shpuld the Dem as well
But you NPC dont get that in your program you retard piece of equipment
Avenatti's record is shit! He's grabbing at straws at this point. I can't wait to watch his downfall!
Dude even democrats have a destain for him now he's a national buffoon
>he's part of the Trump administration
You schizo faggots are so retarded
>Sessions recused because he's secretly taking out the swamp!
>Comey works for Trump!
>Mueller works for Trump!
>McCabe and Strzok work for Trump!
>everyone who has written negative books about Trump secretly works for Trump!
>everyone who attacks Trump ACKSHYUALLY works for Trump!
>Blasey Ford won't show up to testify because she DOESN'T EXIST, she's a fictional CIA character
>OMG Blasey Ford is actually Amy Schumer in disguise!
How fucking stupid do you have to be?
How many hundreds of times in a row do you have to be wrong?
Guilty of meeting with Russians being paid by the DNC.
>check my record over the last 7 months
so its nothing then
Are we The Church, that thou sendest us prayers?
Good move, 95% of people will forget this 'prediction' existed by then.
Does this mean Mr. Creepy beats up Don Junior MMA-style before the indictment
fucking spammer
>pay attention to me
>if you doubt I'm worth the attention
>then read all about me
Trump curse, ACTIVATED
Will CPL ever be right about anything?
Why is everyone still talking about this fag?
>over the passed 7 month
Damn Nostradomus lighten up
>please check my record
okay. speaking of records, where was that tape that was damning to trump and would get him to resign like you promised, faggot?
Risk what? He doesn't have a good reputation
This is the same guy who said Kavanaugh was the leader of a gang of rapists
how long til disbared?
Stay mad faggot
Sometimes I suspect that this guy is Qanon
>check my record
Is he joking? He has to be, right? No one is this delusional lol.
>check these sick digits
Avenatti confirmed Jow Forumstard
Even if he gets indicted on some bogus charges, Trump Sr. will just pardon him. What's the point?
Also, what track record of successful predictions is creepy porn lawyer referring to?
The fucker who was relevant because of a case that he failed to get a conviction for, is predicting that Trump Jr. will be indicted?
Sure, buddy.
> Check my record
>Kavanaugh is now sitting on the Supreme Court
Yeah, totally believable. How's that Stormy case going...getting thrown out, right Mike?
Are those the ones with perique? Back when I was still smoking cigs, I tried them once because I like pipe tobac. Didn't enjoy them at all, stuck with the blue pack.
I quit cigs tho. $7-8/pack was ridiculous. Haven't smoked a cig in years. Still light up the pipe every 4 weeks or so. Dunhill Nightcap and MM 965 right now
posted on 9:11 what a faggot
God I hope so.
They're expensive as fuck so I only get a pack twice a month.
Easier than carrying s pipe to work imo
I suspect hes the leader of the NPCs. Im pretty sure he is.
Q predicted this prediction.
I checked his record, humiliation porn is not my thing
Underrated post lmao
>taking jokes seriously and ignoring the now literal thousands of times Jow Forums was right
>trying to become popular by mentioning your association with someone else constantly
Nice blog post faggot. Nobody gives a shit about your degenerate addiction
Leftists have no principles. If they did they would be enraged that someone tried to start his presidential bid by standing on a sex worker and using OBVIOUSLY false and ridiculous xlaims of sexual assault.
when has a jew ever been right?
>believing the memes
Jow Forums is always right
>check my record
>look at most recent thing he's done
>discredited and fake stories of gang rape
yeah, he really should stop saying "check my record".
I can't think of a time
Remember when dozens of "experts" with a successful record predicted Hillary to win the election?
> no "#basta"
fake tweet
Alex Jones show predicted this. Its all because of that *LEGAL* meeting he had with russians.
Its funny because the FBI is literally looking in to Fusions GPS and Glenn Simpson right now. He met with the Russian lawyer chick before and after the Don Jr meeting. Get fucked Avenatti, you got shit.
Truth observed and confirmed
>please check my record over the last 7 months
kek could this faggot try any harder to stay relevant? Dude gets btfo every step he takes
I thought Creepy Porn Lawyer had a plan for keeping Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court?
How did he win that encounter exactly?
Stupid ass.
I don't think asking for help from foreigners is legal.
Sessions recently submitted a request to the USSC for them to define for him the limits of a conflict of interest and if when said conflict of interest has past would it be legal to unrecuse oneself.
>mfw I'm tired of "#Winning" man
on the contrary
maximum relevance to CPL
he'll obliterate the last bit of DNC credibility remaining
> don't stop your enemy
just like how he proved kavanaugh is a rapist
In their defense it was her turn
If CPL was serious he'd come here, start a thread with timestamp, and post for digits. He wont, the pussy.
>please check my record over the last seven months
Like when you got BTFO by Julia Swetnick's falseness last week?
>please check my record over the last 7 months
so dicard the prediction?
Anyone else cant wait to see all the butthurt on here after Trump and his family members are locked up & killed for treason?
That will be a day to remember.
dear avennazi
>the number of people in this thread that don't realize he's talking about Jr.
Checked his record over the last 7 months. He's a fucking idiot.
>look at my record
>every prediction I've made is wrong
>but this time my bros
Will this guy kill himself when everyone (even the CNNs of the world) quit paying attention to him?
Pretty obvious what he's doing right now. Left is mad at him for the gang rape chick, so he's now throwing out click bait about the Trumps to get back in their good graces.
Oh, so that's what you call the schizo shit that you faggots shill
>if what we say comes true, Jow Forums is always right
>if our schiztarded shit doesn't come true, why you believing the memes, mang?
And yet the people who point out how retarded that shit is gets run out with everyone calling them a shill
A year and a half ago I got ran out because anyone who said Sessions is a traitor got called a shill endlessly.
Anyone who didn't believe that Mueller is /ourguy/ was called a shill endlessly.
You faggots are just as bad as the left
Give me attention!!!!