What the fuck has happened to this country

The left has become absolutely unhinged.. The Democratic party has become unrecognizable.. THIS is the face of the Democratic Party.. A party of violence and intimidation, of libel and censorship, of blackmail and character assassination, of fraud, and corruption.. Bolsheviks, cultural marxists, and crude anarchist THUGS.. They are anti-American, anti-life, anti-family, anti-Christian, anti-male, and anti-white..

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>just now realizing this
don't forget you're here forever.

They faced opposition, it strange that a party that has been dominating the world of politics and never needed consideration would react strongly?

is it*

based democrats

Fuck democrats, but taking your argument into the street is just fine nowadays. Can't count on the police to protect you, can't count on your representatives to govern in a balanced way, so let's throw hands. Why are you afraid? Isn't this what you want?

Liberals seem to have forgotten who owns most the guns in this country

It's crazy how much the world has changed in just 10 years. Is Facebook to blame?

It didn't change
You just weren't paying attention
Good morning

A George Soros Color Revolution has been triggered in our country. The goal is to destroy our constitution, history, and institutions, and rebuild the country in their World Without Borders Utopia. Wake up and understand the fight we are in is VERY real.

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They spent decades gaming the system for Power betting that only they would wield it
They bet that they could dominate minorities for votes forever and started sucking in immigrants to gain permanent control of elections
They focused on certain concepts designed to increase strife betting they could use that as an excuse to seize more control
They bet they would control Congress & the White House (and thus SCOTUS) for 3 more generations - long enough to rule forever.
They lost the bet.
Now they are *desperate* to rig the game
Before it is too late forever.

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For Holder, it's because he's a criminal and knows that if Trump starts locking people up he's one of the middle-men the elites will throw aside to try to pacify Trump. The unhinged quality of the globalist neoliberal democrat is because they're a mob as in "organized crime" not as in "NPC"

'believe women' is too retarded for even the Republicucks to go along with. They overplayed their hand

Such a thing would start a civil war and undo 70 years of their work, don't be silly
You'll know it's started only when they surround the White House

>superimposed over hurt rightists
it's like you're trying to demoralize

The only thing wrong with OP's pic is that they are still alive.

>undo 70 years of their work
That is being taken care of

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Wear bodycams whenever at a public political event. They are incredibly cheap in 2018 and easy to use. Will be hard to get a blue wave when they are all in prison.

Works well enough to protect the police.

A Presidents power is limited (by design, this is not a bad thing in any way)
A civil war risks getting the wrong people to win (which will most likely happen since cucks don't really join the military)

even if larping, this behavious is making people go to trump, if you haven't noticed. Instead of staying centrist or neutral (the only true way)

there is always two players for a game

Watching the news yesterday in my state and they were saying a record number of new republican voters had been registered in the last 2 weeks. I think the kavanaugh hearing opened a lot of peoples eyes to how insane democrats and the left are.

Checked and truthed. Did you notice what color Hillary and Bill were wearing during her concession speech in 2016?

Soros has openly stated that destroying America would be the culmination of his life's work. Attack only when attacked.

It was fascinating to watch from afar
>obviously, even ridiculously, false charges made in an overt attempt to derail a rather simple political appointment
>Media and one political party demand they be taken seriously
>other party almost caves, but then points out how ridiculous and vile the smears are
Now Feminists, the media, etc are *furious* that these blatant lies were disregarded.
Realizing that many feminists and Democratic Party partisans truly believed such blatant lies and are willing to do violence over them seems to have galvanized many people to oppose them

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>that pic

The most radically political, pro trump. Fuck liberals and demorcrats person ive ever known was a half black guy with a fro. Of course when I say this to liberals they say those people arent real and dont exist. I love giving out his facebook link to said liberals and watch their mouth drop.

rockefeller backed faction fighting with rothschild

>The (((Left)))
They've always been unhinged

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I work in America about 9 months/year and not too long ago was talking with a woman on a plane. She was furious that, as she put it, a handful of Old White Cis Men were rolling back abortion when 99% of women wanted unfettered aces.
I told her about the March for Life (which disrupts my Work every year) and that about 50% of American women want abortion restrictions or a ban she was disbelieving. When I showed her pictures of the marches and the many polls she was obviously profoundly shaken, even frightened.
She had been lied to her entire life and never knew.
It was very enlightening overall

I could literally beat Eric the retard nigger into a fucking coma. Stupid nigger better think twice before he starts kicking people.

It hasn't changed that much. Before Obama, Democrats were batshit crazy, talking about how we were a week away from an authoritarian takeover, that Bush was a Nazi, that the US was a fascist nation. That Dick Cheney was Emperor Palpatine and Bush was Darth Vader. Blahblahblah.

Then Obama was elected, and even though Republicans expressed their anger by organizing politically and peacefully protesting, Democrats hyped it as simmering violence and that the Tea Party was about to start murdering people.

Now that a Republican is President again we're back to fascist Nazi Empire in charge again. It seems heightened because of social media, and the internet makes it easier than ever to isolate yourself in an echo chamber, but it's not much different from Bush years at all. That's one of the reasons why it's young people who are most susceptible to Democrat lies. They haven't seen the hysteria before. They genuinely believe that the sky is falling because they don't know that people scream about the sky falling whenever there's a Republican in charge. We're perpetually one election away from fascist Nazi Empire USA, and that will always be true, no matter who wins.