Why are there so few sexy female politicians?
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Who is your politifu?
Why are there so few sexy female politicians?
Not a politician, but involved with politics.
Katherine Timpf from fox News could poop on my chest whenever she wanted.
women shouldn't be allowed to participate in politics
God I love mature women
Alexandra Lúgaro is my politifu.
>tfw no milf gf
Mate, you clearly haven’t got eyes.
Just look at this qt.
Nobody takes women seriously especially hot women
>...poop on their chest whenever I want.
Palin for Senator!
Laura Huhtasaari, the vice chairman of the Finns Party.
I gotta say Croatian president is pretty hot.
>Poop in chest, you have some twisted fantasy MY FELLOW AFRICAN AMERICAN.
Meloni chan is the only politifu for me
somebody post the shadman comic
My wallet is hard as a rock
I don't know why he drew one of the Croats as some mystery meat nigger thou.
i was 20' away from her once back during the 2008 election and man she was 100x hotter in person
Whats that weird black line to the right of her face?
I always assumed he was tanned
>Why are there so few sexy female politicians?
Because women won’t vote for an attractive woman. They’re jealous cunts who will only vote for ugly/fat women because they can relate to them and it doesn’t remind them of their own hideousness every time they see them on tv.
Hot damn this lady is gorgeous.
Imagine if Trump dumped Pence in 2020 and brought Palin into the White House as the first female VP in 2020. Libs would be raging if the right had the first female vp.
Fuck. Is that really her?
Based and redpilled.
I'm not into American politics but isn't Palin a complete bimbo airhead? I remember Ghost around 2012 raging pretty hard about her.
You haven't been to Florida, have you?
i doubt she's a genius or anything but the media went out of its way to make her look stupid - no idea if she actually is or not
I wanna fuck a 40-50 year old woman so badly
>Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović
I know what I'm fapping to tonight
What about your mom?
thats tina fey
She’s milf tier too
Kat is my waifu too, but I don’t like poop
Dana Loesch
Isnt this the chick that was staring at Trump
She's ugly and fat
Just pretend your mom looks like this
I want a MILF to tie me down and tease me.
God. I want to watch her sit on a toilet somewhere
Is that really here? Source?
Picrel was the candidate for president of Poland in the last election
Forgot pic
she looks weird, but magnetic
her eyes and hair going in both directions are cute