I'm so happy to be a Hungarian!

I'm so happy to be a Hungarian!

Attached: Budapest.jpg (1024x576, 94K)

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ugly bilding tbqhwyf

>Exkluzív CBN-interjú Szijjártó Péter külügyminiszterrel
what the hell kind of language is that?


>Romanians are eternal, they came from Atlantis itself.
>Romanians have invented how to piss while sitting.
>The first extraterrestrials to contact us will be all Romanians since they have colonized the galaxy 7 million years ago.
>The last Ice Age has ended because Romanians have turned on the heating.
>If there were no Romanians gravity would seize to exist and the Sun and the Moon would fall from the sky.
>Romanians have invented the platinum-made magic jumping kangaroo, when it leaps the Dow Jones rises exponentially.
>After Virgin Marry had given birth to Jesus Christ not even God could fix her hymen, but the Romanians did.
>The pure willpower of Romanians can turn heavy water into regular one and back to heavy again, without them no nuclear reactor would be capable of working on this planet.
>Romania is an eternal and unending salt mine.
>Romanians can't steal land since all land on the planet belongs to Romanians by allodial right.
>Every language out there is just a dialect of Romanian.
>All Romanians are transdimensional beings with the immense capacity to go back and forth in time.
>When Romanians organise themselves into a spiral a magical doorway to another galaxy opens up.
>There are no black people in Africa. Only tanned Romanians in Chad.
>All races stem from Romanians. Being a degenerate and inbred is a sign of living too far away from Romania.
>Before Nietzche wrote the Zarathustra he visited Romania to talk to the great sage known as Kăl-el.
>Romanians wrote all the books that could be found at the Phalos of Alexandria in Teleorman the library that contained all the knowledge of the world. Once it got burned down by the Bozgors the Romanians choose to pass on its sacred knowledge ass to mouth.
>Romanians were Muslims even before Arabs, they wrote the Churân but Mohammed the coward gypsoid Türk stole it.

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It's safest because it is one of the safest country in Euorpe overall you dumbshit. It is safe for everyone.

based and redpilled
cringe and bluepilled

Of course a country that keeps out Muslim terrorists is going to be safer for Jews. Have you been dropped on your head or something?

Can't you seriously tell what those words are?


I'm so depressed to be a Canadian!

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Fucking hell. Things just keep getting worse here.

cheers hunbros

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Beautiful country.

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>Sajjan says Canadian Armed Forces should reflect Canadian population and be gender balanced

I doubt this "'"country""" has a future any more. It's going to balkanize - and that's a good thing.

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I'm still hoping for a rise in some kind of anti-globalist populism. There are some signs that it's starting to build, though I won't be holding my breath.

What happens in Britain, happens in Canada. Buckle up for a shitty bumpy ride. Except we have a lot more dindus with guns and "muh country of immigrants" meme in our equation.

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>people freely and democratically vote aganist democrasy and fredums
>we need to punish you for not being free and democratic enough
>we do it by limiting your freedom and democrasy in EU parliament

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Yeah, just too bad we can't Can-exit from ourselves.
I really fucking hope we don't end up with a British style police state any time soon.

Peter Szijjarto is fucking based. Maybe only man more based than Orban. Magyar Foreign Legion when?

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Spent four months in Budapest as a undergrad. I loved it, would return in a heartbeat.

Isnt the hungarian birthrate rising too

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Deductive reasoning tells me...
>Exclusive CBN (Hungarian Party?) interview with Mr.Peter of the culture minister department

However, he ignores a big issue.
While Hungary is doing a great job of keeping shitskins out, they forgot about the shitskins that are already there (gypsies) which are starting to become a problem demographically.

Emigration is bigger problem than birthrates. Need to go full Paprika Curtain and leave Schengen.

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CBN is the channel doing the interview. But the other parts are right.
I aggre, they are bad, but at least they are not as bad as the illegal immigrants. After this crisis we can move onto them.

truly hung aryans

CBN=Christian Broadcasting Network
They run a lot of stories on Hungarian policies, not just migration but also efforts to increase birthrates. One of the only western outlets who run favorable stories about Eastern Europe

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Not too bad ;D haha
No but seriously, they are seriously a problem. When I went to Hungary my uncle told me to pay no attention to those sickly "cygany". And he's right they are piece of shit beggars and thieves who you should look to as trash.
Not even the socially poor Hungarians are as bastardized as any Gypsy. I would know because during ww2 my family bought a house in an area now that has poor Hungarian farmers and they are the most humble folks I've ever met, no joke.

>After this crisis we can move onto them.
Looks like it’s already starting.

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A Szijjártó Peti az direkt néz ki mindig szarul amikor a kamera elé lép?

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You can't get more Red-pilled than hungary!

YOU DONKEY !!!!!!!!

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40 éves aggszűzségek s miegymás faszkalapságok. Ejsze rosszan hallszik ez panonnisztánban.

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¿Por qué?

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*A Szijjártó Peti direkt mindig [ilyen] szarul néz ki amikor a kamera elé lép?
Anyu szerint különleges vagyok.

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did he lied to me hunbro?

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Based gipsy

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