Ask a Pajew anything

I’m unironically an Indian Jew.
Maternal Grandmother was a member of Bene Israel. Married a secular Hindoo, and my Mother married an atheist. We know this because the synagogue of Bene Israel still has the records and copies of birth certificate of my grandmother.
>Do you have foreskin
No, mum became very religious after an incident before I was born
>Do you hate Muslims
Yes a bit. Although I’ve Muslim friends
>Do you hate hindoos?
Same as Muslims.
>Do you believe in God or Judaism
>Poo in loo or street?
>Do you want to become an Israeli
Yes, but I would like to keep my Indian citizenship as well
>What do you do
Studying journalism atm
>What does your family do
Some of them work in government, 2 run businesses

We’re very few in number now, most of them left to Israel

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I would like to only say one thing


Calm down m8 for the most part I’m Indian, you won’t notice the difference if you saw me

>for the most part I'm Indian
Kek always gives signs that the Jew lies...

More proof that all Jews are just larping converts from various shit backgrounds.

Typical jewish lie.

Ah, studying (((Journalism))) to destroy India I see. Plans won't succeed here mate.

Can you point to records and copies of birth certificates? Like any page?

Lel. Those satanic digits.

Tula marathi bolayela yet ahe ka?

Do you like gold loos?

>believing in Jow Forums conspiracies
No, I’m studying because I like the subject faggot. It’s just some Jews that act retarded.
As in my birth certificate? Won’t be useful. It only contains my birth date, district name etc. Not sure how I prove myself I’m a Jew. You just have to take my word for it until I take a picture with a rabbi at the synagogue and my grandma’s birth certificate.

Satanic digits

Must be difficult when your band of brothers desire to engage in gang do you hide your cut cock? Pink tip on deep bile colored shaft must stand out like a flare.

I bet your nickname is E.T

I understood what you asked because I can talk in Hindi for the most part. Although, we speak English at home.
Who doesn’t? Except they’re too costly.

>When a Jew Poo decides to participate in the gang rape as a leader

Attached: download.jpg (259x194, 6K)

Based Pajeet

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Considering lots of gang rapists are Muslims I’m betting it won’t be too hard.

This is so nightmarish it could be a plot for a bad horror movie.

Really? I thought it was the hindu dudes that were more prone to the rape gang mentality.

>nightmarish...horror movie
That is precisely why it is the perfect script for a horror movie

> trust me goyim. I'm human just like you

Attached: devil-shadow.png (250x330, 27K)

For the sake of some goodness in the world, just so you know, Hindus never persecuted the jews ever in history. You guys have been kicked out from everywhere except from here. So, as some small token of decency and appreciation we would like it if you stood by our side in case some retarded jew tries to subvert India.

Let me make it easy for you.
>get grandmothers marriage record and birth record In Israel
>get your information
>try talking to Some Israeli citizenship service or what ever its called
>they may want you to ship your shit
>make sure to order actual copies from a government website first so Incase they lose things

There you go

I feel you akhi. I was born in Marrakech, Morocco in the Jewish quarter in 1996 before moving to Jew York in the early 2008, so I know what it's like to deal with loads of mudslimes.

Even the marriage record is enough probably, your birth certificate. They might be able to prove your Jewish.

Israel and India are increasing their military cooperation. All is good.

Hindu rape culture is mostly casteism, but from what I’ve noticed with the end of the system, the castes have began becoming closer to each other. Most of rape amongst Hindus happens when caste lines are drawn and someone of a higher caste feels he has the right to exert power on the women of lower caste. This happens in villages quite a lot.

Switch to urban India and you suddenly find that a large part of sexual assaulters and rapists become Muslims, since the Hindu caste system in public life is more or less finished.

The greatest achievement of the Indian administration, in my opinion, was the criminalisation of the caste system and the uplifting of the lower castes through quotas. The other parts, not so much.

Muslims on the other hand have a rape culture that seems to stem from their Muslim vs kaffir system. Hindoo women are lured by Muslims and then gang raped or sold into prostitution. Since Hindoos are pagans (or more appropriately Al-Mushikirin — idolaters), their religion permits them to be sold and used as sex slaves.

I think with greater caste cohesion and intermarriage the Hindu rape problem is easy to solve, the Muslims on the other hand seem to be getting more radicalised as time passes.

Thanks but I’m not really interested, since India doesn’t permit dual citizenship yet. Besides I still want to make an impact on my homeland before moving to what I’d consider my motherland (Israel). Sounds like a cringey way to put it, but yeah that’s what I believe.

>Jew thinks the greatest achievement of the Indian government was to remove a 5,000 year old eugenics program
why am i not surprised
>jew advocates for caste interrmarriage
why am I not surprised
>jew literally says giving quotas to lower castes was good and excluding people on merit
why am I not surprised
>literally praises the actions of the most cucked prime minister of India who recognized Israel the moment it was established in 1948 and hated Hitler and Nazis despite most Nationalist Indians supporting Nazi Germany
why am I not surprised
>wants to make an (((impact)))
why am I not surprised

listen i know this is going to hurt a bit, but you are not indian. i've visited your enclave in Mumbai and all I saw was Israeli flags and stars of david with hebrew signs, you literally have no actual allegiance to this nation.

you came here on boats to probably escape persecution, and we gave you space to live but you never integrated.

so from the bottom of my heart, i urge you to leave, please leave this country. you hate it probably for all the street shitting memes we get, and everything else. go back to israel, you have a homeland. stop trying to dictate us and with your entire family working in the government, indirectly ruling us.

thank you.

This is interesting but strange. I have a few Punjabi Sikh friends. According to them, the British lead migration of Muslims into Bangladesh and Pakistan lead to a minority Muslim Indian population.

As a Jew Poo, it seems to me that you are trying to tell me that people convert from Hinduism to Islam in order to be part of Rape Gangs?

I think their assessment is more logical. When a bunch of horny fucking Hindus become incels they spaz out and attempt to enforce the traditional male superiority on unscrupulous females that will go in small groups to gatherings that are mostly compromised of Hindu fuck nuts.

Obviously I am not Indian but from what my buddies tell me and what you tell me know...something very different is going on.

Hindoos don’t convert to Islam, I didn’t mean to say that. What I said was a large part of rape in Islamic culture comes from that fact that their religion permits sexual exploitation of Pagans and non-Muslims, so they end up raping non-Muslim women.

>horny fucking Hindus become incels
India is a sexually repressed society, although that has been changing in a recent few years. Pretty much most Indian (50-60%) men regardless of religion are incels.

I’m saying this from living in the worst parts of India and writing about them. I’ve talked to women who literally did not know what rape was, and described what pretty much was rape. They thought it was justified because the men belonged to a higher race.

Most of urban and non-resident Indians don’t experience this level of backwardness which is why you’ve so many Indians getting triggered here. It really is that bad in certain parts of India that women don’t know what rape is while getting raped.
>caste system is based and redpilled
Believing in retarded Jow Forums memes isn’t going to change the country. Racial hierarchy systems are evil and need to be dismantled despite the racial differences.

Also lol what is an Indian? So many religions, races and ethnicities. I’m an Indian because I was born here and my documents clearly mention I’m one.

but the same applies to jews.
The Torah permits the rape, robbery and murder of goys;
Of all three abrahamic religions only the christians are cucks that take dick up their ass and love their enemies.

Muslims and Jews adhere to murder of non believers.

I haven’t fully read the Torah, yet so I’m taking what you said as truth.

Unlike most Muslims, most Jews tend to be secular, or at least the ones I know. Zionism is not religious but an ethnonationalist movement.

Israel, for all intents and purposes, is still a secular Jewish state. In fact, the existence of Israel is offensive to Orthodox Jews who oppose the existence of the State of Israel.

“The so-called "State of Israel" is diametrically opposed and completely contradictory to the true essence and foundation of the People of Israel, as is explained above. The only time that the People of Israel were permitted to have a state was two thousand years ago when the glory of the creator was upon us, and likewise in the future when the glory of the creator will once more be revealed, and the whole world will serve Him, then He Himself (without any human effort or force of arms) will grant us a kingdom founded on Divine Service. However, a worldly state, like those possessed by other peoples, is contradictory to the true essence of the People of Israel. Whoever calls this the salvation of Israel shows that he denies the essence of the People of Israel, and substitutes another nature, a worldly materialistic nature, and therefore sets before them, a worldly materialistic "salvation," and the means of achieving this "salvation" is also worldly and materialistic i.e. to organize a land and army. However, the true salvation of the People of Israel is to draw close to the Creator. This is not done by organization and force of arms. Rather it is done by occupation to Torah and good deeds.”

— an Orthodox Jewish interpretation of the existence of the modern State of Israel

makes sense...Jews are tribal...they may follow central tenants but they certainly don't agree on every aspect of their existence.
Abrahamic faiths (to which I do not adhere) prefer to create factions that will fight other religions but in times of peace they will turn on each other...

In my opinion..said tribal based abrahamic religions will perpetuate war with other religions for the day they conquer a foe, they will need to handle their own peccadilloes...this is when real war will develop as they will fight on fundamentalist lines that can cause a total destruction of their own culture.
That being said, it is "healthy" for tribal religions to constantly make up new enemies, it lets them keep at bay centuries old conflicts that they are not interested in resolving.