I want you to understand that Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the head of a woman...

>I want you to understand that Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the head of a woman, and God is the head of Christ. Every man who has something on his head while praying or prophesying, >disgraces his head. But every woman who has her head uncovered while praying or prophesying, disgraces her head; for she is one and the same with her whose head is shaved. For if a woman does not >cover her head, let her also have her hair cut off; but if it is disgraceful for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, let her cover her head. For a man ought not to have his head covered, since he is >the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man. For man does not originate from woman, but woman from man.

What the fuck happened to the world, how has it gone to shit so fast?

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People don't go outside often enough.

Why is it disrespectful for woman not to cover her head?

Its called Modesty

A woman's hair is her covering. So women should have long hair, otherwise they shame their husband and God.

thats some real circular dune coon logic right there

men can't even keep their own shit together, i'm expected to let them keep my shit together? fuck that. you assholes get your own shit straight and then i'll think about letting rule over me. fucking idiots. nobody's going to follow you when you're a weak, soft, unemployed douche bag.

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what if they had a chemo therapy?

That's involuntary hair loss, so it does not count I think.

Fuck you kikecucked faggot

you clearly don't believe in God, anyway.


>so women should have long hair, otherwise they shame their husband and God.



mushroom dick detected

she is only to cover her head if she cuts
her hair short, why? because God gave
girls their hair as a covering because it
is their Glory. since we're in the first death
hair just looks like hair so people cut it off
and don't give it a second thought.

if we were in the kingdom of light you'd
see why long hair on a girl is GLORIOUS.
hair is dead light.

don't listen to the kikes about women
and modesty, they don't know fuck
all about what torah means when it
says to be modest.

not your god, at least. your god wants me to submit to a man who cannot be bothered to make a living, brush his teeth or wash his face. your god doesn't want what's best for me, your god wants me to submit to a dirty cock simply because it's a cock. no thanks.

"It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."

what retarded bullshit

◄ 1 Corinthians 11:7 ►

A man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but woman is the glory of man.

all hats when burned turn to ash, carbon 12 which
is six protons six neutrons six electrons or 666
the mark of the beast atomically. a hat is also
in the same shape as a females genitals, a cup
or chalice, those who put a hat on their head
and pray are saying lilith is their god, the wife
of satan, she is the queen of 666.

now you know what those hats are, they're wearing
pussies on their heads because they're lame pos
MOMMIES BOIS(moloch worshipers)

Centuries long Judeo-Masonic plots to bring about the reign of Antichrist.

The subversion of the state, entertainment, military, media, and Church is almost complete. The time is soon. Go to confession.

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There is only one God, I don't care what you call him

What about men with long hair or facial hair? Anything in The Holy Bible about that?

Men have a sexual attraction to women and to halt our nature and to protect our women they should be revered in modesty.

so men need to shave their heads? im confused

>your god wants me to submit to a man who cannot be bothered to make a living, brush his teeth or wash his face. your god doesn't want what's best for me, your god wants me to submit to a dirty cock simply because it's a cock. no thanks.
who hurt you? was it your father?

oh yes of course if a woman rejects what's presented to her as the modern man, as pathetic and impotent and infantile as he is, she must have daddy issues.

>they worship a kike

God is a faggot. I am King of the Jew.

thanks for being honest, roastie

Keep this thread alive.
I still need to know if having long hair as a Male is not within Gods will

You are not answerin the question. Why does a woman have to cover her hair, and why is it disrespectful not to do this?

The text says women to cover their head when praying. Why? Male attraction to women is not a relevant thing in this context.

>because God gave
>girls their hair as a covering because it
>is their Glory.

God gave man hair too - how does the hair of a woman differ from the hair of a man?

>hair is dead light.

So is everything else that has a physical body.

im curious too, ill bump this again for knowledge's sake

Why not ask God?

what the fuck is this nonsensical gobbledygook?

Too bad we cant bump more than once
Once page reaches page 5 its practically dead.
Guess I'll look into it myself later. I'll hang around though. Usually you can find answers online. Yesterday I had a question about whether or not killing rodents is a bad thing
>Mom found a rat, called me to take care of it. Decapitated it with a shovel and threw it in the trash.
I wasnt devastated, but I felt a small tinge of guilt. Looked it up, apparently killing Gods creatures is alright as long as it is done with purpose (pests, rodents, food.) Also Genesis was quoted, about how God made animals to serve man

>I still need to know if having long hair as a Male is not within Gods will
It's clearly not, Corinthians 11 clearly says men should NOT have long hair because it's a shame.

>Once page reaches page 5 its practically dead.

>what is catalog

It's a damn shame, isn't it?

i hope killing animals isnt a super bad sin. jesus died so we can sin all we want. i was raised protestant and was taught we go to heaven no matter what as long as we believe in jesus. ive killed so many birds and squirrils as a kid for fun. id just sit in my backyard and shoot them with my .22 for fun and then let my dog run around with them in his mouth. then id throw the animal in the compost bin or trash. im prob going to hell if protestants are wrong lol

no because it looks faggy.

how long is too long? my hair goes to my eye brows/nose

we don't know exactly but I would say that's too long.

Yup, that's correct. Thanks user, I'll make sure to get my hair cut asap. I havent cut it for a month because money is tight, but I'll get it cut this weekend. Thanks for spoonfeeding

god hates skaters? i could see that i guess. ill have to shave it fairly soon since my hairline is getting more fucked as time goes on

Well, you were a child. I'm sure Jesus knows you're a good person. Even I was a "Laveyan Satanist" as a child. When I finally found Jesus and felt his good grace I cried like a baby and pleaded forgiveness. Never again.

I want you to understand that you have surrendered yourself to a set of beliefs that are spectacularly ridiculous.

>When I finally found Jesus and felt his good grace I cried like a baby and pleaded forgiveness.
same thing happened to me. but i feel like i would still want to shoot squirrels for fun just because its something to shoot at. idk if i actually changed or just want to believe jesus wouldnt send me to hell and am biased.

How did you realize that you had found him?

I see. Well, there's plenty of forums online that may shed some light. Or why not ask someone of the faith? A Pastor or Father?

My entire youth I was looking for meaning in my edgy nihilistic world-view. One day I just had a mental breakdown and found my missing piece. The Lord. The thing I was running from my whole life was my guilt of turning my back on him. When I had my epiphany, I felt what I can only describe as the hand of God reach down and touch the crown of my head. It felt as if my head split like an egg and the yolk of my inner thoughts of doubt and blasphemy spill from my head. Ever since then, no more drugs, no more sins, prayer and happy times. Alcohol on occasion but never to get drunk

Sounds like a profound knot was untied in your mind. How did you determine that it must have been God you found, instead of something else?

I'm not sure exactly, but I only get the same feeling when I'm at church during non-mass hours deep in prayer. It's a feeling of peace I never felt before. Sounds corny, but it's an inner light

This is why women will be put in cages. This is some low agency posting right there

I see. The reason I'm asking is because I have had similar experiences, but I know that I can psych myself to have all kinds of intuitive experiences ranging from demonic possession to deep spiritual assurance. I just wish there was some way to confirm that I have truly found God, and not just a way to subconcsiously placebo myself.

When Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of knowledge, on of the punishments to man was basically God introducing feminism to women to plague man's eternal mission to be good leaders

>Sauce: Paraphrasing Genesis.

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I found Him in natural revelation. Grew up a Christian but it didn’t become real until I saw how much the world hated Him. If He was just a nobody, why is he still opposed to this day?

one of the*

>mfw in the age of soiboys and cucks I'm a man amongst men whose woman respects my say
I seriously hope you guys aren't betas in 2018

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Reminder that rabbis, imams , catholicuck priests AND even atheists (Fedoras) all wear signature hats.

That's literally caused by God marking them so anyone who actually reads the Bible can tell they're false religions

Also OP, the guy in your pic has a hat, hope he's not worshipping in it

I was also raised Christian, but lost my way as a teenager.

> If He was just a nobody, why is he still opposed to this day?

People hate self-responsibility. To live a moral and virtuous life is a big burden, and sucks even more when someone else tells you to do it. Thus repulsion to Christianity and religion in general in the eyes of the general public seems self-evident. Even when the majority of the society follows a religion, the religion will be diluted down and made to fit to the whims of the society, instead of modelling the society in accordance to God's will.

Care to share your revelation by the way?

Nigga the Vatican IS the antichrist . Other interpretations were the result of Jesuit shilling

Look at all the cucks bitching about this.

Pol is under attack by assmad roasties, they recently admitted it.

Guess who else wears hats and does idolatry? Yep this one hits close to home

You got had. Trump's another mason puppet and he does the pussy hat thing. That's the joke they're playing on you, the maga hat and the pussy hat are both pussys

Red hat = Masonic Phygian Cap, they wore it in the French revolution. They just superficially swapped left for right and you fell for it.

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>masons have claim to red hats

They don't but they have claim to US presidents. All of them

Not full claim. The US president is a contested entity.