Is Radical Leftism going to die soon?

>Leftist reject scientific and historical patterns and data and instead promote revisionist history and pseudoscience, birthing the culture of gender, which only confuses and outcasts people.
>Leftist refuse to analyze, discuss, or even bring up the topics of the opposing side to find common ground, and shut down any opposing ideas that contradict what they stand for, which only stops them from evolving and "progressing".
>Leftists mentally snap, cripple themselves, and commit suicide over elected officials getting into office, losing their future votes and support.
>Leftists support degenerative LGBT lifestyles that hurt the community rather than bring them up, and instead spreads diseases more frequently through their way of expression and destroys them socially, mentally, physically, and emotionally.
>Leftists scream at students to vote but don't educated them how to vote and or who to vote for, which causes them to lose important control in the world like within the EU and the US.
>Leftists clearly support the idea of killing those smaller or weaker than them, like instances in killing the unborn or euthanizing the elderly, of whom might have potentially supported them or did support them.
>Leftists practice hedonism instead of asceticism for bettering one's self, which in turn promotes slut-acceptance (which only adds to the "rape culture" they fight) and fat-acceptance (which, again, kills their supporters).
>Leftists ironically segregate race and sex for representation.
>Leftists resort to weak physical violence if a different viewpoint like Fascism is discovered within an opponent's mind, only showing how openly primal and regressive they are.

I dunno. Sound pretty forward-thinking to me.
What about you?

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The extremist left is dead. The rest of them still have time to walk it back to reality. I dunno if they will

You're confusing radical liberals with radical leftists. Radical leftists don't do anything, except maybe that last one, which we commit because politics is ruled by the strong, and we must be strong and smash our enemies if we are to prevail.

Righttards conflating radlibs and demsocs with radlefts as usual. Unfortunately there aren't really enough of us to have any impact on politics in the US.

I'd like to think that by our conviction, our right analysis, and maybe (if I may dare say it), some divine intervention, we will one day triumph anyway, but I can understand the pessimism.

>people outside the net and tv
capitalist and cut-throat
>people online
lefty larpening

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God will never help the left.

I'm probably in a very small minority, even among comrades, but I think He is on our side. That's the only reason we're still around at all.

> going to die
We are going to murder it.

We are crashing globo homo intersectionalism and muhh-individual lolbertarianm without survivors.

Stupid faggots make strawmans.

I'm not saying rightists because there are stupid faggots in all camps.

They're the useful idiots who will soon become social pariahs that people laugh at in the future.

I'm assuming you're an Ortho then.

Excuse me, sir.
ˌstrô ˈman/
an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument.

How are ANY of the situations I gave misrepresentations of the Radical Left??? Seriously, these happen all the time.

No radical leftists will kill the Democrat party. It will be replaced with a pseudo socialist party on the left. A neocon/warhalk/deepstate party in the "middle" and a "nationalist" party on the right.

No. My faith is kinda ideosyncratic, but my first premise is that service to God is best rendered fighting for His justice on the streets, and not reading dusty texts in some fancy building.

We don’t have to murder a bunch of weaklings who are suffocating themselves. They’re proud of their diseased lifestyles and encourage their CHILDREN to do these things.

It’s like natural selection. It’s better to watch them burn while we survive.

Everytime I see a post like that it pushes me closer and closer to being a tankie.
Maybe gulags weren't such bad idea.

They aren’t misinterpretations

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Everything in moderation, comrade.

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Consider civilizations in the past that died out. Degenerate, barbaric peoples who ended up killing themselves off because of their sinful ways. History WILL repeat itself.

desu , Idk what a tankie is, but maybe it does belong in the gulag it if involves being Thomas the Tank Engine-kin

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There is no radical leftism.
Communism is dead and the only people who pretend it isnt are left wing liberal college kids larping as trans-Lenin and people who unironically believe "cultural marxism" is a thing.

A "tankie" is a term for a hard-line stalinist. It comes from the people who supported the invasion of Czechoslovakia by Soviet tanks.

People worrying about the rise of leftism should really look no further than at the USSR and it's collapse.

Sooner or later people realize how much of a waste of time that altruism is, and then they go back to the basic human nature of only giving a shit about the individual's self and property, and not about others or their feelings.

>we need less men and more women in the workplace
>Lesbians actively work to destroy good men.
>Where have all the Good Men gone!?

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Leftism is not an ideology, it's just a culture of shameless self-indulgence with the expectation that others will morally support (and often subsidize) your self indulgence.

I propose we start calling them "Leftish" instead of "leftist" because they;re an incompatible parallel nation living alongside us.

That sounds mad gay.

The invasion was based and redpilled.

>is christianity going to die soon
said the Romans in 2nd century

Shoving your big, fat tank barrel up in someone else's business does sound hella gay, doesn't it?

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Speaking of mad gay, this person deleted my friend because they discussed an opposing viewpoint.

Yes, everyone. Clearly these are strawman arguments.

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Good riddance.

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>implying Christianity was ever as degenerative in its origins as left culture is today.

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>natural selection.
That’s why their “deviants”. They act against the cosmic order. They can only do it for so long until they build up enough karma and Law reassert itself

They had some decent ideas but yeah it's a little too radical to be practically implemented.

The left is literally the zombie apocalypse. They can't be reasoned with, they can't be bought and they will never stop.

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It’s all a matter of survival in the end. You can’t survive through life throwing a fit every time something doesn’t go your way.

They respond to the world like spoiled brats who didn’t get exactly what they wanted for Christmas. And on top of that, instead of actually wanting to help different mental illnesses, they encourage it and sometimes even force it onto their children.

Even our school systems have been corrupted by these people. Again, they are suffocating themselves and future generations. You can’t survive if you continue to act like an infant.

>leftists (totalitarian liberals) scream at students to vote but don’t train them how to vote
They prey on weakness, selfish behaviour and stupidity.
They are the parties of the degenerate and the stupid and they know it and forcefully foster stupidity in society.
They are the people who ‘believe’* that they don’t need to change reality but rather that they should bully everyone into pretending reality is different to the way it truely is.
*(likes of the clintons don’t actually believe in liberality they use it like a dodgy pyramid scheme to get rich)

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>Leftists commit suicide over elected officials getting into office
Story please?

>God is on the side of gays and militant atheists
You worship Satan bro

It was just a retarded way of saying “Jesus loves me” lmao

The left unironically can't meme since ancient times.
All good soviet propaganda that Stalin produced was literally National Socialist propaganda altered.

Their subversion tactics are not "propaganda" per se, but actually brainwashing techniques.
That's why they infested academia and try to get the kids younger and younger.

The left can't meme.