Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Times Get Tough Edition

>upcoming state elections
Bavaria: Oct. 14 2018 #ltwby
Hesse: Oct. 28 2018 #ltwhe
>Bavarian and Hessian goys may sign up as election observers


>Meme Collections

>Counter culture

>Get active

>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag (english sub)

>AfD speeches in Bundestag (german)
[post 3 most recent and most shitposty/redpilling/dank speeches]

>Einzelfall map, case log,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

>A f D W A V E


Make memes and propaganda for Germany
Spread and share said propaganda and memes on social media
Always believe and have trust in Germany and the German people
Beware of defeatist and leftist trolls

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Other urls found in this thread:

First for best General

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Good evening Krauts!

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>OP pic

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good doggo

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n' Abend.

guter junge
>not rommel
dont get me wrong, Heinz was a top notch general, but not #1 for me

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This world is a sick place, the black eagle is spreading misery, in time phonix will come and with its blade sharp claws open up eagles guts and kill it with pride.

whoops, was for

I rate both pretty high but I like Heinz more personally due to Guderian Plan.

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Yeah, Switzerland wants to cuck itself with the UN migration pact.

> Bundesrat will Migrationspakt unterzeichnen
> In anderen Staaten wächst der Widerstand gegen das UNO-Abkommen.

Attached: swiss.cucks.and.un.migrationspakt.png (1000x872, 811K)

I don't see the problem here...

And see this:

>the black eagle is spreading misery
>phonix will come
Yeah, I hate those Albanians, Byzantium when?

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I go with data miner, would fit the profile and there is a loooot of money to be made if you specialize on hardly accessible segments of the population. This doesn't mean that it can't be sold to amateurs like the BKA or more probable the BVD, who are not that bad at what they do, and still decades behind, thanks to liberal left policies

mfw SPD kills itself more effectively than the NSDAP ever could.

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Eidgenossenschaft and individual parts of it have right of self-defence as far as I am aware?

I was obviusly speaking metaphorically, and you obviously spoke ironically, but I doubt that you understand what I meant.

still think Dönitz and Raeder are underrated desu

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Really guys, really?

>Tfw realize Bismarck was the best chancellor the SPD ever had
Danke Merkel

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Maybe we should start creating a petition to build memorials for them. I would love the media reaction to these.

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I understand well what you said, it's just my Serb genes which I can't stop in forcing me to committ cheap jokes.
Alright, Döner was an ebin Führer for the little time he had, but he fucked up the Atlantic battle, by not waiting until all other battleships would be operational and ready to aid the Bismarck.

He also didn't manage to stop the idiotic building of the Graf Zeppelin.

>A soulless genetic dead end sells dossiers to intelligence services
Strangers things happened
Also second time you post acceptable music. Nice work agent

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Can you leak some sekrit doumintz? I work as a contact for the FSB so this would be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!

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Working on the Antifaschistische buzzword-Bingo for that case.

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I want to masturbate on Annette.

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Lads (and presumably at least one lass):
I presume most of us are at least a bit nationalist (else we probably wouldn't post here) but do you see yourself more "social" or more "libertarian"?
The vibe I get from /krautpol/ usually leans more towards libertarian but I might get the wrong impression.
Here is a quick poll I made:

How often are we allowed to vote?

Didn't know George Constanza was a Vietnam-veteran.

Mountain Chan reporting for duty!

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>ermöglicht in den Zielländern Zugang zu den sozialen Sicherungssystemen
and this is how you kill socialism

Hyenas are harassing the lion, time will come, and hyenas should bevare, as he wokes, nothing in this world shall stop him, run, hide and pray, someone is going to pay for all of this.

Once per IP of course.

1.1 Geschichte Wiederholt sich
1.2 Wir haben es euch ja gesagt
1.3 Es braucht mehr Antifaschismus an deutschen Schulen
2.1 Ende der Demokratie
2.2 Verfassungschutz hilf uns :DDD
2.3 Die AfD ist daran schuld

For a start.

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Indeed, I am.

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Sieg heil mein freunds. So is there going to be another Nazi uprising in Germany? When will AfD take over?

voted libertarian although I have to add that a number of economical and sociological points from the nationalsocialist programme are very good ideas -- no, not GTKRWN but equality of the classes (Ständegleichheit) and the abolishing of the interest-yoke.

5 votes and 63% guarantee this, pic related.

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here's the official sheet

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Don't provoke me into Slavic rage of lust, you don't want Slav semen all over your Alpenwaifus, now do you?

>no Dönitz Statue in the middle of Laboe Ehrenmal
hurts a bit
> but he fucked up the Atlantic battle, by not waiting until all other battleships would be operational and ready to aid the Bismarck.
that wasnt his fault, the Bongs bombed Gneisenau and Scharnhorst before they could group up with Bismarck.
Tirpitz wasnt finished yet and he concentrated on his Submarines anyway, same goes for the Graf Zeppelin, he simply didnt care
gib copy when finished


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Slav is a linguistic category not a genetic one.

Certainly. With A lesbian as Hitler a diabetic fat old man as Goring, a traitor as Himmler and the Hanoar Hatzioni in the role of the Hitler Youth

also add, "die Digitalisierung"

What will be my role in the reich?

You can be agent Tays Lustknabe, and unclog the latrines

Leader of Latvian SS volunteers.

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>"Aufrüstung der Sprache"
>"Keine anderen Themen wie Flüchtlinge"
>"Schnelle Lösungsansätze"

some of them are too easy i guess

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The lion is lying in the sun, in the middle of the African savannah.
He can take rest, as he is the king.
Though, the lionness she comes to mess with the lion, mocking him, laughing at him, provoking him, biting his ears, scratching his face.
The hyenas, the jackals, they all come to mess with the jackals, but he doesn't react, he doesn't react as the lionness invites alien invaders.

But, as they get bolder and bolder, the lion starts to wake up, he jumps out of his position of sleep and rest, in his death-like state and pushes the female on the ground, kills all the jackals, bites, rages, killing and eating everything that is resisting him.

Then, as he goes back to his quarter, he watches the lions go to hunt, the females bringing back the food, the hyenas and jackals and the prey cowering in fear and eating their meals in fear and respect, while the young lions play and grow where the bones of the fallen enemies lie, forgotten, like ancient myths.

Then, he comes back to sleep.
He can take rest, as he proved that he's king.

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>seenotrettung ist nicht schlepperei

Totally recommend a visit to U-995 and the memorial.
U-995 shows you literally what these boys went through by living inside of a weapon.
The memorial is ... well ... sobering. It's one of the last sites of true soldiery in Germany.

Grützi, Bergjudefren! how you're holding up? Added to the stash lately?

I go for von Manstein instead

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>Dönitz and Raeder
if only those two have gotten what they asked! priority allocation was not the stronkest side in der Führer...

Pretty useless


the absolute madman made them mad. they make him unintentionally famous.

Welp, drank 2 beers feel slightly drunk.

I was thinking more of something like:
"Braune Flecken"
"Relativierung von Verbrechen"
"Glorifizierung von Krieg&Gewalt"
"Offener Anti-Semitismus"
"Werte&Vorstellungen aus dem 19jhdt."
"NAaaAAAzzIIIIIIS RAus!1111!"

I beg to differ.

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Vol II of "Der Linksstaat" got published publically.
Comprehensive documentary for the boomer.

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>2 beers
>slightly drunk

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You are a really big boy

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>seenotrettung ist nicht schlepperei
Awesome, then smuggling drugs from other countries isn't piracy?
Prepa' yo' ass.

If you like your encirclements frozen...

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Jesus, don't throw up, white boii.


Oh määän, does that mean I have to make a dedicated npc folder?

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Nigga, i am 60kg and can hang with more.

SPD Platz 4 xDdDddDDdd

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oi tay it occured to me that you use on and one wrong very often, better watch out for that little lady, makes you look stupid

The fuck.
Green magic?!

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w-hat? Pedos going stellar because of convenient Hambacher Forst pergout and IPCC report commissioned by (((ARD)))?

I say, wait until Sunday evening.

I like my Sichelschnitt far more...


Bündnis 68/Die Pädophilen are WAAY easier to dismantle and expose than SPD, since they're replacing the latter and going to be the main source of opposition, you should actually start to feel confident about it.

Note that 6% others are just NPD-tier meme-parties and honeypots for Commies.

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Listen Anete, you're not a young girl anymore, you're close to age to menopause, so I suggest you think about children before it's to late and this is not me beeing an asshole, this is me warning you.i for one want to make at least 10 children.

never been there yet, was in Wilhelm Bauer as a Kid tho.
its crazy when you think that Germany is still #1 most built Submarines in the world, nobody had more than we did
>highest Identification Number is U-4701, not counting all the Einmann Seehund and Otter/Biber Submarines from U-5000-6000
>there have been over 1500 Submarines in Total


>für die ARD
there you go
>pic related

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I am not convinced anymore that this is just Launemacherei. all polls indicate an unhalting stop for the greens.

>covered in eichenlaub

daz völkisch and nazi!

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Die Grünen sind halt die Partei derer, die sich nicht so für Politik interessieren. Die Grünen werden dann gewählt, weil man glaubt mit der Wahl einer Partei, die für Umweltschutz etc. eintritt nichts falsch machen zu können. Die Grünen haben es da unter Mithilfe der Medien ganz gut geschafft, ein Image als "gute Weltverbesserer" aufzubauen.

Daneben sprechen die Grünen halt auch ganz gut das Lebensgefühl der oberen linken Mittelschicht in den Groß- und Studentenstädten an und werden dann von dieser und denjenigen, die zu ihr gehören wollen, gewählt.

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you say things like "there are many retards one this board"

a year ago they (((polled))) that half of germans say Die Grünen are obsolete
now they are (((polling))) in the second spot
give me a fucking break will ya

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As I said a thread before: It all depends on whether the disgruntled Sozis follow through with their "polling threat" against SPD by telling "imma vote green".

That's true, they're the rich student kids at berkley except german, complaining about privilege.

I think more people would be socialist, if like 50% of our taxes wouldnt go to turkshits... its the same as in the USA... libertarianism is what you get when taxes are thrown out of the window while the middle class gets taxed to death

>i am 60kg
Schleswig-Holstein-manlet confirmed, Imma call my homeboys in Denmark for Invasion.
[insert gender-neutral 1st person singular pronoun in here] [insert gender neutral verb "to be" in conjugation of gender-neutral 1st person singular pronoun] Groot.

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>they're the rich student kids


>First day at the campus
>The first people I see are some unwashed lefties hanging up anti-AFD stickers.