Why do right wingers/conservatices lack creatively?

No bait no larp, honest question

Cant sing or make music (99% of artists are lefties)
Cant make movies (you can make a movie with a cellphone)
cant write novels( can only do fact based boring books ex ann coulter)
cant do art (okay ill give you guys memes)
cant program (big tech is filled with SJWs)
cant even invest successfully (the left is filled with rich people who can pile tonnes of money into activism)

do you guys really expect to win this culture war when the left can out think you and out spend you six ways till Sunday.

btw im not a leftie

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Do you really think the jews would let right wing people get far in entertainment

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The creative mills of this country have been quietly converted to lefty indoctrination centers where only leftists or cryptoconservatives can flourish
Eitherway the output is decidedly leftist
You don't have to be talented when you seize the means of production and disenfranchise the independent producers

Artists today are promoted due to their politics, or their ability. This is why A> Most artists today are leftists and B> pop culture/art is horrible and toxic.

If you are a leftist, you are given a voice louder than you deserve. If you are conservative, you get called racist and run off the stage by a mob.

>Why do right wingers/"conservatices" lack creatively?

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>do you guys really expect to win this culture war when the left can out think you and out spend you six ways till Sunday.

that’s right Jow Forums, if u wanna win this fight against the joos you need to consume as much as possible. Sounds about right

Stephen Paddock was an artist

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>No bait no larp, honest question
>1 post by this ID

>cant even invest successfully (the left is filled with rich people who can pile tonnes of money into activism)


Stephen Paddock was a right wing artist

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2 posts now go fuck yourself

Non-rich conservative voters are the ultimate cucks. I say this as a rich conservative voter. I literally laugh at people who aren't millionaires and voted for Trump. Voting yourself into further poverty is fucking pathetic. I no longer support Trump b/c he's a wannabe dictator in a country which won't ever allow that to happen ("muh idealize every leader who kills dissenters"), but I'll continue to support other conservative candidates because it keeps money in my pocket. If you're not millionaire+ status and voted for Trump you must either enjoy a non lubed ass fucking or be a total moron. I'm betting most are the latter. Being braindead doesn't work that well for creativity. There's your answer.

>burger flag
well, what do we have here?
>99% of artists are lefties
and they make soulless propagandistic garbage
>Cant make movies
that particular media is controlled by leftist ideologues, why would they allow right-wing movies to be made?
>cant write novels
That's hilarious user
Not like you read anyway - but I assume you mean fiction, which is for children, women, and faggots.
>cant do art
again, soulless garbage
piss christ is really transcendent amirite
>cant program
>cant even invest successfully
>what are investment firms and hedge funds
>btw im not a leftie
no but you are a retard



>1 post by this ID

Already won

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Because you cannot make it in hollywood without cucking to a communist jew.


only crazy as fuck people are creative its well know and well studied

Current music is shit, mediocre movies yes but not those worth watching, current art is trash, what modern book have you read in the last years that will become a timeless classic? Programming has sjw's because it's a desk job and that is pretty much the sole requirement for them. What has activism actually achieved? Some people gather and yell at the sky while the people in power laugh at them and keep winning. They waste their money on impotent "protesting" but don't risk anything real, they are shit and couldn't pull off a riot of consequence to save their lives, a shriek and a passive aggressive sign, big whoop.

so why dont conservatives start their own hollywood or have their own film festivals they not smart enough to do that?

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I’m an indie game dev who’s right. Haven’t put anything out yet but my first project should be out by summer of next year. Sadly, it’s not a political art piece.

Why focus on fiction when we win in real life?

>Memed a president into office

Enough said

I know this is bait, but fuck it I'll respond
Because conservatives get shut out of the industry. Look at what happens to peoples careers when they come out as conservatives

Jews control everyone of the these categories. Conservatives have to hide their political views if they want a job in these fields.

>Can't program
Right wingers tend to program in C++ while these lazy ass pussy SJWs are "programming" in python.

Im a pretty talented painter and photographer. Im not an emotionally crippled faggot so I have no desire for fame and my work will never actively be sold.

cuz culture informs politics
if you dont have the culture you will lose the politics, which what im really getting at.
conservatives what to have their values respected, that will never work as long as their is a counterparty who has different views as you and likely hates your guts. So if they can control the culture they can get more people to eventually be programmed into hating you.
The fact that i have to explain such a simple concept to conservatives is sad

there are enough conservatives in this country to start another country. Thats a bullshit excuse


Because we have over 80,000 federal regulations thanks to corporate lobbyists that use government to cut their competition.

Conservatives do all those things the only difference between them and liberals is that liberals don't promote conservative artists if they know they hold conservative views.

A small segment of this board provides more entertainment than the entire entertainment industry in my country. We also played an instrumental role in discombobulating a multi billion dollar presidential campaign with Microsoft Paint.

>we have over 80,000 federal regulations thanks to corporate lobbyists that use government to cut their competition.

and these regulations prevent you from making music and novels in your garage or bedroom.
honestly all im hearing are excuses from you guys, and they are rather weak excuses. There is no regulation preventing you from writing a novel and putting it on amazon or your own website.
same goes for music

>Make right wing music
>FCC won't let it be played on the radio
>Jewtube bans it
>No one even knows it exists

Do you understand how lobbying works?

There's only so much oxygen in the room and jew institutions are so huge they can't simply be challenged by some upstart
In the rare occasions that they are, they direct their sizable bank accounts towards undermining the newcomer in numerous ways or just subvert it too
Note that the jews did not create the institutions, they usurped them through nepotism and corruption and very deliberately so

Also Amazon has been banning a lot of right wing books lately.

come on dude
if that was the case
no right wing book would be best sellers
yet tonnes are. they just dont write about fictional stuff like novels which more people are likely to read.

you’ve heard of SHUT IT DOWN, yeah? that’s why, dumbass

>I say this a rich conservative voter

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Except for a large amount of negative press and social distaste. Anything remotely right wing will be deemed as racists and subsequently shut down either directly or indirectly. Just look at Youtube.
You could technically say anything in the soviet union, you'd just get shot afterwards.
Also, industries like the comic industry are slowly getting rid of the established political system as seen by the rise of independent artists.

there are loads of others. musicians and writers that would turn your mind inside out. you've just never heard of them because you have basic bitch tastes

also jr tolkein was pretty ring wing /conservative of a writer. Problem is you guys want to write books that no normie would even bother reading because you'd end up saying the word nigger 100 times in the first page.

nearly every artist alive prior to 1950 would be considered "right wing" today

k who are they?

This just happened the other day and the list of banned conservative books is getting longer and longer.

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>nearly every artist alive prior to 1950 would be considered "right wing" today
its not 1950 now is it

one guy

lack of imagination and humor is typical of the right, there are exceptions but it is highly the norm. I mean if you're a conservative you have to accept that there's only one static possibility of how the world should be and that implies normally to go back to some past year when things worked perfectly. This is a highly unimaginative and moronic worldview. The actual fact is that everything changes, so pretending to conserve any type of state in society or the world is just going to produce bitter and humorless idiots who can't accept that they can't control everything.

Did you ever read Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn?


"t was according to the old saying, "Give a nigger an inch and he'll take an ell." Thinks I, this is what comes of my not thinking. Here was this nigger, which I had as good as helped to run away, coming right out flat-footed and saying he would steal"

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lmao you retard, books are one of the few things that can be created and marketed at the individual level and even then its been under full fledged assault for some time, see the sad puppies debacle
God you're a retard

It's a lot more than one guy you retarded faggot. Amazon is banning books like crazy and you had no idea because people have to spoon feed your dumbass information.

you came in here like a dickhead, pearls before swine m8

what about sam hyde?

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and yet conservatives write books and still are best sellers. whats your point

thats a good example, but again just one guy

>you came in here like a dickhead, pearls before swine m8
so you cant name them...great thumbs up

This is some top NPC dialogue

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jews own the tv, radio, newpapers, comedy clubs, and novel industry
anyone that doesn't tow their lines and push their agendas don't get access to their services
it's as simple as that
you'll never see something like yurope outside of the internet
and guess what?
the jews want the internet now too

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Because they have become too based on logic and making art requires emotions, which leftists can't go a second without.

And if it wasn't for jews doing their shit, then there would be peace and right would go back to state of peace and back to feelings.

again why dont conservatives own these things.


Nasim Aghdam also


>Why do right wingers/"conservatices" lack creatively?

Why can't insufferable cunts like you even get a simple question right?

Hitler was left wing

They always are


louis ck tried to cut out jew middle men by editing his own specials, not using ticket sales websites, and ignoring calls to use unionized writers

so they destroyed his life

try to start your own hollywood or silicone valley on the east coast
see how many weeks you get before you shoot yourself twice in the back of the head

remember vid.me?

>Right wingers tend to program in C++ while these lazy ass pussy SJWs are "programming" in python

Lol this is actually true, i'm not even sure why it's like this though.

you have two choices

>the democrats, who are the antiwhite, intersectional party but who are better when it comes to things like healthcare and helping the poor

>the implicit prowhite party who cares more about shit like tax breaks and small gov or whatever

i'll take a pro-white party over an antiwhite party that would take care of poor people but are explicitly promote antiwhite ideals

that said, if there was a LEGITIMATE (not meme nazbol shit) faction on the left that was pro white, that would ideal

You seem to be missing the point of creativity then. Creativity isn't just art, fiction, and other retard level stuff. Its inventive business ideas, new ways to work around problems, inventive warfare tactics, and generally new approaches to things the left finds "borning". Let's take Ben Carson and his inventive approach to separating siamese twins. The list goes on. I saw a belt with a dildo hanging off of it today at my schools art museum. If that is creativity then I want nothing to do with it.

>sing or make music
Requires too much capital. The left has a virtual monopoly. The Secretary of the Treasury has been involved in some kino though.
A staggering amount of famous writers have been right-wing. If you're asking why we don't have any famous novels now, it's because young adult consumer garbage hogs the entire literary scene. Academic elitism and cronyism also makes it harder for non-leftists in serious environments.
No idea what you're talking about. Leftists are the ones that build commie-blocks and "modern art."
Again, jewish nepotism. A lot of autistic and computer types are fairly right-wing, but they're bullied into staying silent.
>can't even invest successfully
No clue what you're talking about. Most millionaires are republican. Most billionaires are democrats. There are more millionaires than billionaires.

Virtually the entire field of art has been killed and replaced with a mockery. You can't point to this mockery and use it to claim excellence in the thing which you yourselves killed.

Leftists are retarded people who have destroyed art. Their paintings look like scribbles from a kid and they call everything they see "art". Part of Cultural Marxism calls for making all art meaningless.
>May 13 (UPI) -- A pair of Scottish college students jokingly left a common pineapple on an empty table at a modern art museum, only to find days later it had been encased in glass and had become part of the exhibit.

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Nearly everything created after 1945 is shit, oh gee I wonder why.

>just one guy
what an argument
oh, and don't forget it was almost immediately cancelled after six episodes, and everyone on both sides knew it was the most creative show that had been on (((as))) in years


That list is ((pure coincidence))

Hey, why are righty memes so powerful? Why can the left not meme?

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it depends on the audience I'm not going to lift a finger for you

The left shuts out conservatives, all the conservatives stay quiet, lest they never work again

All right wing art gets shut down immediately.

See Arno Breker.

we proves conservatives need to build out their own industries

because they're just not funny
the truth is funny; you laugh as a reaction
trying to laugh at some commie bullet points is tiresome

They can, and do, all of those things. The problem is when the whole entire fucking entertainment industry is ran by the globohomo kike cadre. Segregation isn't wrong when they do it apparently.

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Art can be representational or exploratory. Conservatives do great at representational art. Mathematics is a representational art form because the concern is expressing the form of something. Painting portraits is representational because the painter wants you to see what something actually looks like.

Exploratory art doesn't know what it's trying to accomplish. It unfolds as it is created, and often produces forms which the creator didn't expect. Liberals do great at exploratory art.

Representational art is a rational achievement. The artist captures a form and explains it clearly and precisely. Exploratory art is an emotional achievement. The artist translates vague emotions and intuitions into something that is communicable.

A representational song nails its genre perfectly. The listener goes, "yes! That's exactly what I wanted." An exploratory song makes the listener aware of new feelings and desires.

Take this with a chunk of salt, though. The magic is in everyone.

again one guy. just read a wiki about him its fucked but he had literal nazi stink on him thats impossible to was off.

Art in liberal america VS art in Conservative Europe

Yes, it's menstrual blood.

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The catalog of Merchants posted on this site, is literaly one of the best art projects I’ve seen recently as far as creativity and artistic experimentation goes.
There should be a book published of just Merchants and an art exhibit, preferably in London or NY.
The Merchants rival or surpass highly publicized artists such as Banksy, as far as creativity goes.

>The magic is in everyone.
of course it is, i know that, i just want conservatives to stop bitching about the left taking over and do something about it.
i also happen to think ART and all art forms are the greatest tools at influencing culture. ignore that and you WILL lose the culture war

>>Cant sing or make music (99% of artists are lefties)
i wouldn't call that entartete niggermusic music
>Cant make movies (you can make a movie with a cellphone)
srsly dont watch tv...
>cant write novels( can only do fact based boring books ex ann coulter)
are you a faggot or something?
>cant do art (okay ill give you guys memes)
art is a loose concept
>cant program (big tech is filled with SJWs)
Terry Davis was the smartest programmer that ever lived
>cant even invest successfully (the left is filled with rich people who can pile tonnes of money into activism)
the left get money from (((them))) because they are goyim... this has nothing to do with investment

>Cant sing or make music (99% of artists are lefties)
all modern music is shit and pretty much all classical musicists would be etremely right wing today
>Cant make movies (you can make a movie with a cellphone)
movies are all pretty much done in hollywood which a circlejerk of jews to whore white women out, first to them a sellouts, then to the niggers on stage
>cant write novels( can only do fact based boring books ex ann coulter)
are you talking about the 1% of romance that cat lady feminists like to write nowadays compared to the thousands of epic literature books, poem and songs dedicaded to great heroes of the past?
>cant do art (okay ill give you guys memes)
as above, are you basing this off of those couple of artists that shit in a can or spay some random spurts on a canvas and calling it art?
History is full of great paintings about war, religion and national pride
>cant program (big tech is filled with SJWs)
>can't do this overpaid job, again in a multimillionaire circlejerk, that requires millions of people supporting you
>can't program
>cant even invest successfully (the left is filled with rich people who can pile tonnes of money into activism)
>he thinks your average celeb has actually earned those money
listen, just because taytay happens to have a bunch of bags of cash lying around and wants to virtue signal by throwing them around a bit and make them back in sold records, doesn't mean your average lefty earns more, or works harder, than your average conservative
>do you guys really expect to win this culture war
Yes, not only do I believe it, but I expect it and reality currently says I'm right

hey just opened up the thread to say that just because you can only see liberals being pushed onto you on television, radio, online, etc, doesn't mean that's how actual real life musicians think.

why would you put an apple next to an art display? fake and gay

>cant write novels( can only do fact based boring books ex ann coulter)
You incredible faggot:
>Gene Wolfe
>R.A. Lafferty
>Flannery O'Connor
>Cormac McCarthy
>T.S. Eliot
>Ezra Pound
>G.K. Chesterton

Read a fucking book faggot. SAGE

modern "art" is literally just propaganda, stupid goy.

everything post 50s in the west is just endless counter-culture marxist trash. "rebel against your parents! rebel against the churcht! fight for your right to party! sex, drugs and rock and roll, kids!"
failed medium. there's maybe 10 good movies ever. hollywood is a kike/oligarch brainwashing psyop.
modern literature is trash. read something older than a 100 years, all the good stuff is by writer's that'd be considered fascist by today's standards.

I have only just realise there may be a good market now for a new right wing art gallery.

never even heard of those guys but ezra pound sounds like a cool porn name.

no wonder you guys hate npcs so much. it makes you affirm you aren't a robot every time you post

If that's the case, why are the left so badly out of style, bitter, angry and seething with hate? LOL!

Because creativity is majorly a left brain activity which is tied to emotions and feleigns (I.E leftism)
While right wing is tied to the right brain (calculation, sterness)

The right wing produces a great deal of original content despite all the platform denial facing them.

This right here. I’m a film major, wrote a script the club officers called “perfect” and “without flaw”. When voting came around for what scripts my college film club would make I was passed up for a script about lesbians who are improsoned and tortured by evil wypipo. People like us can’t get a foot in the door.

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this, OP is a retard who isnt even aware of the existence of real art....

I feel so sorry for NPCs, but should I?