Not looking good for the GOP midterms. Top conservatives are now calling to reject Trumpism...

Not looking good for the GOP midterms. Top conservatives are now calling to reject Trumpism. I don't know how they can recover after this

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Literally who?

McMuffin is right. So I'm not going to vote for trump in the midterms.

idk, I think some cia nigger.

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young grasshopper you have much to learn about politics.
it doesn't matter if it looks good for republicans or the democrats because regardless of the outcome now, the opposite will happen in the next election

. it goes back and forth. it doesn't really matter who you vote for because it will change again. voters do not vote to maintain, but to change. we have to vote to change because of term limits. it's the law.

in this current computer and information age, you would think we would all be used to updates, patches, and hotfixes by now. this is exactly what are governmental system is based on. never ending cycle of updates, changes, patches, and hotfixes, in the form of voting, vetoing, impeaching, resignations, and appointments.
being dogmatic in your voting is pointless when your neighbor can register, re-register, and re-register again with a party at will because of muh disenchantment or disappointment with the party.

A NeverTrump glownigger that got half of 1% of the presidential vote in Utah. Basic bitch declare war on Earth neocon, with a Mormon streak.

He's a remnant of that old, essentially useless Reagan-to-Dubbya era cuckservatism, of moral-fagging bible thumping stuff that boomers would vote for crooked piss licking monkeys as leaders over, so long as they spout I lub muh jebus and repeat so frequently.

They also did this is 2016 lol how'd that go?

your neighbor's schizophrenic voting and by extension a congressmen's similar voting pattern pretty much render the "get out the vote" bullshit completely moot, especially when you consider the advent of the troll, people promising to vote one way and voting the other for lulz or to sow chaos. it's all a game and getting wrapped up in it is futile.

Top republican

he's glowing

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good morning CIA

>our chance to defend our most basic rights
Oh, you mean like the 1st and 2nd amendment?

Yeah I might show my 69 pentabite of loli if you come with your party van!

Ah yes, Egg McMuffin. Now there's a proper glow fag.

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Fuck this McMuffin asshole, just ignore his retarded ass.

These people truly believe that if yoj repeat a lie often enough it becomes truth, don’t they

>defend our sovereignty by embracing globalism being ruled by foreign elites, tech oligarchs, and intel spooks

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>Top conservatives
>Egg McMuffin

>Top conservatives
Go away David

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I think the only never trumper neo cons still rattling on is mcmuffin and kristol.
The rest have given up or flipped like Lindsey.

>Top Conservatives
Bad bait is bad

>he says as he is on the Chinese Communist Party payroll.

We need to meme that the Dems are controlled by China.

Glow-in-the-dark CIA Mormon

>"Defend our sovereignty"
Using this line to say Trump is bad, so vote for the party that explicitly says it wants to end our sovereignty. The fuckin mincy faggot balls of this clown.

What the fuck is his problem?

I prefer REALLY old school Christianity. NOT this degenerate crap they push nowadays

Whoops I mean also meme that the Mormons are helping China interfere in US politics so that China lets them send missionaries there.

Holy shit are they still pretending this goofy ass spook is someone important?

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>Top conservatives

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muh ISIS bucks

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Anyone who unironically believes this is an Alex Jones tier fucking retard

>I'm not going to vote for trump in the midterms
could we meme this?
>A vote for Ted Cruz is a vote against Trump

>McMuffin is right.

Shouldn't have loled but I did you cheeky bastard

>Top conservatives
Which ones other than this nobody McFuckin?

Go attend Orthodox Divine Liturgy, become Orthodox.

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>Top conservatives
literally who?

Unknown fact: fuckin evan here had 3 ribs removed so he can suck his own tooter! I know this cause i was in the room next to his at the hospital!

>A NeverTrump glownigger that got half of 1% of the presidential vote in Utah.

twitter is an alternate reality with wht they've cultivated on that site you'd think nobodies like McMullin were on the verge of winning the popular vote.

he's neither top-tier anything nor republican. try again.

I don't know who this is but I am suddenly craving an Egg McMuffin

Who's this mcmuffin character?

Top conservatives? KYS

this fucking glow in the dark mo-tard just gives me more justification than i need to hate Utahards

McMullin is literal CIA

>Top conservatives
>literally retard mo-tard
>top conservative
Mormons and the Liberals that fled California to Utah are so pathetic and retarded, its the only instenence i can think of where something is so fucking sad, that you have to laugh, but i cant laugh. Fuck mormons and fuck the beehive state. If it wasn't for the stunning terrain, Utah would have zero redeeming values

>Bible thumping
>in his 40s
>most Mormons marry in early 20s
He is gay for sure. It explains the cuckness.

> Evan McMullin

The closet fag Mormon deep state asset speaks!

>isis sponsor egghead mcmuffin
>top conservatives

>*attempts to divide people*
You think they're aware of how obvious their duplicitous actions are becoming?

Man, McMufffin sure convinced me. I'm going to go find a gay nigger to pound my ass now.

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Leftist talking about soveriegn rights while pushing for open borders. Do they know no bounds of treachery?

The only people who benefit from these cunts claiming Russia elected Trump is literally Putin. This faggot is literally working for Putin. Never forget that.

Never forget who was involved with sending Uranium to Russia.

> top conservative
> mcmuffin

nice try shartblue

A superscilious mormon nobody doesn't like him? It's over for Blumpf

>Tries to divide us into partisan tribes
We already have been divided intonpartisan tribes, damn near to the point Id take a Russian over some San Fran butt-pirate any day.

I hope he runs again in 2020. Just to throw Egg McMuffins at him when he’s doing a speech.

I hate your threads the most.

>Top conservatives
Oh shit, I already filled out my ballot and mailing it out tomorrow, how will I ever recover

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>as trump tries to divide us into partisan tribes
>trump tries to divide
>partisan tribes

These people are sick. This guy is implying that we haven’t had divided tribes since day fucking one. He’s also implying that trump gives a fuck about repub or dem labels. He’s only a republican because he knew thats what side he’d win on.

I think trump is a big loud douche, but these people and their autistic screeching... i hope they all hang.

Kikes and Mormons. May they both inhale the gas.

>Top conservatives
> McfuckinMuffin

>he doesn't know about CIANigger Special Mormon Agent Egg McMuffin.
And yes, he does glow in the dark- run him over with your car.

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McMullin predicting something ensures that it won’t happen.

>As Trump tries to divide us let me say something that's very divisive
Why bother making a comment at all?

Pack it up boys, our leader McMuffin has spoken.

I'm with her now.

the breakfast menu guy

Top conservatives like mcmuffin!

>trump is a divisive subversive and anyone that supports him is a traitor
You know, I hate how these people always push this bullshit doublespeak. Basically, they always condemn Trump and his supporters by proxy, and then in the same breathe claim we need to be more united by opposing everything he does. Seriously, do these people have a brain defect? Do they not realize that they're the ones who are divisive by not coming up with a platform that can attract people from all sides and not just the anti-Trump side?

Some Mormon dude with a lesbian mom.

McMuffin is /ourcianigger/.

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