I Stand with Taylor

Sorry Jow Forums but I no longer identify with your old and sick views. Ms Swift has opened my eyes

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Why are they always iPhone posters

this bitch will probably be president herself one day

Why is she dressed like a classic Greek hero

I have no problem with her being a democrat, shes too cute

someone needs to put a white child in her pronto so she sees the light. ill volunteer i guess if no one else does it soon

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that pic is hot as fuck

Easiest way to track their posts so they can collect exactly what’s owed to them. Where are they at like $.08/post now I think is the going rate.



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So jealous that John Mayer got to smash that while she was still young and prime

didnt she just marry some white guy

shes so pure

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She denounced that Jew Lover Blackburn while endorsing two very moderate "democrat" dudes.

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she wrote a song about this, it's hilariously butthurt

She's never going to have sex with you.

She farts when she fucks

its fake. photoshop.

1 post by this ID

sage & report

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This song is really good tho

Who here would still kidnap here for 24 hours, force feed her curry just do her armpits would stink up your nostrils when you lick them and then suck all the fetid warm anal mucus out of her arse?

I would but I wouldn’t talk to her afterwards

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taylor come back. please

I like it as well, but this doesn't change how butthurt she is at John Mayer


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You do understand that you are a degenerate fuck who should play with a plugged in toaster in their bathtub, right? Or at least stick a butter knife into a plugged in toaster to make sure the bread doesn't stick to the heating coils.

Just picked up my old guitar and still know how to play this song after all this time lol. My guitar teacher loved it

Kill yourself kike faggot.

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god she used to be so hot before she got fat.

Excerpt from an American Dad episode thats about timetravel almost sounds plausible now:

Yeah, we're best friends, like Taylor Swift and Usain Bolt.

Oh, you don't know about that yet.
They become best friends, briefly overthrow the U.S. government, and are beheaded together in Times Square.
Steve, they don't want a boring history lesson.

Her lefty liberal friends got to her, shame because her a-political was an admirable trait for another one of the msm artists.

She also looked pretty good here, she seems to have gained some lately.

what are you talking about? you're not white.

Jm a punk bitch

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