'Kanye has set blacks back 155 years'

Christ even by leftist standards isn't this is a bit over-the-top?

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Great, are we going to start seeing black kids with 2 parents again?

I'm glad, the civil war was a mistake.

My maga hat gives me super powers

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Never! No way a black man can even think independently from the Democratic Party platform without being called an Uncle Tom.

Niggers are still on the plantation, only now they're farming blue votes instead of cotton

Journalists and leftist don't care about the truth. They only care about sensationalism. They are profesional trolls.

That’s actually hilarious. How did she land on such a specific number lmao

Kayne needs to upgrade that old ass iPhone

pick one

>1 year old phone
>old ass

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>How did she land on such a specific number lmao
The Emancipation Proclamation. She's literally saying that slavery has been reinstated. Better get you a strong one!

how terrible

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That crooked piece of garbage Brazille, sure has a lot of room to talk. Fix any more elections lately fat whore.

> Donna Brazile is going to be a slave, confirmed.

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>black man hugs a white man
I want to see some data on people who are turned off by the demoshart party's rhetoric now compared to before the 2016 election, when they thought they'd win by 98%.

Black nuclear families were more common than not until LBJ's administration.


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its all by design.

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Is this the same aunt tom who gave Hillary the debate questions ahead of time?

People eat it up. They wouldn't be able to survive if there wasn't a niche for this kind of messaging.

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thank goodness we dodged that shit.

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Obama hugs white man


based nigger

praise be.

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>he needs to get the latest chinese listening device
lol ok

>nuts in the modern day global "sex symbol"

lefties are retards

wtf is that???

Would rape/10.

Reminder that their reaction to this isn't because Drumpf has done anything even remotely anti-blaq. It's because he is just slightly, implicitly pro-White.

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The evidence of time travel around Trump just keeps piling up.

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>Jews have set blacks back 155 years

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You'll run into people who call you a liar and get mad at you for daring to state the truth that blacks were better off before the civil rights movement. THIS is their actual history but they don't even know it, they're too busy "we wuzzin" over their stolen Egyptian heredity.

What is that picture holy hell my sides

>Black nuclear families were more common than not until LBJ's administration.
Black nuclear families were created by Jim Crow (and slave masters before that), that is the hard truth. They do not naturally form that sort of family structure. The way Blacks are now is the same way they are in Western Africa, petty warlords, women with 8 kids who don't remember who the fathers are, etc.

>non-feminst men are incels
Imagine being this dumb


>blacks and whites embracing America together

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...and that’s 4845 years ahead of where Donna brazille set them. Not bad yeez

lol sage this everyone read about Jeff Kasky

Brazile and the other dumbasses tho, lol. Mhhmm okay I'm vurry disappointed in Kanye, he shoulda stolen shit for Killary like me.

Geezuz. Did Donna Brazil think we memory holed SETH RICH and her fake alibi lie that fell apart abput how she just happened to be at the very hospital Seth Rich died at?
Somebody please remind Donna Brazil that theres NO statute of limitations for accessory to MURDER

>Donna Brazile
Bish still hasn't been locked up in prison? Fucking insane.

Voted for Trump
Black man like Trump and believes in him

The Democrats haven't been this mad since we freed their slaves.

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they do seem to get awfully agitated when you touch their black property.

So 150yrs ago a black guy could go to the white House and hug the president? USA must have been a Utopia.

Holy shit they're hugging? FUCKIN EVIL!!

This woman helped a candidate cheat democracy
Why does anyone care about what she has to saw?

Stupidest fucking thing I've ever seen. It was great.

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Wtf I love Kanye now

Donna help set back the DNC 150 years, thank you!

i long for a world where different skin colors are not set against eachother and comply accordingly , a world where satanic zionists are extinct and humans live together in paradise. which is known as gods kingdom and for that a lot worse will come before it can become reality , but it will happen and you´ve to stay strong wether poo in loo , nigger , muslim , christian , orthodox jew , buddhist , hindu(different from poo in loos theyve manners) , athiest theists , gnosticts lallala. smoke weed now and then not everyday like dr dre would say for he is not a real doctor.

Literally holding onto muh dik

Also we must secure a future blah blah blah.

>one guy speaks for all blacks
whoa, calm down with your generalizations, negros. what are you, nazis? why is his skin color even important to you? who is the actual racist here?

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I love when leftists learn a new word but don't get its meaning

Can you find me a reference for these quotes? I googled it and neither can be directly attributed to him.

Get used to the idea that those never belong together.


martin luther king jr set blacks back 155 years

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they've been a losing streak for the past few years, after winning for decades and being told by the media that the republican party was dead and the left would soon have a monopoly in power. all that has fallen apart, their nwo is falling apart, and they're going insane with rage.

He didn't put them back in cotton fields

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Is kanye unironically a trump supporter?

I honestly dont know which is the truth. Blacks with a say are shills( real black on black slave masters), or blacks are really dumb enough to actually believe that conservatism is their enemy and democrates care about them. When they declassified documents on the femin virus and gloria stienem, you would think black would have fucking burned america to the ground. Blacks cant even fathom the truth.

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how the fuck is trump racist towards black people?

Interesting, I was just reading a piece about how about 155 years ago Democrats massacred blacks in my home town to keep them from voting for Republicans in the upcoming presidential election. Following the massacre only 1 Republican vote was cast.

So what is she saying she wants to go back to again?

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I don't consider Kanye black. He's his own race all to himself.

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Ya, cant read it

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>country is more divided than ever

>token negro hugs white power leader while using slave hat

>"isnt this reaction over the top?"

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LBJ destroyed this country.

yeah, i can see that

... you know... we know it's you, rabbi, right? You only make everyone hate you more you stupid rat retards.


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Try this

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What did Kanye mean with the 13th Amendment being a trapdoor?

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You wanna feel sorry for black young men that have a soul and a brain. They have so much trying to beat them down and have so few expectations put upon them.

I'm just a faggot who's a bit drunk and high but if only they could succeed along with young white men, the world could take such a huge step forward.

He may not be the best "leader" to get behind but it's cool to hear that there is some sort of heart in one of the figures they look up to. He is bringing up points that make a tiny bit of sense

Oh, KIM, Kanye is black and that is OK. He can't be his own race as all blood lines flow through the male. Your race is determined by the father at conception. Be proud or where GOD placed you on this world. HE put each of us where we should be for HIS holy plan. Kanye is black, just like GOD wanted him to be. GOD bless you.

I never noticed before.. but he has a very semitic face.
What have you done to me, Jow Forums?

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He's obviously referring to the prison industry.
Anyway, CNN called Kanye a house nigger!

Sadly this is the truth. Colonization is/was the best thing for the developing world.


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It could always be repealed and it has an exception when it comes to an imprisoned population. Prisoners are technically enslaved to the state.

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People like you need to die so this country has a future.


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>Prisoners are technically enslaved to the state.
How are they to pay restitution to the victims of their crimes when there is a middle-man robbing them even of the fruit of their labor?

He meant that without a legal differentiation between slaves and the free a new contradiction arises. He was implying that if you want to abide by this new world system, parrot mainstream culture and media and enslave yourself to it than you should legally declare yourself a slave. Obviously he was targeting his own people (thug culture) more but he made a wide arcing observation. Let the slaves be slaves and the free be free. Because the slaves think slavery is freedom lol. As much as I hate niggers, he mindfucked everybody and it’s hilarious to watch the recoil

>between slaves and the free
This fundamental difference ostensibly being the right to vote or what the fuck are you on aboot?

This fits alarmingly well

Kek voting doesn’t change shit. Men with influences and guns do. You are a slave to the ideal that a ballot will reform the world in your likeliness. How fucking retarded could you be. Lurk moar nufag

>var SupportTrump = literally_slavery;

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