Polish euroweek camps forcing young Polish girls to mix with brown men

Quick rundown:
Shady foundation that operates in Poland organizing camps for Polish youth with """teachers""" from abroad
"""teachers""" are mostly adult shitskins and niggers imported from third world countries
Polish youth are mostly teenage girls teachers from the camp stay in contact with their pupils after the end of camps and post selfies with them on instagram, facebook and so on
Foundation has unknown source of funding but contributors from EU and our dearest kike George Soros are the obvious suspects
Point of the camps isn't really specified and is hidden behind indefinite codewords like "school of leaders"
Foundation has origin in a small town with around of 10k inhabitants which should raise suspicions
Parents send their children to these camps voluntarily
Mastermind behind this has not much info about him online. His name is Adam Jaśnikowski and he is a member of organizations such as European forum of Youth.
It all smells like a Soros funded program to spread multi cultural propaganda in Poland and give paedophiles a nice hidden spot to practice their deviation at the same time. What can we do about it? How do we stop (((them))) from killing another society?

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Other urls found in this thread:



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god I wish hat was me

>Dawit Debebe
They've seen all the redpills we left in their reviews and now they're desperately trying to cover it up kek
Keep leaving them 1-star reviews

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Varma Varaprasad deleted his yoga Facebook page when he realised we were onto him
Why delete it if you have nothing to hide?

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I hope Poland gets blacked then your skin tone will match your shitty attitude and culture.

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Somebody pretend to be a girl and add him on instagram
Save all the images and conversations he has with 13 to 15 year-old Polish girls that he met through euroweek
This pervert must be stopped

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Varma Varaprasad is an Indian paedophile working for (((euroweek))) and as a fake yoga master
He uses these avenues to meet and groom young Polish girls
Let's stop paedophile Varma

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>I gave it to him
Gave him what?

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thats disgusting, something needs to be done, what do

What the fuck is wrong with the parents who send their kid to this?

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shes saying "good thing I dumped him during euroweek"

kosz is a garbage can.
kosza dałam is I gave him a garbage can

she gave him a garbage can? unless this is some kind of inside joke I don't understand

Don't let this thread fail

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o kurwa serio sie tak mówi? nigdy tak nie słyszałem


Leave 1-star reviews on euroweek google reviews
Contact Varma's manager, Alicja. She helps organise his "women-only" yoga events. The next one is scheduled for October 27th.
She helps him get exposure and paid workshops for his fake yoga scam.
I don't think Alicja is aware of Varma's inappropriate behavior with kids since she doesn't work at euroweek. I think she would be surprised to learn this.
Also I think some anons have contacted the local Polish police.

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>rates in Poland organizing camps for Polish youth with """teachers""" from abroad
>"""teachers""" are mostly adult shitskins and niggers imported from third world countries
>Polish youth are mostly teenage girl
What a joke, dude has to be part of their crew, he doesn't look polish, nor does his name resemble anything of polish roots, btw if you really want to make difference there should be more polish revievs, older generation doesn't know english, they had mandatory russian so not too many parents are going to read it anyway.

His remaining Facebook page has hundreds of likes from young girls he met at euroweek.
It would be good if someone sent all these girls redpills about him.
They will tell their friends and soon word will get round about him.
Open each girl's Facebook up before sending them the message in case he realises what's going on and closes that facebook too like he closed his "varadance" fb this morning

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All these good reviews appearing all of a sudden.
It's not a coincidence. They've seen our redpills and now they are desperately trying to bury our comments.
These slimeballs don't realise the power of kek.

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no tak mi sie kurwa wydaje.

>dawit debebe
It's this guy

Attached: 1535400124769.jpg (1080x1679, 491K)

You better start bombing the blacks in your own country shaemus me boyo. A united ireland is a white ireland.

This is Varma Varaprasad's manager and her contact details.
She needs to be told who this guy really is.
Alicja Stankiewicz, Life & Career Coach
Coach, Psychologist
mail: [email protected]
tel: +48 601 063 838