Coal burner Amanda Petrowski beaten and run-over by her pet chimp/baby daddy

The ape beat her in the head with a rock before running her over with a car several times.

Never relax, /pol

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Paid. [x]
Unpaid [ ]

She was so multicultural, waiting for the "Not All Black men are like this" Jew-boy retort.

I am sure #MeToo want do jack about it. Since he isn't White.

Why do you guys fixate on black male on white female crime? The statistics suggest white on white domestic abuse and black on black domestic abuse is far more prevalent

niggers can;t into impulse control

wud she do?

why is it always a polish bitch who fucks niggers? Are polish women notorious col burners?

pay the toll



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Cuck NPC retard detected

Migrant paedo sex camps across Poland masquerading as "educational centers"

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I'm sure pol is gonna try to make this about race

(((Petrowski))) Toll paid and nothing of value was lost...

>2 niggers get thrown into lifelong slavery and a race traitor is murdered brutally


All those details... I hope you weren't trying to squeeze some sympathy out of me... I would actually be handing the negro a bigger rock...

I'm not saying race mixing is good or anything, all I'm saying is tollpaying memes as far as black on white domestic abuse goes is basically bullshots

I have no idea about white and arab relations though

That's a dude

Toll Paid. S

Oh no. Another shitted bitch gets mud stomped.
What a world....what a world.....

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I dumped a 26yo 9+/10 model nurse at 34 because found she was a prior coal burner. Would rather be alone than feel that level of disgust. It literally made me start doing heroin, I was sad I thought we'd get married I had the ring on order then she told me. There is nothing imaginable that is so vile. I didn't see her as human anymore and I tried so hard but no.
My story is actually famous in phx because she was legitimately a model and I was well known and I shamed her, her family and the mega church that set us up, all her friends and anyone else being played like that.
And I would do it again even though she cried about it and said niggers were shitty and abusive. I told her if so she should make it her life mission to inform others to never make that mistake and I'd forgive her but she didn't want to be racist. She ended up having to quit her job and move multiple states, because again I was well known. The mega church of 20k mission community in gilbert had to shut down it's young adults program because I exposed others doing the same crime.

I don't play with race traitors, and I don't let them slip the toll. I would do it again. Even though I loved her. Race traitors are not human.

All Niggers must hang.

...and NOTHING WAS LOST. Traitors must be killed first.

Agreed, genepool must be cleaned even if we lose half.

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Per capita dumb fuck. Also we view white women as part of our culture and community. So we see it as traitors getting just desserts

>shitted bitch
>mud stomped

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Here's the completed one

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CNN will cover this, I am sure. With the tittle "Black on white relationships get increasingly murderous" I am sure right guys. This happens like once a fucking week and Trump is currently cucking us with the main propaganda piece for mixed race relationship Kenya

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Its a lifetime tax this is bullshit.

Because all the retard political peeps want us to import blacks from 3rd world shitholes with high violent crimes and low iqs and then this shit happens.

It would be different if it was 1st world places but no. Jimbeodjfo of Bixnoodstan needs to come over and fuck things up for everyone here too.