>Remember this. When people choose to withdraw far from a fire, the fire continues to give warmth, but they grow cold. When people choose to withdraw far from light, the light continues to be bright in itself but they are in darkness. This is also the case when people withdraw from God.
>Saint Augustine

>Prayer is not monologue, but dialogue; God's voice is its most essential part. Listening to God's voice is the secret of the assurance that He will listen to mine.
>Andrew Murray

>The Bible reveals the Father's overall plan for the world and provides general guidelines for life. But how can we know His specific plans for us? Listening to God is essential to walking with God.
>Charles Stanley

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Other urls found in this thread:

Talking is a prayer

Prayers are interrogatives which are implied imperatives. Stop telling God what to do and just listen.

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I do. Unironically, he don't respond often though

Yeah he said we are his chosen people and all other races must serve us

>Listening to what you believe God has to say rather than reading what God has actually said

Daily reminder if you haven't put your nose in a KJV in the last 24 hours, that it's that time.

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What level was Terry A Davis on?

>listens to satan
>thinks he's listening to god
Many such cases, sad

You mean that annoying little voice in my head? No thanks, that's also an NPC.

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>implying that the KJV wasn't one of the most destructive things to happen to christianity in millennia
They don't even distinguish Hades and Gehenna, they just translate both as "Hell". It's full of misleading and downright incorrect translations

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He didn't mean you. You're just squatting

That wasn't your people though, but you larp as one in real life

His son said you're scum of the earth making a mockery of god. Pretty accurate. We all just pretend to like you in public.

Okay, what's the best bible without learning an extinct language?

Steven Anderson on race-mixing
"Interracial Marriage" Baptist Preaching (independent, fundamental, KJV sermon)
"Races" are a Fraud
Spiritual Semites

The Chinese government fears the rise of Christianity in China because it advocates for silent prayer and self reflection. SR on the past, present, and future grants access to divine wisdom. You gain soulfulness and wisdom and lose NPC status.

Messenger of god.

What would be the correct english translation to read then?

>Okay, what's the best bible without learning an extinct language?
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
Don't hate it because it's mutt, it's just the most accurate translation


lol this, at least I know I am listening to satan, even if follow his advice

I have been for the past few days, and it is really helping me deal with the daily miseries of work and I’ve spontaneously acted in kindness towards people around me a few times for no other reason than it felt “right to do”. I hope one day to write some Christian Apologetics because I think that would be a good way to evangelize.

this is a joke btw, autists

Paraphrasing gnostic hermeticism. How much we have lost with time.

Yes, same, before i could hear Him clearly, now just in the distance

Codes for God

christianty is the most retarded shit ever.

>snort crushed painkiller
>smoke a bunch of high grade skunk
>think I'm going to die
>say my good byes
>get to God, tell him I'm sorry
>voice in my head goes "Wat? Oh, don't worry kid you're good!"
>pass out, wake up feeling a million bucks.

Might have been a time line shift, but it left me with a lasting feeling of relief.

I think we're gona make it Lads!

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>is God

What do you guys make of seeing the same sequence of numbers multiple times a day? It only started happening about a year ago, but I see the same 3 numbers in sequence and it always catches me off guard when it happens but it’s kinda comfy seeing those numbers

Listen to the word of the lord

>best bible

Attached: kjv1611.gif (284x280, 5K)

NET is better

New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures

God abolished the covenant with the Jews after the death and resurrection of Jesus, sorry Schlomo.

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>Listening to what you believe God has to say
isnt this faith

Best time to listen to God is upon waking. The dreams are still in the mind and you think about them and pray.

>" For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction, That he may withdraw man from his purpose, and hide pride from man." Job 33:14-17

I don't talk to nobody. I AM GOD.

>inner voice
What I find even more fascinating is that some people actually struggle to "play" music in their heads or visualize pictures/book pages, alongside conducting inner speech.
I'm by no means exceptionally smart and it makes me wonder how actually gifted people think and see the world.

A lot of times when I'm alone, I think I'm talking to God, but in reality I'm just talking to myself. The more I talk to myself, the more I realize it.

I talk to my waifu. Does that count?

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I speak to Stephen Paddock every day on pol

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Stop lying, demon.
Jesus says hey, by the way

Counts more than talking to a Jewish ghost.

God is the Supreme Being

>I speak to Stephen Paddock every day on pol

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If you hear God talking to you then you're possessed by a demon. If you pray to God and see the messages He conveys to you through events that happen in your life then you're doing okay.

I am an NPC because I am driven by actions of God alone.

God has plans greater than human conception.

My God's name is Deus.

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Replace the "Listens to God" image with this image

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Let us see what the latest great profit says about Jews and god:

>Listening to God's voice
That's schizo talk.
>When people choose to withdraw far from light, the light continues to be bright in itself but they are in darkness. This is also the case when people withdraw from God.
No, it isnt because God doesn't exist. Can you demonstrate his existence in any way? Where is he? There is no answer because imaginary things are only imaginary.

room 3327 though


By rejecting the Messiah, the mantle of the Chosen People passed from Jew to Gentile through the One Holy Catholic & Apostolic Church built on St. Peter and his heirs.

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Thy Kingdom come
Thy will be done

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The Red Dragon is going to have a real problem when some of those bug people start to wake up.

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I do, but he doesn’t talk back.

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>Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

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Flying spaghet monster?
I realized long ago that I, and only I, am in control of my life
Miss the good old days of having a supernatural being to rely on and blame shut on
Ahh the good ol ignorant days

maybe you cant handle the truth

I said it before and I’ll say it again..
You don’t know how disappointing it is to come to the “darkest corner of the Internet” and find out its some normie Christian board ... Jow Forums is like Pinterest to me... shit

God's not real. You're just insane.

There is nothing wrong with making your requests known to Him. Supplication with thanksgiving.



>I need religion to tell me how to behave and think

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pray tell...

I'm usually constantly talking to myself in thought. Though I assume I'm just incredibly lonely.

Madmen like you will call the sane mad simply fo being different.

And with that said, kindly remove yourself and return to whatever atheism-infested hole you came from

Yes. Every day I pray to God and ask him to help me see the path ahead of me. Can anyone recommend a religion that's not full of bullshit?

Before I hide this thread I wanted to let you faggots know that I feel sorry for you for having to LARP this fantasy. You can believe in god, but you aren’t talking to him. You’re fucking lying to yourself. I sincerely hope you all find something in the real world to make your existence bearable.

Ill be your friend


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Sorry, I have enough friends.

>" Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence? If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me. If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me. Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee." Psalms 139:7-12

>best bible
you mean, ONLY

satanist will drink any and all coolaid

>Cucks out to imaginary friends

Fuck off.

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Truer words have never been spoken

Believing in God is insane, yet the zionists are not? Fucking hell, look around you. God is sanest, purest, and simplest thing. And yet you cannot come to have faith.

>Can anyone recommend a religion that's not full of bullshit?

It's called stop being a fearful coward and just live life. You're using religion as a crutch for anxiety of the unknown.

I talk with the Gods. Even more, i can feel their presence transcending reality

Gas yourself

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>that pic
is this one of those elusive strawmen i've heard talk about?
it's meeting the requirements

is that user that keeps posting the "Jesus was a vampire" thread in this thread?
i wouldn't doubt it.

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Revelation3:8, need I say more

Fine lets talk about something else that is imaginary.

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You are an active agent of your life, however that doesn't mean god doesn't exist, he allows you to do whatever you want but is constantly telling you not to do it

Thanks Freud.

I need no body to tell me what to think or belieeve. I am PREETY AND HOT AND AND I DO WHATEVER I WANT AND I AM PROAUND AND NO MORALS >> LALALALALA

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>god doesn't talk to you.

Get a load of this npc

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You are not alone in that. I think he took a vacay or something.

He never talks back. How do I schizo?

Driving me crazy. It used to be I would see 333 on a lot of things. But it wasn’t that frequent. In the last couple of months it’s 11:11 222 333 444 555. The clock. The length of a video, a receipt, etc. It’s kinda driving me crazy because I don’t really know what it means.