Why is it that Americans like to pose as macho warrior-types when if fact they make for lousy warriors and are...

Why is it that Americans like to pose as macho warrior-types when if fact they make for lousy warriors and are temperamentally unsuited to warfare? They even have the cheek, the utterly shameless and dishonorable cheek, to call the French, one of the finest warrior-nations, “cheese-eating surrender-monkeys”, and this in the context of the Second World War, in which yet again the Americans proved themselves to be poor warriors. (“We had no respect whatever for the American soldier”, Heinz Hickmann, expressing the typical German soldier’s view.)
Do films and television-programmes really delude American minds that much?

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ok muhammad

*wins two world wars*

another obsessed euro

we own the 'empire' now, churchill sold it to us

Imagine what krauts think of bongs then lololololol

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In WWII, a higher opinion than they had of Americans. The Russians came top, of course.

*Rocks up for three months at the end of WW1

*Joins years after the wars started*

It might also have had something to do with the other participants involved . . .

Don't cringe post


Well you cunts certainly weren’t getting the job done on your own so don’t hate on us for coming in and pulling you across the finish line.

Rule #1 of warfare: the better army is the one that wins.

You didn't pull us across the finish line. We successfully defended ourselves, and then it was largely the Russians that crushed them. Stop taking credit where it is not due.

Reminder German generals always wanted to force fights with the Brits because they considered them weaker opponents.

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Not true at all. In another aspect of life, there is a fitting saying: "May the best team win." (For we know it is not always the case.)

>he never took a history class in an American high school

Nicely made-up. Well done.

>We successfully defended ourselves


Your best pilots were evacuated poles that couldn't speak english and if it weren't for American diaper supplies your country would have drowned itself in the tunnels

The Lusitania was an inside job. Germany tried to warn people.

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Oh, did we lose the Battle of Britain? And did our Navy get sunk by the much smaller German navy?

How would you define best?

Oi mate! You got a loicense for that shitty opinon??

One word cuck.
You fags are lucky uncle Adolf gave you mercy.

The ones in the military are rednecks or minorities that don't know any better. Most gun owners larp like they're fucking james bond praying to the sky fairy for the day they can blow away a nigger breaking into their house.

The aussie user was referring to WW1 retard.
>bong forgetting lend lease program
For what it’s worth much the british war effort in WW2 pre 1942 was pretty much much a US Govt gibs program. When you ran out of money buy shit from us we just started giving it to you for free saying “yeah pay us whenever we know you’re good for it.”

Of course. English pilots were rubbish. Keep being deluded. (The Polish pilots were very good. Unlike you, I wouldn't like to take away credit where it is due.)

As for supplies, we were getting them from wherever we could, including the Empire. Why wouldn't we?

When did Britain get a navy?

Remember when Hitler cucked you and Churchill begged us to save you?

How many English, Scottish, or Irish militsry bases are in the US?
Thats what I thought

>Who dares wins
You arent even English, youre a monkey.

>t. Buttmad achmed his cousins keep dying to us troops

Thanks for keeping them busy for us Ivan :P

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Hard to define. That would require a detailed military-technical analysis. But that avoids the point: do you believe that the best side always wins?

TBF Satan you cucked yourself when you let Pearl Harbour happen even though you were warned it was going to happen.

I imagined you saying all this in a marble-mouthed cockney accent while getting vigorously fucked in the ass by a paki
Stop being a mess and then we might take you seriously

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Is that a serious question?

???? We defeated Japan basically on our own with a little help from Australia

Based US forces defeated their portion of Nazi Germany (half of it) with 200,000 casualties. The Soviets burned through 30 Million soldiers for their half. U.S. Military is Best Military!

What the fuck are you talking about man?

Americans are the finest warriors of our time.

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Ha, how odd.

Yea. I recall the US having a navy and even naval battles. Did you have some boats or something?

we beat the Japs with basically just our Marine Corps and some barebones Army units

At least our soldiers manage to stay in their field uniforms when mourning the loss of a comrade.

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>what is lend lease, aid, etc
The US joined to prevent commies from taking all of the mainland and turning UK into a puppet state.

You would think pol knows about geopolitics. US elites wanted to enter both world wars earlier but the american populace was content living in at the time the best country on earth standard of living wise and seen the European wars as Europe's conflict till some retarded niggers(germans ww1, Japs ww2) took the bait to allow public opinion to sway.

Note that I'm saying this as a Leaf:

Were it not for the actions of the U.S.A. in WW II, you would now be typing your post in German, you deluded Tea Bag.

Don't forget we did it with untested teenagers and niggers. The good troops went to the pacific

>*gets ordered to run up a mountainside*

I do hope that's a wind-up, but with the state of American education and historical knowledge, it's hard to tell.

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FYI more Army divisions fought in the Pacific theater than Marine ones, but your overall point still stands.

So you all your own country yet or still bitchez?

Rule #1 of warfare: Quantity has a quality of its own.
Rule #1 of warfare: Quality has a measurable quantity.

Unless they swam all the way to Okinawa I think the Navy gets some credit too.

Ah, I see.

>be the sun
>set on the brittish empire a century ago

>one of the finest warrior-nations

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>be american uss wahoo submarine commander
>sink japanese ship
>life boats come out
>it's actually a few japanese carrying indian pow's
>take sub to surface
>command your staff to open fire on the unarmed pow's in the water
>shoot and kill 180 indian pow's
>get an award and be presented as a hero in the us

Wew lad.

I don't recall saying otherwise. Likewise if the Russians had collapsed, or if we had collapsed. Or a thousand other things had gone differently. How does that address the point?

Besides, I'd rather be speaking German than be subject to the degeneracy of Americanism.

Pacific war with the Japs was always our #1 beef and the the US public cared about. European theater was us throwing a bone to our british allies and only because Hitler was idiot and more or less invited us to come help kick his ass when we were already in a bad mood.

>be sweden

Foreigners forget that we fought a war on two fronts AND WON

After the brutal campaign they fought in the Pacific theatre of world war 2 nobody can deny that the USA can't produce great soldiers!

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POWs or the ship’s tech support?

*surrenders to a bunch of jungle monkeys because their society got hijacked by commies*

*invades Iraq for no reason, then gets pissed when Iraq's dictatorship gets replaced by an even worse terrorist dictatorship*

You surrendered to the Germans in the first world war, be quiet Ivan.

>be neutral
>allow germans to pass through
>give safety to danish and norwegian jews
>gave safey to anti-fascists
>treat everyone the same


Yeah another America hate thread. Y'all sure love us though when you need our military and need money and emergency aide. Sure hope in my lifetime I live to see a more isolationist America that tells you beggars to just fuck off and solve your own problems.

please don't say "Ch*rchill" in these threads to keep Bongs from squeezing out their tampons in a rage

You asked - possibly seriously - when Britain got a navy? Britain, the most famous naval nation in the world. Britain had no "epic" naval battles in WWII (not comparative to earlier history). And?

Lol good one.. it was about 180 poo in loos and 90 japs, still I fail to see how the American sub commander could not tell they were Indians and thought they were all Japs

you lost a few wars too. so the overall score is like -1 or -2

What are you on about? Sweden did fucking amazing in WWII. Just like the mountain Jews.

The navy was useless against submarines.

We took the crown when John Paul Jones stamped his nuts all over you. Ancient history

"Best" is an army or team that's most likely to win when taking into account all possible variables.

One unforeseen variable in WWII was the Germans facing an early winter in Russia which was obviously disastrous.

Here we go again, this weird American messiah-complex, as though the world is just waiting to be saved by degenerate ideological loonies.

Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland made the right decision. In ww2 the choice was:
>help a methhead asshole who wanted to sterilize and enslave Eastern Europe
>help a bunch of Jew bankers and filthy commies
The correct choice would be to mind your own fucking business.

Tbh brit kill yourself. We empire now

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>giving safety to jews
well thats where you fucked up sven.

>perfidious Albion talking about war
We’ve done just fine for ourselves. Controlling a global trade empire is not something done by the weak of heart, as you well know.

Yes. It is testament either to your ignorance or to your malice that you find that funny.

"empire" kek china owns your whole economy.

Nigger do not mention Switzerland,,,, trust me

Indeed, but still neutral to all! Not to mention that Finland Winter war which you all praise consisted of thousands of Swedish volunteers and Sweden gave safety to thousands of Finnish children.

Would you rather have been in the Royal Navy or in a German U-Boot? Have a look at the terrible death-rate of that particular branch of the German armed forces, and then get back to me about being useless.

Yes but weather changes the nature of wars. Look at ancient war campaigns. They almost all took place in summer because of the uncertainty of weather. I'd define "best" as the ones most suited for the current situation.

You can have meh tier infantry when your technology and logistics are the best the world has ever seen.

Spain was in no condition to participate since everyone had just finished testing their new toys in the civil war.

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It's a fair-ish point. "I do not have to tell you who won the war. You know, the artillery did." Patton.

As we wage a trade war with them "HURRR ITS OVER AMERICA CHINA IN CHARGE" fucking retard neck yourself

I'm in a U-boat considering just the fleets.
I'm on a royal navy ship considering the intelligence networks.

> We successfully defended ourselves,
With American hardware supplying every aspect of your nation's existence.

>and then it was largely the Russians that crushed them
Who also received American hardware and resources at every level of their society.

Your country basically didn't do shit in WW2 except get used as an airstrip and provide mild inconvenience to the Germany Navy.

What a pleasant belief.