Anyone else voting Dem midterms?

Hey. Voted for Trump in the elections but I think his performance has been poor since then. Kavanaugh, stuff like that, etc. Just wondering if theres anyone else who voted for Trump that's gonna be voting blue wave in the elections come November. I'd also like to remind everyone to make sure they register to vote in applicable states, and if you're unsure of where or how to register visit for instructions pertaining to your state (each one is different!) I'll see you all at the polls on November 6th!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Im voting republican from Canada

>Kavanaugh, stuff like that

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Hey. Yeah sure thing user

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hahaha jews

That's illegal

And you approved of it?

No, you fucking faggot kike, NOBODY is voting Democrat at midterms or ever again. Party officially died this year, S to spit on nigger-tier ideology of the left.

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I bet you're just voting Dem because "trump cant, uhhhhh, speak good." I'd rather have a rude, crass asshole that does great things in office rather than a smooth talking evil snake in office.

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If there's ever been a more gay larp I've not seen it

Trump voter voting Republican in Texas. Ted Cruz needs my energy vs Beto "I'll oppose anything trump does" O'Rourke

After this passionate speech about white genocide from Joe Biden I've decided to vote Blue down the ticket for the rest of my life. Whites will become a minority soon, and that's a good thing!

>k-keep voting Republican, goys!

I'd rather not vote at all.

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Low qual bait, nigger faggot

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I'll be voting Republican. I'll contemplate voting Dem after I die.

witness me.

idk honestly. probably not voting until there's a wall and any arrests. that's pretty lenient too, as he said if he were in charge of law in this country hillary would be in jail. i won't even hold him to his word but any arrest will do.

Of course. There was not one single shred of actual evidence he did ANYthing; Ford got a MILLION dollar GoFundMe out of it; and it was clearly, obviously only a stalling tactic on the part of the Dems.
At least when the Republicans stalled they didn't fabricate some sexual assault bullshit.

You are a very low IQ individual and i say this also because you suck at hiding your intentions shill

It's a Russian bot like all of the other slide threads lately.

We can't let him get the nuke codes

what was wrong with kavabrah?

>It's an Israeli bot like all of the other

I voted for trump but jesus christ the twitter whining and the absolute subservient mongoloids supporting him have destroyed any support i have for him anymore. His supporters are as dumb as Hillary's.


Nope. Democrats hate America and all working Americans. They should set themselves on fire.

Nobody is voting blue because we're not a faggot like you.

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There's no difference really.

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So and guzzle a few more gallons of semen you cock-mangling FAGGOT
Pic is YOU & SAGE

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Brainlet calling others Brainlet.
also replying to a shitpost with a shitpost.

This guy is obviously baiting and autistic. Not even worth your time or effort.

k y s

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I couldnt imagine having cognitive dissonsnence this hard. "Wah someone doesnt agree with me they are a robot," fucking hilarious coming from someone like you

Neither swashburgler but I'll take it as a big compliment that you think I am

No. I would unironically face a firing squad before I voted Democrat.

>ignores my points
thought so.

Waaaahhh!!! Dumb people are voting for someone that represents my principles. I'm not dumb therefore I will oppose their vote and abandon all my principles. That'll show'em how smart I am.
This is you and your mentality

-1/10 copy pasta, you should have went with the nuclear codes.

If you don’t vote there won’t ever be a wall. You think Democraps are going to fund the wall?

I personally believe her I thought that her testimony sounded credible and as a run of the mill neocon I didnt trust a word out of the guys mouth sorry not sorry

You’re glowing, nigger.

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>implying there'd be but one or two threads left to post in if all the "unworthy" ones were ignored
At least this OP stuck around; I'll take that over a "1 ID post" thread. You're speaking more to the newfags who don't know any better in these types of threads.

>Cognitive dissonance
The irony. You want to vote for democrats because you think they are progressive, yet you also think people should be presumed guilty until proven innocent. That is believing in two contradicting ideas.

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Trump hasn't done a single thing he said he would dude open your eyes the faster you get him out of office the faster we can start seeing some real change think about it

typical bad bait. "I voted for trump but now I'm not"

whatever shareblue is paying you, it's too much

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Republicans already control the congress, senate, and Supreme court. No wall. You're letting kikes play you and you ask for more! Sad!

>as a run of the mill neocon I didnt trust a word out of the guys mouth
Ah, so you dismissed him & automatically believed her solely out of political bias.

>Voted for Trump in the elections but I think his performance has been poor since then. Kavanaugh, stuff like that

Why the fuck do you even bother?

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He's renegotiated international trade agreements for the US benefit

new NAFTA is the same as old NAFTA.

>it's illegal to vote in the United States election from another country, regardless of if you are an American citizen

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God you fucks are so pathetic, i will stay vote republican, but i do not give a fuck about trump.

Incorrect, even CNN conceded to this one

>the faster you get him out of office the faster we can start seeing some real change
Only if someone from neither party gets elected, which will NEVER happen.
At least with a republican we don't get utterly retarded social policy bullshit.

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Holy jeet sweesus you have brain damage.

He’s kept a lot of his promises you nog. He’s cut taxes, renegotiated NAFTA, exited TPP, started sanctions against Iran, stood up to China.

They’re barely in control the Senate. John McCain & Jeff Flake were RINOs that kept siding with Democrats. Supreme Court doesn’t decide on budget. The House can’t do anything if the Senate doesn’t agree to it. You’re the one who’s letting kikes give you a pathetic reacharound while they ram your ass with no lube.

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>Anyone else voting Dem midterms?
HAH! No...and no you didnt vote for Trump. If you did, youd have a better explanation than some nigger jive "Kavanaugh, stuff like that, etc." to back up your post. Your a cucked den or nigger troll, jealous because you had to vote hillary for momma.

Go kill yourself.

I didn't believe Trump when he said I'd be sick of winning but he was so right. I'm totally voting D in the midterms so I can feel the joy of losing once more.

Not gonna lie, this sure is an original thread. Never seen one like this before! All fields.

ESD yourself you stupid fucking NPC. NO ONE is voting demoshit ever again

Let me get this straight, you voted for trump, who is mostly pro 2A, wants to deport foreigners, build a wall to keep spics out, build up the military, cut taxes etc etc but now youre going to vote for the party that wants illegals, hates 2A etc etc.

I dont understand OP, you some kind of faggot?

Not if you vote democrat

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Haha checked. Nice

lifetime R here. I've voted R my entire life but...I...I...just...I don't know. the racism, the sexism, the's just...I...I can't...I just can't. I can't do it any longer. *spins, puts both palms on pillar, slowly sinks down into a heap* I just can't continue to support a fascist. I'm voting D across the board. Full. Fucking. Stop.

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Share blue are not sending their best , sad .

People change I was younger and didn't have as much of a good world view but being older I can start to see that some of my beliefs are foolish

>being older I can start to see that some of my beliefs are foolish
>going to vote dem instead
>learning nothing

Not falling for it this time. I recognize your tactics from a previous thread. You gave yourself away with that move, you thirsty troll you. All fields boyos.

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Voting is consent.

As long as government takes the opinions of women seriously it is illegitimate, this alone is reason enough to ignore them and prepare for the collapse and wars it will bring.

Not a believable story at all. Why do you pretend? Just be real!

No, you didn't. Man, you are all such BAD liars. You sound so fucking scripted it's ridiculous! Is this the kind of concern troll bs that worked on you? WEW NPC. WEW.

Ever heard of
>if you aint a liberal when youre young you dont have a heart and if you aint conservative when you get older you dont have a brain?

Youre doing it wrong OP

fuck you are the worst

3 replies yet no one made any credible argument against what he said. Kavanaugh is a bushite neocon corporate shill. congrats, we did it reddit

I know, in MY day, we cared about our shilling, and would put a little effort into it. I guess young people these days spend too much time with their rap music and video games to care about job performance.

War on drugs.

>War on *some* drugs

OP is a shill and a liar. I voted for Trump in 2016 and felt like I was making a mistake at the time, but I could not stomach the thought of a Hillary presidency. Trump was literally the only hope to avoid it, and honestly I didn't think he would win.

After 2 years I'm actually pleasantly surprised by Trump. He's every bit the buffoon I expected, but not as bad as I feared he might be, and he's actually accomplished a lot that I admire. I also enjoy how he's managed to thoroughly disrupt and expose the hypocrisy of the leftist media.

Most importantly though: my loathing for the Democrats has only increased. Trump would have to become so much worse than he is for me to even consider supporting what the Democratic party has become.


Thanx fren.

I'm a lefty, but if you want your country to even be reasonably close to ok, you will re elect trump. Democrats have zero candidates to throw against him and democrats look like absolute jokes in the eyes of the rest of the world

Lads, I propose that instead of "Wew lad" for threads like OP's, anons start responding with "WEW NPC." It might seem awkward, but it'll for sure make them too emotionally upset to continue as they are and will more than likely cause them to derail their own thread. Since they were told it's dehumanizing, there will be a conflict of their script programming trying to decide which script to run and this in effect will cause a bit of script run failure resulting in either worse cognitive dissonance or cracks in the programming. The unworthy will fall deeper in to a hell of their own making and those with potential may possibly grow mentally from it and possibly rescue them from being an NPC.

>war on *all the fun drugs and any that threaten the power of the pharma industry*

Still not as retarded as "allow children to decide to pharmaceutically stop their puberties before they even start & surgically mutilate themselves.
That's a WHOLE other level.

>using meme mic drops instead of actual counterarguments that logically beat niggers the fuck out
This is why this place is fucking dying.

Honestly you glowing faggots can fuck yourselves. Stop trying to manipulate us. Were not fucking retarded like you.

You never voted for Trump.

Hope Trump wins in 2020 but I doubt he will as he has been too much of a failure even if it /ptg/ shills dont want too admit it. There is no wall and Hillary is not locked up. There will be much less energy around his next campaign and the left will be energized and all those that didnt vote will turn out to stop Trump.

I kinda feel bad for pol knowing how btfo it will get

>I think his performance has been poor since then. Kavanaugh, stuff like that, etc.
These faggot shills aren't even trying.

Don't count your chickens before their hatched. I have friends inside the machine of both parties, and things are not as the dems want to claim.

You stupid faggot, did I say not to drop logical counter arguments along with it? No, I did not. Are you so easily swayed by a post like mine that it would cause you to just follow what I said without adding any input of your own to it? Can you not realize that Jow Forums has BEEN dropping logical counter arguments for a long time now and while that has grown our own numbers, it doesn't do jack to dissuade the emotionally led jackasses? So then how to both do that and cause them to either pack it in or start growing mentally? Hurrrr... Dumbasses like you are actually why this place is "dying" because you're stuck in duality thinking, "this or that," and you even demonstrated that by the way you responded to my post you assclown.


>things are not as the dems want to claim
Made glaringly obvious by the desperation level they've displayed, both in the Kavanaugh thing, and now in the Kanye thing.

Republicans are pro-rape.

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No, it's worse than that. I got a call earlier today from someone who got the internal polls for Michigan. They're freaking out. They though it was going to be a walk, and they're just finding out it's going to be a real fight. They're scrambling to see where/how to get the money for more TV spots, and it's too late to up their ground game in a way to make a difference.

I don't have access to info outside of Michigan, but I have to imagine they're facing the same problems.

Also, the dems (at least here) haven't learned from 2016, and are trusting their polling models far too much.