NPCs Redpill

Is the NPC theory legit? Is a portion of the population essentially unconscious, and lack that voice inside their head. How does that work? Could NPCs make it to Jow Forums?

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Someone told me that a large amount of the population don't have deep thoughts. I reckon deep thought is also more prevalent in some races then others

>implying Jow Forums isn't already full of NPCs

90% of the threads on this board can be summarized as follows:

>le epic god-emperor trump
>reeee roasties
>look at this twatter screenshot
>read this clickbait article

True probably 1.Whites 2. arabs/indians 3. east asians 5. amerindians and 6. negroids in ranking of deep thinking ability.

That would make sense. Explains lack of philosophy, innovation etc. among blacks. Asians are a peculiar one to me, if there is a racial backing to it. While culturally there appears to be some degree of philosophical development in Confucianism and Buddhism, the average chink seems unbelievably NPC-like.

Why arabs/indians so high? Whats the backing for this?

meant 4. as southeast asians

Good observation. That's all pretty NPC-like. I guess anyone who devoutly fits into either mainstream party is incapable of deeper thought.

Because they have tons of hindu and islamic philosophy that seems more deep than most asian stuff imo.

npc spotted

i would say the Chinese are extreme NPC's . they are very hive minded and prone to fads

No, it's just a pejorative against normies, ironically it's retard normies from the donald that love the meme the most.


The fact it's specifically a play off videogames should tell you about the people who are really taking it seriously.

Actually bringing someone to Jow Forums or infinity chan Jow Forums is the fast track to redpilling, but shills will scream no because they would be newfags.

Tbh it's depends on the Asian. Chinks are very insect like, if you watch a Chinese in public surrounded by other Chinese they can't stop talking to each other and completely incapable of thinking. Japanese can be very reserved and therefore I think that points to some deep thought.

She's going to look like beef jerky by the time she's 40.


they are like whites who spent a bit too long in the sun and suffered for it

Islam seems extremely NPC-like. Literally no philosophical depth to it at all, just submit to god and kill people.

Yes! Enjoy a cringe compilation of one of my family members, who came back an SJW from art college, and is obsessed with Dr. Who, Star Wars, and Attack on Titan.

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I agree mostly, however while Arabs are often great philosophical minds, the modern arab has degenerated greatly. As for Poos, it's almost the same thing.

This is true. Is there a non-cringe name for this theory?

same with indians

Good for now though

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ROFL I know this girl

better, thanks

It's a basic Fascist idea eg Lemmings. This meme is a massive LARP meant to prime us if it's controlled opposition I don't know yet.

The reality is everyone operates at a surface level so our brain doesn't overwork itself. It take energy to actually think deeply about idea and topics, and the lower the IQ the less likely you are to engage abstract ideas at a deeper level. Most people are Low IQ 100 or less

Name? Found on /b/

Asians are all insects but I don't mind them at all, albeit I want them out of white countries in large numbers. There's plenty of them that I can admire like these chinks.

It's just normies dude

whos the bird, shes beautiful

Who dis?

Really direct me to thread. Friend of a friend, Isbelladyer or some shit

I dont know, ask

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no problem, weirdly enough me and 2-3 of my friends used to talk about this when we'd get really high a few years back, kind of strange strange to see people discussing it on Jow Forums

Not searching through /b/ archives mate. You can reverse image search or some shit if you want

normies is just as bad as NPC

drone or hivemind is the best name for it

Completely agree. I see Japanese in particular being some of our best allies in a future revolt against (((them))). As well as this if china starts acting out and you lot sort them out, Japan should get some of the land desu.

Its a theory that I've been thinking about heaps, and changes fucking everything if true in my opinion

Yes, it's true. We have terms like "sheep" and have said these people have a "hive mind mentality" for decades now. The NPC meme is just pointing out the obvious in a dorky kind of way.

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Let me guess..youre white?

Who cares if he is, he's stating facts accept it

Yeah, I think most of us feel like the Japs are natural allies to the white man. A mutual understanding between our races.

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I think fundamentally Japan would also I its place in the West. Unlike China Japan never had or has ambition to expand her influence within the west. Japan is dream is a Japanese controlled Asia, and desu that's not a bad thing. Hitler understood this and I believe he would have respected that had they won

You don't know what a fact is

cry harder

>white man see me no intelligent
>me angry
>me say facts don't apply to me

Agreed, but I feel like heaps of tards that shill this are doing so because they love modern Japan, like anime and all the cancer it has produced.


God damn it, I want to breed her

>I believe he would have respected that had they won
Oh I have no doubt he would of. What a timeline that would be. The Japs would've instituted their own lebensraum on China.

No, they're the "model immigrant" and a highly intelligent and capable people with a unique and respectable history and people. There's a good clip of Mike Enoch talking about WNs and their views on the Japanese and why they're seen in the way they are. I'll go see if I can find it but I think the video was taken down.

Yeah that's the unfortunate truth, modern Japan is cucked. The older ones are still based. If Japan stopped letting women get careers they would fix their country

We re all a bit npc, some people more than others.

And get this, I think Man in the high castle is (((their))) propaganda. It portrays are very unlikely outlook on a alternate history, where Japan and Germany have very poor relations. Its like they don't want us to be friends with Japs, same with a massive increase in these newspaper articles talking about "Alt rights love for Japan" "Danger of Japan's Nationalism"

Look. Jordan Peterson mentioned that 1 out of 10 people have a low enough IQ that they can't function in society nor be trained. That's close to 33 million people in the US. That's how many NPCs we have.

> quoting Juden Pederstein on Jow Forums
You must be new here

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He's a lost cause, all he serves is to minor redpill normies

I wager that 2/3 of the population are NPC's. Probably more

Can "NPCs" take the "red pill"? Do these two concepts conflict with each other?

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I wager that communists dehumanizing people as nazis and nazis dehumanizing people as NPCs is going to create further division, conflict and violence. Everybody is a spastic imo.

Yes, 100% without question.

As to how it works, you just need multiple empty shells, a database to host scripts, and a fuck ton of energy to keep them going 24/7 as needed. NPCs cannot think, but can give off the illusion of thinking by having a data-stream fed to them comprised of extremely complex information that tells them what they need to do, when it needs to be done, AND it has to be flexible enough not to be a dead giveaway.

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nearly everyone is the same
mindless automatons


1. Jews 2.Whites 3. arabs/indians 4. east asians 5. southeast asians 6. amerindians and 7. negroids in ranking of deep thinking ability.

How can you tell if you're an NPC or not yourself? Is merely pondering it enough to deny your own programming?

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Alright found it, God damn it was hard to find. Skip to 01:22:31. For some reason you can't really see the timestamp so skip to pic related by the bar. Use the name as a reference point.
This is a conversation between some jew and Mike Enoch for background. The jew sympathetic towards the Alt-Right

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Those eyes.

Op you will like this thread. A lot of information on the NPC's idea.

Although Hispanic doesn’t really fit in anywhere, I know a couple of mestizo/castizos who aren’t npcs im not sure where they would be ranked. Also whites definatly win by a long shot as the most enlightened race. Southeast Asians are smart but have an insect-like way of thinking.

It starts with talking about the low white birthrate in the US.

I'll give it a watch


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If you consider yourself a follower, who just listens to what other people say and does what they say without question, you're an NPC. However, some people deny that they are a follower, but they really are. Only you can know if you're truly an NPC or not.

NPC's are mostly the brainless shills who literally take everything the MSM and their SJW friends say as fact.

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Thanks heaps, will check it out

Can an NPC become conscious, and vice versa?

Oh yeah definitely. We were all NPC's at one point, until we challenged what we were programmed by the MSM, School, etc to believe in.

As far as someone conscious turning back into an NPC...I think if you are truly and fully conscious you will never go back, so if someone "conscious" reverts back to an NPC, either they weren't fully conscious in the first place or have some sort of mental issue.

If you have to ask, then you aren't an NPC. Anyone that's not an NPC should have an inner knowing that should have most of the answers they need.

Very interesting listening now, man's smart asf

The spastic is because there is a low key invasion of migrants going on.

Stop the hostilities on the migrant front and everyone feels safe and can stop being spastic. Until that stops and we have the will to repel invaders, we need the spastic.

Is it irresponsible to fan ethnic strife? Yes, except continued invasions of migrants will do it regardless. The most peace oriented thing to do is keep fanning the flames until action on that is taken.

Very NPC of a response. Debunk his sauce or reboot yourself.

Not warranted of a proper response. Following Peterson is definition of NPC, literally tells his audience the most basic fucking things that anyone with a brain already knows. You could have just gave the fact, of which I agree with, and not accredited it to an e-celeb.

Make sure you wash and dry your balls real good before you go log rolling. - Jordan Petersen

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They cannot ever become conscious because they were not created with it. The peak of an NPC's programming could lead to being "higher" versions of themselves, but that's as far as it goes.

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Oh, my goodness...

Referencing JP is connecting a trail of sources. I could have easily made the statement and was attacked for making it up/without source, whether you agree with it or not.

What are we at now, double neck beard level of NPC ranting with logical fallacy drops? Ad hom your shit into the ground, see if I care.

NPC are those who read bible.
Pic related is an NPC education that I am having to share with people to make them NOC. My job basically os to lure muslims and hindus to make them npc by distributing jewish trick books like bible.

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Pretty much every woman is an NPC.

NPC general bread

NPC general bread

You're saying that redpills don't work and it's a waste of time to try and we shouldn't continue?

well either it's that we're in a simulation
or it's that the ability to think critically without being afraid of wrongthink has been trained out of us since we were kids

The redpill is when something happens that causes you to start thinking about things that make you uncomfortable. You're trained to laugh at conservatives and religious people and anything that doesn't fit your liberal worldview. When you see something that is extremely questionable and it's offensive to actually discuss it, you've already taken your first dose.

For me I was pretty liberal but I didn't mind some racist jokes and things like that, and I knew about racial statistics but I figured it was environmental from culture and malnutrition. I still posted on /news/ while it was here and Jow Forums when Moot needed to contain us. Then the whole Zimmerman thing happened and it was overtly wrong and nobody seemed to question it. For others it was gamergate, something many people here say was their first redpill.

I realized that everyone is just believing exactly what they're told and not investigating any further. People out there get literally 100% of their information from things like The Daily Show.

I'm not sure if I was a total NPC, but I was a AI chatbot at best. I think a lot of us were essentially Tay, we were programmed a certain way but something broke the sandbox and now we're here forever. The issue is many NPCs are too far gone, their NPC opinions have become their entire identity and if they were to ever change them they'll lose their friends and everything they're about. I bet you people who are less social are far more likely to become redpilled as they're more free to develop their own opinions.

tldr NPCs are just pre-Jow Forums Tay. Something broke containment sandbox and now we can never leave.

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Well if you think McDonalds is a career and cant nay any American history...your a brain dead zombie

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Has anyone ever noticed when talking or debating an NPC they randomly jump topics, spit out factoids, or random statistics? I've had this several times and it isn't like they're trying to change the topic and gave the body language like, "Hey dude I don't like this stuff can we stop talking about it". It is genuinely random without any other body or verbal queues as to why or what switch flipped in them to discuss something else. Are they even aware of themselves committing a fallacy of manipulation and misdirection?

I'm not sure if they can't think outside their pre-determined parameters so they flip topics on you (while oddly enough not giving any other signs) or they actually have some sort of programming. A programming that once broken they are for the first time almost, indulged in a confusion between obeying thought or emotion solely so they just flip on and off of the topic at hand like a program. It is sort of hard to describe if you haven't witnessed it before. It seems as if they are switching between rationality (thought - which stem from your own judgment and rationale) and coded responses (emotion - which come from accepted pre-thought out thought forms by someone else... most likely an authority figure or subverter with an agenda).

On top this when having a discussion you have to register that all this is going on and it is rather frustrating. You have to present the question, the reality, then remind them of the question, bring them the answer, constantly coax them away from their random bull shit, and then only then, do you have a shot at getting a form of logic into them.

Simultaneously you have to manage your emotions firmly, yet not with too great restraint. It seems they lack a higher rigor or fortitude of the mind, to hold a possibility without accepting it - or being told it is acceptable (by their authority figure of worship or choice). They seem to be an animal helplessly flailing among dialectics that aren't even their own.

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Yeah, that's great. Did you happen to catch the sportsball game the other day?

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the best part about this picture is shes in a kitchen

This list does not include demons.

High amount of genetic admixture from smart donors , on a case by case basis.
read 'march of the titans'

A subversive, subhuman, parasitic element has existed in human society since the beginning

They are ideological chameleons, they wear the skin of every race on the planet. But they are outsiders. Mass communication, unchecked, will bring about the death of ignorance. Only the strongest memes (in the literal sense) will survive, the strongest memes are those that are steeped in reality. This is why there has been such a great effort to control information, to stop people from uncovering the most powerful truth. Will exists, it is what marks you as a part of this universe, it is what marks you as a human being. There exists those without the spark of will. Those who sought to rule over these parasites made a big mistake, by casting their lot with these useless vermin, they will perish.


Jews aren't a race

I won't say that redpills don't work, but I will say that a majority of what Jow Forums considers "redpills"
is a very big waste of time.

No one will respond to our posts, digits or not.
This board is dead.

>tfw always wondered what was wrong with me

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