Western Civilization was fun while it lasted


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guess he is a girlie man now

Jow Forums is gonna reee about it but he's right. The term implies women/femininity is inferior. It's not.


Maybe he should apologize to Maria Schriver for cheating on her with the maid he got pregnant

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>The term implies women/femininity is inferior. It's not.

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>5000 years of civilization is ruined because an Austrian bodybuilder apologized for calling someone names
>Meanwhile Socrates and Plato fucked underage boys and nobody bats an eye

Femininity can be good for a male, but only if they also have masculine traits
A totally feminine male is unhealthy

Someone is about to get Cosby'ed.

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No, he's friends with the Rothschilds themselves
He's safe

Reminder: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist anti-white jew agenda.




>ACT.IL shill recruitment video




>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content

>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia, Reddit and Jow Forums to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.

>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign

>"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"

>"The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations"

>"JIDF Editing on Wikipedia"

>Israeli American Council shill recruitment video

>"Tony Martin IHR Conference Tactics of Organized Jewry in Suppressing Free Speech"

>"Defamation" – Documentary about how acusations of anti-semitism are used as a JIDF tool to silence goyim who criticize anything related to jews.

>jews hate all non-jews and slaves

A feminine man is inferior to both a feminine women and a masculine man.

i can't believe Arnold is fucking dead

Hes apologizing because after all the roid abuse he is a girllie man, fucking smaller than rice grains, he terminated his balls, be cant even totally recall what is feels like to be a man.

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>when decades of steroids use causes your estrogen levels to spike to unheard of levels

He legitimately is, all the years of steroid use are making him grow tits.

Then why the hell can’t they stop being raped every five minutes by EVERYONE? If women were equal to men, then they would be able to fight off the rapist men.

Jow Forums I am absolutly shaking right now yikes

soon brothers
100 million hearts beating as one

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mmmmmmm no its 2018 and faggots are mostly accepted now fuck off cuck

What a fuckin bitch

>He's safe

Old, rich, apology tour out of nowhere and over nothing. He's also apologized for banging a lot of sluts. His head is on the chopping block.

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what a FAGGOT

>muh steroids
Having skinnyfats dismiss hard work and dedication is pleb tier

Hang yourself

not an argument

This isn't the stone age. Someone's worth isn't correlated with their physical strength otherwise weak old faggots like Bezos wouldn't be at the top of the food chain and trade workers wouldn't be screeching about muh jerbs all the time.

holy fuck dude just make a gay porn and get it over with

What a fag

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cringe incels have filled this thread it seems

Really, even the Governator is fagging out?

Why do the Jews feel the need to destroy EVERYTHING cool in this world?

Femininity is not inferior, and calling girlie mend does not imply that.

Being a girlie man is bad, being a girlie girl is good.

When you grab a fork, you expect it to work like a fork, not like a knife.

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shit is not lube faggot limey

fippy bippy

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Yeah, your post made it hit the 100% cringe incel mark.

you clean the shitter first faggot

what did he do to start acting like such a cuck they probably have some serious dirt on him

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depends what you want them for

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So it turns out he was one at the core.

limeys are faggots ruled by muslims and dot heads. go fuck your nigger boy friend.

eat a fucking dick niggerfaggot, faggots like you should be strung up and have their eyes and balls ripped out by ice picks

He turned into full cuck since cville anyway. Before that even.

btw you guys must love blacked.com because kanye loves that shit

>Just because someone is saying some pretty based shit, doesn't mean you have to agree with everything they say. Fucking christ, you children are getting lazy with your trolling.

Muslims hates gays you retard Jews probably do too its ironic because your country loves them the best

Jow Forums is a hivemind faggot you know that

Remember when it was ok to be a man?

something happens to old men when they want but can't achieve success anymore and can't enjoy what they've built

no respect for any man who lacks courage to stand his ground

Hans and Franz eternally btfo

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>dat fucking pic
What the fuck am I even reading anymore? Is the person writing that article implying that kids value their mother over their father? Fuck that shit.

>old man desperate for attention says anything for attention
Fuck's sake, is he the equivalent of a crazy cat lady now?

Did that post make you feel really big and strong, sweetie?

This is writing on the wall lads. Arnie knows where the NWO plans to push things and he's trying to get ahead of that volatile pushback against masculinity and make himself safe by turning his back on the things he knows he got his start from.
The dems cannot win or all of us lads are dead. This is not hyperbole.

>You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villian.
Goodnight, sweet prince.

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He should apologize for his half dozen or so most recent movies.

Further proof California is cancer

Yup the kikes say jump and he does it.

Woman are inferior, thats why they need special rights and affirmative action and womans studies and all kinds of special laws and leniency in courtrooms and they are still shit and will always be shit.
Women are proof god is a faggot.

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manly men fuck their ugly mestizo maids.

>The term implies women/femininity is inferior
>It's not.
You need to contemplate what a patriarchal asexual masculine race, that mates for life and competes for breeding rights intellectually and physically, could accomplish.

Yes it is!


Um, yeah, it is.

And Arnold is nothing more than a warning against steroid use. Sure steroids turn you into a much better version of your old self, but they stop your body from producing it's own testosterone. Your balls remain shrivelled and useless even after you stop. Arnold no longer has functioning testicles, and in his old age probably has stopped replacing the deficit with the synthetic form. He is now, quite literally, a girlie man. He will die soon, a shadow of what he once was.


This is heartbreaking

They are inferior in near everything outside of birth and child rearing.

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>It's not.
what, no "and here's why"?

jesus christ i miss when reddit didnt infest this shithole

>guess he is a girlie man now
The irony isn't lost on anyone. Next Mr. Universe will probably be pic related

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Masculinity/femininity are superior and inferior in their own ways.

Masculinity wins in the handiness department though.


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When it comes to being a man, yes it is

When it comes to continuing the race, women are far far FAR superior

Except his goblino son is the Chad he always wanted as a son

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It really is sad. I wonder if he is being blackmailed, or if he really is just a sad old man who is upset he can't be what he once was. Just because you get old and can't be an alpha action hero anymore doesn't mean you have to give up your dignity and die a bitter old SJW faggot. Talk about destroying your legacy. Jesus.

>that picture

Maybe learn to work through your problems and there won't be a need for a custody arrangement at all.

>still being blue-pilled on the vatican-roman "catholics"

What the fuck happened to this man? Is there estrogen in the air in California? How the fuck did he go from fucking almost every fucking woman he saw and embodying masculinity, to being a bitch with a mutt child made with a fat fucking maid
He went from alpha to Bitch Titties

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He turned into a giant pussy. RIP CONAN

It only fun for the rich who had the means to enjoy it. For everyone else not much has changed. Still the same shit hole wage slave shit its always been.


when I was young everyone was running around the school yard calling each other "girlie man" in hanz and franz voice

>when your entire life was defined by hollywood
>when you owe everything to hollywood.
>when you're entirely subservient to hollywood

theres nothing we can do about popular culture except forget about the past and STOP WATCHING THIS SHIT.

No, it implies that men who are excessively feminine are inferior men. Which is true.


it's tiem to pamp *clap* you aap

he just needs his testosterone shoot

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Steroids contain testosterone that when used for long periods of time will eventually convert to estrogen.

They're implying that "equality" is only good when it benefits women.

I didn't even think about it.
Hes been trying to get his movie career started up again, hes been trying for several years. And some of them have been major flops which killed at least one of his future projects.
Is he doing this to convince them to let him be in more movies? I know hes goona be in the cucked Terminator sequel/reboot

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>Its not
Fucking LUL

>a feminine man is inferior
are you new here?

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its his legacy he's more worried about.
but he is getting back into great shape again and looking built even at 71..
probably trying for a comeback.

If npc whites are stupid enough to let the Jew rule them, why should we help them?

Convince me not to swallow the hyper-individualist blackpill.

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Tfw Arnie became a girlie man.
The prophecy came true

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