You will never own this

You will never own this

Attached: hosue.jpg (450x306, 39K)

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Why would I want to own a picture of a poorly drawn house with SHUTTERSTOCK written over it?

I own 8 different real estate properties and live in a house much smaller than that because I am not a retard

>you'll never own a McMansion
Thank god.

Attached: wyogen.jpg (165x258, 42K)

Fucking this. Simple is better and aids kids in learning frugality.


If you owned it then you could remove the ShUTTERSTOCK watermark and use the image for whatever you want.

Stock images?

That is a stupid looking "house" if you could even call it that. What is that stupid spiral thing in the center? What is that balcony? Who designed this piece of shit? Ideally people should live in row homes like pic related. Only problem is the cities are shit. Suburbs are cancer however.

Attached: DCRowhouse.jpg (1000x841, 292K)

>You will never own this
I don't define my life by my personal possessions, materialist.

You'd gladly sacrifice the existence of the White race if the Jews gave you that.

Lol, why would that house matter, cardboard space

>Lol, why would that house matter, cardboard space
OP and those like him are soulless materialists that believe "he who dies with the most things wins".

So a status symbol absolutely matters to someone like the OP.

(Plus he'd use it to be able to hide from the diversification longer than the rest of his people.)

>wanting to live in a McMansion

>nobody can afford to buy a big house
>nobody rents them
How exactly do the elites plan to keep them as a prized commodity, thereby keeping prices up if nobody can afford one? I'll just wait for the crash/mass boomer suicide to get one.

A mcmansion?

Home sweet home.

Attached: PicsArt_11-02-11.35.29.jpg (606x605, 76K)

I own 4

i could have it. debt is gross though.

took the words out of my mouth
people have such shit taste in houses


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(((Greenspan))) and (((Bernanke))) started the neofeudal era. now serfs are living under wall street bankster mega-landlords-- the ones who started the ponzi scheme and then came in to steal the assets from the goyim.

Ever since 2011, banksters, thru their private-equity hedge fund firms, are buying up all houses and monopolizing the housing resources.

This big business of buying massive numbers of single-family homes and financializing dwellings got started in late 2011, initiated and supported by the Federal Reserve as part of its efforts to monopolize the housing market. Bernanke pitched this scheme inorder to monopolize housing resources.

The Federal Reserve directed private equity firms (controlled by banksters) to steal millions of homes for cents on the dollar.

tl;dr (((they))) created a collapse to enslave goyim and usher in feudalism ruled by the Master Yid

Its a bank scam......the Fed creates a bubble crash which their cronies rush in to steal the houses from the goyim

once they foreclose on all those taxpayer backed homes, they sell them to rich investors (cronies such as REITs, Private Equity firms, Institutional investors), who in turn open huge rental businesses that charge exorbitant rent......

And if you dont think its a scam, then splain why mortgages charge most of the interest up front on the loan.....

People don`t realize in a fiat money system, their taxes and costs of living keep rising, while their incomes go down do to the intentional depreciation of their currency........scam.

Fed-connected ((Private Equity)) firms will get the house before the goyim. Home Ownership in US is DEAD. Private Equity is on the path to acquiring the entire housing market, thanks to their cronies in the Fed for creating the opportunity to steal property after the Fed-induced asset bubbles pop

>living in the middle of a dense, dark, untamed jungle
Are you a monkey, user?

I don't see many people outside the future lamp post ornament class buying houses with cash.

More migrants to inflate prices.

good. plebian shit

Attached: Classical-Revival-Style-Homes.jpg (1059x693, 488K)

>Yes goyim, the millenials are the problem. They arent buying our hyperinflated houses. We need 20 million more poos, spics, and chinks to do the job millenials wont.

According to Fannie Mae’s report, as baby boomers exit their owner-occupied homes there could be a glut of new homes and steep decline in price-- returning to historic, pre-globalization levels.

Government Solutions to prevent a return to home affordability includes Mass Immigration, which spurred the dramatic price surge in housing booms 1 and 2.

Adjust immigration policy to create more potential homeowners, to keep hyperinflated prices afloat.
Advocates for this tactic suggest that creating more legal households would increase the number of potential owner-occupants in the market.

The boomers are dying, housing costs should be plumetting but its not. You know why?


You have no birthright, you are a slave to the landlords who flood you with competition to fight.

Its about keeping the mouse on the wheel.

For every one boomer that dies 3000 immigrants enter the housing market, with half the Mexican, Poojeet, Chink, Yiddish ones already popping out kids.

Find me the architect and a good Huey Lewis album and I think I can fix the problem forevermore.

>hang the hard working upper middle class now!
Are you retarded?

Attached: 9A5C123D-077B-4091-A797-051CEF567673.jpg (550x421, 60K)

You can subscribe to shutterstock for $29 dollars a month, it's not that hard.

The most outrageous thing is that the politicians ooh and aah about how out of control housing prices are when they are the ones inflating their value at the behest of the banks by bringing in countless immigrants.

Thats by design buddy.

The majority of the banks assets are in mortgages and properties, if the value dips just a bit you get a recession which happened last time.

Next time they wont be able to bale them out so they have to bring in countless immigrants to artificially inflate the value of housing.

Western economies are literally a ponzi scheme which rely on exponential growth with no end

Literally all of our problems are tied to immigrants but nobody is allowed to talk about it.

Mass immigration means infinite demand for finite housing. Natives can't compete forever against global capital. Young natives are especially disadvantaged as they compete for entry-level properties against established couples from overseas who have more capital, saved over many years, to compete against the young natives.

Young natives end up living in shithole sharehouses or with their parents or moving away from their family and friends to areas with less economic prosperity and opportunity where prices for land and property are reduced.

The social effect of this are native-flight from the most desirable places of a country.

The only young natives who can buy are those who are given lump sums or loans from family. Some of these loans bankrupt the family if they go sour, some don't. Overall the rich inheritee young native ends up living in a multiculti city that is nothing like what his/her parents/grandparents/great-grandparents/great-great-grandparents knew.

But why

You could get a fancy rambler for less than 1/4 of the cost of a McMansion

Attached: Mid-century-modern-remodel-23.jpg (1200x800, 275K)

>implying I want to own that

Attached: niceskyline.jpg (1280x960, 500K)

I watched this video last night:

It's very relevant to the thread. Not everyone will want to watch a 40 minute video so I can give some dot points
>something like 50% of Germans don't own a home
>there's a state in Germany where 90% of the people living there don't own a home

It also very accurately explains why the rich only get richer. Because to acquire lots of money, you need money. The CEO says something near the start that I thought was hilarious and true. He's like "once you have a certain amount of money, you can't lose it". Rich people have others handle their money and it just grows by itself. That's how easy it is to be rich and stay rich. Something else that they say is the middle class is getting smaller. The number of below middle class (poor people) is increasing, though. So, yeah. The experts all seem to think we're going to have some major problem due to the fact that wealth inequality is only getting worse.

Among the shenanigans used to inflate the values of thinly-traded assets are the right not to sell. Banks don't have any reason to push for a sale, in fact, if they do sell they have to recognize any net loss in value on their books.

I suggest it goes a level deeper than that, to the concept of absentee ownership, whether in real estate or business, and the grant of rights to foreigners exceeding those of natives. It's a great way to disrupt social solidarity and trust, just as a liberal migration policy does.
>Overall the rich inheritee young native ends up living in a
shopping mall, with padded corners on everything and reality kept safely away from the innocent minds that can't handle it.

I dunno, man, if I were to own a house I'd want a bungalow with a double basement.

>1 post by this ID

I don't want a large house. A large house is just a house that takes longer to clean up. Plus you end up filling it up with shit.

>You will never own this

Friend of mine needs to spend $18,000 for a new roof. Didn't bother to save $25 a week for the last 14 years, so he'll take out a second mortgage at 60.

I'll stick with my apartment, thanks.

Probably some Jew living in his gated white community, decided to troll the goyim on Jow Forums for a moment. What else is he meant to do with his day.

thank god

>it’s hip to be square

Attached: 1ED1212F-0BBE-4F0E-866C-35F13A25F95F.gif (467x468, 2.64M)

You're happy that you don't own a home?


Fucking gassed

>implying you can't be found from this photo.


>if you dont think its a scam, then splain why mortgages charge most of the interest up front on the loan..

Duh. What is declining principal?

You will never again post in this thread

Jokes on you i downloaded the image. It's mine now faggot.

>paying property taxes

Hey user. What's the faggot OP trying to say? You know it's like I don't get it.

Attached: hosue.jpg (450x306, 46K)

Same person.

>Ideally people shouldn't have yards, gardens, sheds, workshops, or any sort of land whatsoever,

Attached: 1512447360994.jpg (451x604, 58K)

My parents place was recently evaluated by the local council at $1.2m and they pay about $3000/year in council rates, which will be discounted when they're on a pension, down to something like $2400/year or so.

Paying that small amount on a house they own outright is better than paying $2000/month to rent a house.

It's no longer a dream if you live in democratic people's republic of korea

Attached: 15085504_566333290238632_5821482964658542923_n.jpg (800x276, 49K)

That looks like the Crypt Keeper.

Attached: 675249-crypt_keeper_large.png (300x450, 349K)

I own a house. It isn't much, but it's mine.

Most houses in the U.S being built today are china-tier anyway. Shit, a lot of the multi-million dollar mansions that have been built in the last 10 years in the U.S are china-tier.

I was shitposting and I assume you are baiting. Good day memeflaggot.

Actually, I will own a nice home on a nice lake soon, been staying in our modest $1k/month mortgage place we've been in for 15 years so that, when we move next year or the year afterward, we can leave niggers and liberals behind to move to even more conservative Lake Country in our area. Feels good, man.

I could buy a home like one in your pic tomorrow, but it's not what I want, I want water in my backyard and nothing but white faces around me.

Hey I just got here what did I do?????????????

Came to post this verbatim