How to correctly discipline children

How do you do it anons? Last thread got 404'd kinda pisses me off that mods would delete this but not the other bs clogging up this board. Really makes you think.....

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You tell them what they did is wrong and remove privileges...

you beat them when they do wrong. It's worked since the literal dawn of humanity and it hasn't stopped working now

Kill them and try again

Slap the sperg right out of them.

It sure works for blacks...

And the wealthy elites totally do it and have always done it

Last thread pretty much was pushing this. Funny how if 4chin says something good they shut it down.

When nobody is looking. I don't have kids so you have to be careful with this shit. Funny when the parents can't figure out why their hell spawn is crying.

Remember if you have to force your child to behave then you are a failure in life.

unironically this

>How to correctly discipline children
Circumcise them. If you already did that, then I don't know, you fucking jew.

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My uber leftist cousin has multiple PhDs from Yale in child psychology. (The press contacts her for stuff when they want an expert to discuss trauma some kid delt with that's in the news).

She told me that corporal punishment is a valid methods of discipline when 1) it's not abusive, 2) when the child is old enough to correlate bad behavior with the punishment, and 3) when the child has yet to be able to reason. When they are able to reason and understand the corrilation between their behavior and other forms of punishment, then corporal punishment is not effective.
>I'm guessing..
>not before 7 months (too young)
>not after 2 years (old enough to understand a time-out
I can't remember the actual AGE guidlines, but you get the idea
As a parent of two (now late teens), it is ALWAYS important to explain the reasons for punishment, and always be consistent. Punishing bad behavior one day but not the next day confuses them. Generates neurotic behavior
By explaining the Why, they will learn to make decisions by themselves when they grow up.

This entire thread is satire. Anyone here looking to properly discipline their child look elsewhere as only a fool would take anything said here as fact.
t. Father of 2 boys, 1 girl all with great careers and kids of their own, didn’t hit them ONCE

If you lead by example, show them genuine love, and are an actual good role model you'll probably have to discipline them very rarely.

Most people who have to discipline their kids all the time basically treat their kids like a dog or farm animal.

I only swatted my two a few times when they were in that age zone I mentioned. My daughter has always been a total angel. My son... well he is a boy so, getting in trouble and pushing the limits is standard fare.
They both have a good moral compass and are able to make mature decisions without a parent around. My daughter only gets in trouble when she 'forgets' to tell us something like "our school needs $$ for the field trip tomorrow" kind of crap. When I say she is an angel, I mean it. Always a great kid, helping others etc.
Both kids are very conservative too.

>Most people who have to discipline their kids all the time basically treat their kids like a dog or farm animal.
That's because they were lazy parents when the kids were young

this is reasonable.
except its 18 months - about 11 years old

I barely ever actually hit my kids btw. Each one has gotten the belt at least once. After you let the little fuckers know you mean business just the threat is enough.

I had actually posted that a few seconds after you finished your post I do agree with your sentiments but the beating bullshit that happened during the 50’s and onward to the 90’s has to stop it doesn’t make kids better it makes them angrier and far more prone to violence which in some ways can be a good thing but not if they’re out killing people for sport.

>11 years old
I gotta say, if corporal punishment is being employed at that age, something went wrong earlier when training them.
I have seen many new parents really screw up in the formative years. Known them long enough to see that I was accurate in predicting their kids problems. Not that I am some expert, but wow, so many parents take the easy way out (not saying you did) early on. Then spend years of catch-up trying to fix the little monsters.
The worst was watching them discipline their kid harshly one day for something trivial, then the next day letting them get away with serious behavioral problems. I knew that kid would grow up not knowing right from wrong and the attitude of "if I can get away with it" The kid is now a mess. Sad.

Yup. I grew up with severe punishment. I remember being beaten with a garden hose. Fun times.
>yes I was unruly
>yes I deserved punishment
>no, not what I got
Never took a belt to my kids. Didn't have to. Was always well aware of the situation and the punishments that were fitting.
I used to break down the 'crime' into individual wrong decisions, then met out the punishment for each one
>made up example...
>sneaks out of the house, parties with friends, gets drunk, destroys neighbors mailbox
Those are three items to get punished:
>sneaking out
>gets drunk
Each one would get their own punishment, and not one general one

Don't you dare spank.

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Wtf dude

Pinch their arms hard. When they act disrespectful just pinch them hard. Any thoughts?

Physical discipline isn't bad until it is. It teaches kids to get physical as well when shit doesn't work the way they want it to, if beaten enough. Then the kid lives internally fighting between loving his parents and wanting to cut their heads off

Whatever you do don't spank them or physically abuse them. Shit increases the likelihood of criminality by like 70%+ iirc. Peaceful parenting has the statistically best chance of raising a based kiddo.

See my posts in that regard

Strict but fair discipline. Consequences for their actions. Parenting in a way to where they feel bad for disappointing their parents and won’t make bad decisions based upon how you’ll react.

Am I doing it wrong?

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