Can we?
Jow Forums memed nazis and fashys back, can we meme roman empire back?
she cute
Your a fucking shill.
No, anime is next.
Any pics of her ass
wtf me and my brother were talking about this today.
I vote yes.
Goblin or not, I would breed with this.
How do we give power back to the people without going to a democracy?
Can we have a decentralized roman empire/
She looks insane, look at her eyes. Step up your game.
The is Italian and also white.
By right of my Roman linkage I call dibs before all of you faggots.
Of course you were...
>Death Note
Absolute shit taste.
by right of these digits, you go to the back of the line
Poor pupper
I want to fuck 3D Casca retarded
McFuck yourself nerd
Rome is the mob
worth a shot.
The insane ones fuck the best.
i wish i want such a anti social and shy goon and could have a girl like that. i look good and dress well but i never do anything social with people my age.
Then draw them to your mature nature Yuri-San.
Host a party or a club.
become a serial rapist
We will conquer Constantinople and force the Catholic and Greek Orthodox churches to merge together and once we have reunited West and East Rome, we will make animu real again.
Enjoy AIDS and having your dick cut off
you are running off a cliff......
Fucking seriously I wish I could help/stop you.
But you have been programed your entire life for this.
You guys have fucking clue what You have done.
Theres no stopping it now its happening.
Yes you will get your new roman empire and everything that comes with it. :/
I'm going to have to say, underaged.
What would be the point? The Roman Empire developed around the very lucrative ancient Mediterranean trade network, which is now outmoded by technology and the discovery of the new world.
>1 post by this ID
>slide thread confirmed