Dog Lovers BREAKING NEWS !!!. Pee on TRUMP statues in New York. LMAO

Trump ‘pee on me’ statues erected in New York, dogs encouraged to urinate on tiny president (PHOTOS).
A New York artist is encouraging dogs to urinate on the US President by leaving small statues of Donald Trump around Brooklyn with the accompanying sign ‘Pee On Me’.
The ‘art exhibit’ is by Phil Gable, who serves as creative director for the brand content company Porcupine Armadillo.
Gable said the purpose of the installation is to add "a little moment of levity" to the generally depressing political climate,
but admitted to VICE it was also a personal expression of his own personal “disdain for Donald Trump”.

Gable set up five of the tiny Trump busts in locations around Brooklyn and he plans to expand the operation to neighboring borough Manhattan.


Attached: TRUMP ‘pee on me’ statues erected in New York.png (900x506, 817K)

why do you always start at the same time? why do you always have the same memeflag? Why dont the mods remove your posts? Im pretty sure that Ukrainian from before the memeflags

Well that's it guys, pack it up. This may in fact be the beginning of the end for trumps campaign.

>why do you always start at the same time?

holy shit unrecoverable

My dog is better he makes Cory Booker statues about 3 times a day. The bad thing is I have to clean them up though.

>Cory Booker statues

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i wonder if its the same Phil Gable that was from ludington, MI. kid was a total faggot, prolly still is. hes about 33-34 by now. i hope its him so i can goto his moms house and bash her fucking skull in.

A reliable shill. Gotcha.

its another shift. they each have their own style of posting or favorite 'le epic troll' ... fucking gay

Why are liberals so obsessed with bodily fluids?

Attached: 1486918063236.jpg (236x202, 13K)

Jesus Christ the left really cannot meme


>Cory Booker statues
I have to provide another artists rendering, since I do not take pictures of them.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 111K)

>i know, right?

Surely DRUMPF will be done for this time

Because bait to make people pro-Trump is incredibly easy to make

>piss in public
>cop drives by
>arrested for indecent exposure
Liberals literally need caretakers because they are so retarded.

Gee, I wonder if OP is a paid kike shill?
Ah, I see I was correct.

Attached: jewishtaqiyya.jpg (599x378, 83K)

They made some change or other to the laws in NYC to ease up on public urination. Apparently the people who live there have been there so long that they got desensitized to the smell and began to have a hollow and empty feeling in their lives.

Wonder what Melania is thinking about it.
Also the Russian golden shower hookers in his hotel room in Moscow... LOL

Attached: dog is peeing on Trump.png (1060x690, 453K)

This sounds like an operation for Jow Forums! We need a new HWNDU. Someone already stole the one that was put up. He's making more and will secure them now. We have to coordinate an effort to locate and steal/vandalize these statues. We need to feed the coordinates to NYC-anons to make it as easy for them as possible.

Attached: 12iu3c71982nx1.png (671x309, 101K)

>We have to coordinate an effort to locate and vandalize these statues.

Replace them with Hillary or something?

Good they will all get that lepto that’s going around right now and hopefully die.
Leptospirosis is a potentially fatal bacterial disease that damages the liver and kidneys of dogs and humans. It is caused by Leptospira bacteria. It occurs worldwide and affects humans and animals. The bacteria are spread through the infected urine and can survive in water and soil for weeks to months. Humans and animals can become infected through contact with contaminated body fluids (except saliva), water, or soil. Get your pet vaccinated against leptospirosis.

Disseminated infections with Pasteurella multocida can lead to septic shock, meningitis, endocarditis, and other severe illnesses. Most human infections with Pasteurella multocida occur as localized abscesses of the extremities or face as a result of cat or dog bites. These abscesses require surgical drainage.

this is cool and stands out hashtag#RESIST

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That's their intended purpose; this is a contrarian board.
Steal them so he wastes his time, or destroy them if they are secured to well.

color me surprised.

There is such a transparent agenda to push this bizarre narrative that Trump is unpopular, it's baffling, because it encourages democrats to think they've already won, and not show up at the polls (not that i'm complaining), and encourages republicans to vote to make their voices heard against an incresingly bizarre, dangerous, and hateful wave of regressive lefty politics. In my day to day life, people are almost unanimously happy for Trump and love him, and I live in California, in the bay area, the "hotbed" of this liberal craze, I honestly do not think it gets more then a few miles away from the universities and google HQ!

Attached: Trumpguitar.jpg (800x450, 61K)

Also, if you steal them, keep them as a desk ornament.

>a moment of levity
>by having an animal piss on the image of a man that many people consider to be the most important person in America
Ya sure fucking thing nigger, can't fucking wait to use all this rope

Attached: hillary 10hrs.jpg (284x209, 11K)

>Why are Jews so obsessed with bodily fluids?

Gather all of them like dragon balls.
When all the trump busts are combined...

I can get behind that. I actually want one for my desk. Well pee free of course.

>>by having an animal piss on the image of a man that many people consider to be the most important person in America
RUSSIAN hookers peed on him few years ago in the hotel room in Moscow you moron.
Ge got 'Russian pussy golden shower" allover his orange hair.

Attached: Trump rejected by Melania.jpg (1024x576, 171K)

That's hilarious...only because the left actually thinks this is awesome.

you do realize this board wrote parts of that correct?

I pee on you too....

Notice how there is no grass whatsoever in the multicultural jewish paradise, and they need to get a tiny carpet of fake grass. It is all one giant concrete rat trap to disconnect man from his natural being, and slowly drive him more insane than factory-farmed cattle.

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It's just so ridiculous that a functioning human brain can believe that that actually happened. Like it boggles my mind that you manage to make your self breakfast in the morning, shower, presumably drive yourself to work, and then somewhere in your mind you go "oh ya the President had prostitutes urinate on him by request, ya that definitely happened".

how hard would they REEEEE if Taylor Swift pee statues were made too?

WTF user! Oh, Cory Booker. Carry on.

>Still posting RT stories.

>Still kvetching about RT like it's not at least as legitimate as the kike outlets

Barack Obama shit bag dispensers installed next to all of these. Let’s go nyc bros.

Looks like Donny likes LGBT body fluids and he likes to exchange body fluids with nigglets.

Attached: WTF_TRUMP_LGBT flag+kissing nigglets.jpg (1024x2705, 370K)

damn my dogs a girl

Attached: ohno.jpg (653x477, 191K)

Do girl dogs sit down to pee?

they squat

>damn my dogs a girl
Text Melania and ask her how is she doing for him...LOL

Rent free to the max

So progressive

What do you mean??

peeing on him might change him for the better

Do you have a dog user??

SHIT, we're done guys, gotta vote blue now

pu pus puss pussy