Liberal threatens Conservative Female with Rape and Feminist Defend Him
So what they're saying is, it's ok to rape someone as long as they disagree with you!

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Other urls found in this thread:

>it's ok to rape someone as long as they disagree with you!
This. I rape before and after arguing with them.

Because they are evil.

Well, feminists have rape fantasies, so, no surprises.

don't you realize yet that the left has no moral compass whatsoever. There is no low that they won't stoop to in order to get their way.

Love showing this shit to normies.

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Wrong, moron. We're just finally realizing that taking the high road doesn't work when the Re-puke-lick-ans are going to trash and destroy every norm and scrap of civility. We fight you on your own terms and you whine and cry like babies about how da mean demowats are bewing mean to yoo.

Sorry your comfort is based on knowing that we'll go high when you go low, but don't dish it out if you can't take it.

Man the baby talk doesn't help your case lol

Of course leftists believe in corrective rape of white women, it's why they support Islamic and African invaders.

Rape is ok when leftists justify it, silly republiKKKans!

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>Sorry your comfort is based on knowing we’ll go high when you go low
I very rarely see the Left wing take the high road. I often see them deceptively virtue signaling about the high road they are pretending to take. Case in point, you.

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Liberals believe in subjective morality, and their foundation of morality is obtaining power because of their Marxist intents. If they risk losing power in a debate, they will adjust their moral compass to fit the intent of gaining power over their enemy.
They only have one goal: Power
Once you know this, every logical/moral inconsistency they believe in begins to make sense.

how's that strategy been working for you bozo?
1. lost the presidency
2. lost congress
3. lost the supreme court.

It’s a boomer. Sounds like a Sharon or Bob trying to be clever and impress friends on Kikebook s

Obviously he was being facetious and only saying that because "Kavanaugh the rapist" was confirmed and that means rape is A-OK. He was trying and failed to make a stupid and shitty point. But still, what a dumb fuck.

>mean demowats are bewing mean

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Based old head knows what’s up. It damn well is his right to take that pussy whenever the fuck he feels it. She can’t fight the geezer off it’s her problem no one else.

Cranial/rectal inversion syndrome.

Well of course. I think what is telling is if the role were reversed, this would already be on the front of reddit and all of these shitty websites, with 10 millions views and he would be used as an example of toxic masculinity, white privilege, rape culture and somehow Trump would also be responsible.

He didn't threaten her he was suggesting that rape was now legal or some shit
What a bunch of retards though

will I find cute conservative girls if I go to the rally tomorrow lads?

Sheesh why are conservative women so hot...this is hardly even a fucking meme

>norms and civility are more important than improving the lives of the lower and middle classes

Yeah, this reminds me of that Always Sunny episode where they go to the abortion protest to get laid. Honestly, I would love to be with a conservative girl. All I've had were liberals and they ended up being completely insane every time.

Because of morals and not acting like complete guttersluts (most of the time at least)

Exactly. I'm nearing 40. The world has changed in just the last 10 years like I could never have imagined. To simply say The Left has gone insane is an understatement. What an upside down world we are living in.

>getting bullied by a man who needs his own air tank
Women were a mistake

I can no longer tell the difference between people trolling or liberal retardation...

t. NPC

Re-thuglicans are going to get what's coming.

Elevators, applebee's, they're own rallies.

#Riseup and they'll never be comfortable again

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>against my consent

>don't dish it out if you can't take it.

We are going to fucking slaughter you in the streets, and with a smile on our faces. I cannot begin to describe the joy I will feel when I finally start crushing democrat windpipes. Please get violent.

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Feminism is uncontested shit testing. All women shit test men; they act like cunts until a man tells them to shut the fuck up, then they fuck. This works for women who can get laid.

Then you have the unfuckable whales or downright ugly women who shit test by instinct, but no man will ever give them the time of day, much less deal with their bullshit because the pussy has no value. These are feminists.

Yup.saw a bit ago that explains how everything liberals do is evil, it boils down to those simple facts.

She cute
I'd rape her

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cia nigger

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Feminism is basically a rape fetish. They can't go 10 minutes without bringing up rape. If someone couldn't go that long without bringing up any other sexual act, you'd think they were a pervert and a freak. And you'd be right.

OMG, that meme is actually real. *CRINGE*

we'll kill you faggots. Keep it up. You are just bringing us that much closer to showing you how little you are.

Would you like to know more?

You're high alright.

checked. seems like you will.

Because chads are conservative

checked. high on faggotry.

>it's ok to rape someone as long as they disagree with you!

I'm pretty sure there's 1 thing that every person who gets raped disagrees with.

That's absurd. How's that tinfoil hat treating you?

The left in the US has long since adopted a strategy of "if it is politically expedient, even if it is against our stated interests, we'll do it".

For the right to survive and thrive, it must abandon its retarded notion of being """"principled"""" (aka operating within a liberal framework) and operate per the wishes of its constituents (aka white interests). Thankfully, it's slowly getting there. If Republicans win during the mid terms, I suspected the rate at which cuckservatives get redpilled will be massively, massively accelerated, even if the GOP itself doesn't do jack shit.

Funny because Democrats are the one trying to destroy norms by promoting degeneracy, culture and everything else. Rioting, attacking other people, trying to destroy their life by doxing, fake accusations and destroying other people property isn't civil last time checked.

Men are attracted to healthy, fertile women. Mental health is a big part of that, and liberals are mentally ill, therefore they appear (and make themselves) less attractive.

This is the sodom and gomorrah effect.

Mob of me gathered around, who are you to judge us. We demand to have sex with your male guests.
It’s happening. He said its his right to rape her and feminist woman defended him. It was never about woman’s right, it’s about power and no moral or ethical restraint on sexual depravity.

What did kek mean by this?

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Have another (you). Now maybe you can get something off dat dollar menu, nigger jew.

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>We fight you on your own terms
So you're finally ready to buy guns and fight us for real, instead of bitching online? Good, I've grown bored waiting for you cunts to work up the nerve.

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Not to get complacent. Go vote next month and be ready to fight when the left chimps out after our red tide washes their hopes away.

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I'm ready. Whatever the consequences, i would gladly accept them if it meant getting to purge leftist filth from this country.

>We fight you on your own terms

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"cuz I have rights"

Why doesn’t anyone say Crimson Tide always red tide. Will Alabama University sue you or something?

Oh, I'm sorry. We were unfair to the lying, drunken rapist? I guess complaining about perjury, rape, and the aggressive cover-up by political hacks desperate to ram through the nomination of a deeply flawed felon.

"why aren't you believing me?"
gave me a migraine listening to her whine

Because fuck Bama

>nomination of a deeply flawed felon.
See, they have no problem outright lying in order to achieve political power and cover up for their massive inferiority complex.

ive never seen the left take the highroad before could you possible post an example so i can laugh at how bullshit it is?

shutup nigger

>Projection: the post

>this is what the left has come to
left used to be something different?

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Im not threathening you im just suggesting you need your retarded brain blown off with a shotgun

>your retarded brain blown off with a shotgun
Isn't that a daily occurrence with you taco-niggers anyway?

I'm pretty tired of these normie posts that left vs right bullshit. We need to take back Jow Forums from the NPCs

"taking the highroad" is an npc talking point. It has no meaning. It is just a phrase that doesn't require critical thought

your 'high road' is actually the low road.

Now you're taking the 'low road' but you're actually going subterranean

>don't dish it out if you can't take it
wew lad

she looks like david

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seconded. maybe we should revive the painted porn pics everytime these guys show up?

>Liberals only apply ideologies only when it works for them.

What, next you're gonna tell us it gets dark outside when the sun goes down.

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Remember, the Bolshevik left has and will use red terrorism against you. This is a must listen->
In fact if you haven't listened to WLP it's possible you don't know how bad it really is.

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You could at least try to not make your post look like obvious false flag shitposting.
Such a waste of a get.

Reminder, the Left are actually the scum of the Earth

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Kek, it's true

the NSFW porn pics? What do you mean?

The left are evil.

Liberals are terrorists on US soil

How dumb do you have to be to believe that Kavanaugh is a rapist?

Literally all of her witnesses say it never happened.

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just because you don't call people faggots and niggers doesn't mean you've been taking the high road you nigger faggot.

So is this the next Tradthot that we are going to pretend speaks for all of us now for the next couple of months?

>Npc talking


Did nobody else notice his oxygen tubes? I hate these boomers. At least the liberals there were smart enough to push him away. That's some improvement.

Hot take. But I've seen some sexy feminists

But everyone on Facebook says she wasn't lying

Now the Dems are trying to latch onto "He perjured himself!" when he made a single mistake in remembering the timeline of events, after having his family's lives threatened. Obviously if the far-left FBI couldn't find anything on him there's nothing to find (or manufacture).
Even my fucking family believes that Trump is somehow an idiot and an evil mastermind and wants to vote out all Republicans in the midterms. They're wonderful people otherwise but when it comes to politics it's like Agents take over their bodies, except instead of Hugo Weaving it's a fucking NPC.

pretty much

What was his mistake?

I remember when I was younger and used to think conservatives were stupid and that “they blindly watch Fox News and repeat what they see”. It took me years to realize that literally every other channel was liberal “Fox News”. Truth is the majority of conservatives and liberals are sheep who blindly follow what their thought leaders tell them too. Conservative thought leaders are mostly responsible and flimsy beyond Trump meanwhile most liberal thought leaders of today’s are NeoMarxists. Every extreme flare up (such as that white women article and the Kavanaugh trials) leads to many liberals waking up and leaving but most simply accept this new normal and become more extreme because of it. Liberals are getting worse and worse as time goes by. I hang around some leftists friends and while they never say anything directly to me, they’re becoming more openly hateful towards white people despite half of them being white. Deeply strange

strong fathers find hot women to impregnate

based and redpilled qts come out

You've never taken the high road, you just learned how to spin your shit around to larp as the high ground.