What is the most based and redpilled cities and towns in America? Whats the best states, one that consistently is a red state for a long time?
What is the most based and redpilled cities and towns in America? Whats the best states...
If you mean the most white (all that really matters) then Maine, NH, and Vermont. I'd go with NH of the 3 desu
Disgusting Image, OP. Being the racist, edgy fuck that you are, threatening babies crosses the line. Are you a Jew?
What a picture. Either you are a troll or genocidal.
Either of which are Jow Forums related.
My vote is Colorado though. Beautiful place. Beautiful people.
Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
>t. roll tide roll
fuck off Hans
Get the fuck out of my state carpet bag niggers
Arkansas is pretty great. I've lived there for years So is Oklahoma like said.
>calling anyone else carpet baggers
VT is crashing. Maine is waking up cuz of the Somalis murdering in lewiston. NH is just always based
Okies are better than the average califag.
My state is literally filled with second and first generation carpet baggers from around the United States. I can't even afford a two bedroom home for less than 300k. You wonder why people move out of here, but really its your degenerate bullshit flowing back to the source. A lot of your state isn't even fucking populated cause you flocked like sheep after the Dustbowl to California.
>buut muh muh true american home
Yea tell me that when me and millions of other Californians are willing to do more than you fuckers comfortable living off the shit we make. I am worried about my future kids not being able to enjoy my own state's culture anymore because it will be outlawed and replaced by others.
Yea sit around smoking blunts with indians all day, you sure are great people.
I'm a mainer than moved to cali. I just know ya'll are elitist faggots except the rural folk.
>all elitest faggots
You mean the city faggots and dudes who rented out a beach house for the summer? You mean the out of state kikes who mooch off our culture, and then go, " Its cool and all but if we add this this and this it would be so much better!" Also learn proper English faggot, its spelled California.
>Abbreviating California to cali is somehow improper english
God you're obnoxious. Can't wait to leave this shithole of a state. Worst people in the union next to niggers.
just give up and move the fuck out of CA
Good, maybe if more of you leave at the same time I can actually afford to have three kids.
Kill yourself defeatist faggot
Yes, making the conservative hard workers leave while important twice as many illegals will improve the state. Fucking imbecile. You deserve this fate. Enjoy your overpriced houses without basements.
california is awful
Cya faggot, I get to unload while you get to be a bystander like the majority of white America is on saving us. Fuck off back to your irrelevant state retard.
>a redpill made for ants
CO is not based
everywhere, including my home town, is filled with spics and californians
t. born and raised co boy
More like bend over
You mean be in a non shit community?
>bend over
You mean like the South bending over to the Dems?
>be in a non shit community
You cannot be forged from greatness if you experience no struggle. You don't know this you stuck up maine nigger. Don't deny you're just a bystander and a nobody in the outcome of this situation now. Pathetic, can't even take responsibility for his own cowardice.
Pick one, spic. You can struggle in life without living in a shithole like cali. You actually think being from cali makes you stronger or more important in anyway? Fucking retarded
Yea I think it does user, especially when you consider California has the worst living conditions in the entire United States of America. Call me a spic all you want stupid nigger but just admit it. Challenge brings mistakes and mistakes bring clarity which helps you focus on the goal, ultimately having you prepared for the challenges ahead. I've have to deal with the feds stealing my water, food, guns, money, some of my relative's own housing, and more because carlos and carlitta wanted 12 juans so corrupt farmers can make extra money off illegal labor. You know absolutely nothing about struggle Maine nigger.
>Mainers know nothing of liberals (say massholes) coming up and shitting stuff off
Fuck off
Yea its easy to say that when you can carry a fucking bazooka out in the open slung over your arm, while I have to keep a knife longer than 9 inches tucked away.