What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

Attached: 1539315834727.jpg (597x239, 21K)

Other urls found in this thread:


he's a hypocrite, yet his room temperature IQ supporters don't care

I like him because he makes ugly faggots like you so angry lol. see you soon :)

Who isn't?

>ugly faggots
you got that right trumper

Attached: 1530966021456.jpg (980x1200, 306K)

it means impeach the president if the dow drops 1000 points
unless of course he's president, then it doesn't count

Y u mad tho?

Hypocrisy, thy name is Trumpnigger

Attached: fat donny bends the knee.jpg (845x449, 89K)

rocks, glass houses, sigh, even that simile is just too much for you buddy

Attached: 1529637895476.jpg (1600x1200, 840K)

But Trump supports kikes...?

>tweet that never happened
nice link faggot

are you 13?

They are putting a gold necklace on him

>They are putting a pearl necklace on him

Fixed for accuracy.

So far the most damage that Trump has brought to this country is making people become insensitive to blatant lies and flip-flop and immorality.

Former politicians, competent or not, would at least try to hide their hypocrisy. But Trump just totally tossed away the cover and is feeling proud of it.

You can expect the later politicians after him would behave worse and worse.

>1000 points

1000 points in 2012 is roughly equivalent to 2000 points in 2018.

This tweet is fake.

The apathy doesn't come from Trump it comes from the realization that this country is finished and the sooner it burns down the faster it will regrow.

Source about what? I didn't post that tweet.

Fuck this i'm off the Trump train. I can't believe i bought this con mans book " art of the deal", ugly red hat and embarrassed myself. Telling my family, friends and coworkers about how much of a genius billionaire Trump is. That he would lead America to greatness or other lies he spouts daily.

>Stock market down
>Allies hate us
>Losing trade war with China
>Global warming is devastating the planet
>Gas prices are up


I hate this liar and thief. I should've listened to Obama, Listened to my heart instead of falling the con mans trap.

Attached: DowRr07XoAYhHRJ.jpg (480x452, 36K)

That as much as he claims to not be the same as regular politicians he's really no different form them.

Attached: trump's esoteric code.png (1110x1110, 54K)

You said Trump is making people insensitive to blatant lies. Like what? What's your source?

Uhm, excuse me? He's literally drained the swamp.

Like you!

are you kidding?

Attached: pompeo.jpg (800x1000, 425K)

>That as much as he claims to not be the same as regular politicians he's really no different form them.

Attached: debt_bubbles.jpg (960x640, 232K)

>I arbitrarily have standards and convictions that uniformly apply to everyone else differently than me


Attached: mnuchin.jpg (426x600, 216K)

Going by his other posts in this thread, I'm fairly sure he was being sarcastic.

Imagine actually saving pictures of ugly nazi larpers to reinforce the "people I hate are ugly and stupid" narrative in your head.

I understand that my enemies are sometimes, if not often, attractive and intelligent. Accepting this reality will better prepare me to deal with them. Your hubris will be your undoing.

Working people are mostly butthurt donkeys, who feel entitled because they wasted their lives on meaningless toil. Fuck 'em!

Attached: Neet pro.png (940x734, 723K)

Hello NPC, need a lesson on economy?

The stock market is a Jewish pyramid scheme.

Attached: trentbarboza1-1024x683-980x500.jpg (1024x684, 72K)

I'm serious, he's drained the prison swamp.

Attached: trump pardon.png (699x875, 380K)

>$0.02 has been deposited into your account

Attached: 3332759E-0E89-4CD7-8926-D5D0624FA449.jpg (354x1024, 91K)

You’re not real

Why did he send that tweet at exactly 10:12 ?
It's almost like he knew

He got played by his jewish surrounding, he has more important shit to worr about than shclomo shekelstein exploiting illegals.


The DOW was in the low 13,000 in November 2012.

Attached: 1331495429076.png (442x622, 339K)

>What did he mean by this?
He meant "fuck this nigger president, amirite?"
But he was using white people code, so niggers and jews on Jow Forums don't get it (pretty much everybody).

No. We just believe it's Obama's economy remember? Or was it that "the stock market doesn't measure how the average American is doing financially"?

Talk about being a retarded hypocrit, you win hands down.

Are you going to answer to just keep spamming with pictures of ugly retards while dodging the question?

Yep. Check the logarithmic chart: finance.yahoo.com/chart/^DJI

Also, log(13500)-log(12500) = log(27000)-log(25000), for 1000 points around 13000 (November 2012) and 2000 points around 26000 (October 2018)

this. when that tweet happened dow was at 13.2k, Its almost double now.

The fed was holding Obama's hand
The fed keeps raising interest rates on Trump

ITT: people falling for shit quality bait

Attached: Pj9zhy.png (403x292, 34K)

But it's still Obama's economy :^)

im a supporter and mensa member, come at me bro.

148 IQ professional tested here

How does it feel to be a living example of Dunning Kruger?

Attached: BSq.jpg (960x960, 455K)

he was talking about a gay nigger non-citizen
also the right doesnt care if we're hypocrites, thats pc bullshit and it has about the same power as racist or nazi does

>hypocrisy is the same as racism
Wow so you’re a faggot who stands for nothing beyond whatever Daddy Trump says. What a faggot, if he wanted to fuck you would you let him faggot?

>room temperature IQ

yes, absolute value of room temperature in kelvin

It means you are a twat. The Dow settled at 12933 after the election of Obama. It had gone down over 300 points. It's a sign about the results of the election.

Unlike 2016 when Wall Street welcomed Trump. Dow jones rose 257 points.

Current Dow jones baby is at 25052. Different circumstances. Go away!

You realize these are ALL plants, correct? You will NEVER see a non-budget flag that hasn't just been taken out of the packaging. They're all creased. They're all folded incorrectly. They're all thin, cheap material.

Yet again, more cheap, incorrectly folded, non-ironed out flags.

Attached: 1538645217104.png (645x729, 69K)

It means he knows the Cabal will take the bait and drop the dow to impeach when he becomes president , But he got his money on Put Options.

Attached: 4dchesss.jpg (600x563, 66K)

See. This is why Obama lost. He couldn't hold this country together any better than his twitter account.

Satire detected.

I-is he winning? I don't play 6d chess

1000 points in Nov 2012 are not equivalent to 1000 points in 2018 because a loss of 1000 in 2018 represents a much smaller percentage loss.
False equivalence.

but it's risen 9000 points since then, so it has to drop 10000 before Trump gets impeached

Also, that tweet is fake

Attached: Annotation.png (901x635, 48K)

Apples and oranges.

How Wall Street behaves the day after the election is a sign of how you are welcomed. So OP should of chosen a different date for the tweet.

It's a fake tweet, he never tweeted it, google it yourself.

I still can't tell if these are sarcastic or not

That seems like a genuine shill.
But it's hard to tell because after enough shill posts, people start to satirize the shill posts.

What are you getting at emu-fucker? Everything I said is 100% correct. The people who actually larps to the extent of flying and hanging flags buy quality, woven, expensive flags. Not that amazon cellophane wrapped bullshit. Not to mention they iron them out, regardless of what flag it is. No one flies a fucking creased flag. And when they do get creased, the have the proper folds, that's not how you fold a fucking flag.

If you seriously think people haven't been apathetic to this shit for decades already i want what you're smoking.