What is Jow Forums's opinion of The Quartering?

I was watching his stream for the first time tonight and he seems like such a fake whiney faggot.

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I actually like him. Seems like a good dude too.


Not really familiar with him, but he comes across as a basic bitch tier bugman who only got involved in politics because 'muh sjws' threatened his hobby with censorship.

>What's Jow Forumss opinion on Le Eceleb xD

he's a fatassed jew who needs to fuck off

Bonus fact, he got attacked by one too...

That's a good enough reason though to be fair. They do come after everything in the end.

This. Sargoy’s lame meme about “I just wanted to play video games” literally applies to him. Also looks like a lesbian.

definite bitch vibes

i dont have a problem with him but literally this
>he comes across as a basic bitch tier bugman who only got involved in politics because 'muh sjws' threatened his hobby with censorship.

Was he the guy who lost a card game collection of thousands of dollars because he got shoah'd by the company's SJWs? I remember about him, he was anything but based, but I guess he got redpilled the hard way.

Though I share many of his opinions his videos are monotone and repetitive (in my opinion). There are lots of people that do a better job communicating the same views eother more concisely or in a more entertaining way (again, in my opinion). I don't have a real problem with him as a person though.

He comes off as a guy that takes every minor happening and exaggerates the fuck out of them which makes him into a boy who cried wolf situation. That said he lurks here. He literally quoted Goebbels in one of his videos.

The guy's a bitch who got his ass jumped by an effeminate "nazi hunting" sjw professor. Sucker punch or not, he was fucking routed by a flabby pussy and hid inside a bar until the guy left.

He's actually a little bitch who pretends to be edgy. He's a mess of a person.

It's alright but negative commentary reaction videos get old fast.

Another (((Youtuber))) who always share shit tier comment and steal meme from Jow Forums

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He is the enemy of my enemy. I wish him well and a gym membership.

Are you kiking?

he's a cool guy
in b4:
>controlled opposition

and than tries to sue him with money he beg his fans to give him instead of finding the fag and beat the shit of him.

Literally browses r/kotakuinaction in his spare time, absolute faggot tier.


>numale surrounded by toys
i don't know who that is but i cant imagine him saying anything valuable at all

Cringe tier. I cant make it through a whole video of his.

Oh look another Shareblue Character Assassination thread.

Congrats Quartering, you've made it to the big leagues!

He pissed off the "left" by criticizing a specific cosplay model and people giving her money. Internet defense forces activated.

You don’t get to be countersemetic when you’re a redditor.

True, but doesn't make him wrong. Thats how many people wake up from this shit, or at least start to open their eyes.

he's a fat, stupid soiboy with a speech impediment that makes it impossible to listen to.

He'll fall to Metokur eventually.

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>Those god damn ES JAY DUBYAS, amirite guys?

i share a lot of his opinoins but hes literaly r_thedonald incarnate so he comes off as cringy and annoying also what this user said

Was going to post, but exactly this. He has an annoying air of self-importance as well, but overall he's okay.

He's married with a kid I believe, so that takes him a bit out of bugman territory at least.

Never heard of him. Where do you nerds even find these basedboys

>watching a low-t neckbeard cry about the paper jew
>not watching the jew outjewing jews on children cardgames instead
AlphaInvestments >>>>>>> Unsleeved


I can see his content getting stale after awhile but for now its okay

I like him as he is unapologetic towards the cucks bending over for social justice, but he is so awkward during live streams that I wonder if he ever has had an normal adult conversation in his life.

>be "enlightened centrist"
>still get shit on equally by leftists for being a white male

Wishy-washy fags need to go all the way. Neoliberalism is wad allowed modern leftist degeneracy to spawn.

I was thinking this exact thing the other day, "I guarantee you metokur will somehow demolish this guy"

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>being surprised that a guy whose channel is focused on magic the gathering is socially inept

I like him.

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Faggot e celeb and he’s fat

He said "The Nose Knows" in one of his videos once

Make of that what you will

Basically this, but this makes him an ally, not a foe.

>He comes off as a guy that takes every minor happening and exaggerates the fuck out of them which makes him into a boy who cried wolf situation.
This but
>He literally quoted Goebbels in one of his videos.
I'm literally shaking right now. Like literally.

Seems like another bandwagon cuck fuck who's going to bend the knee when things get hairy. Just taking advantage of the right-wing drought there is on Youtube, like Southern and Molyneux and Peterson and Shoe On Head

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He's a pure nu-male. If you cut him pure basedmilk would leak out.
But he is becoming more and more redpilled by the day. And he delivers additional redpills to a particular set of the nu-male population.

I had some contempt for him when he first started out but I'm coming around. He had it out with a deranged lefty on the street so he gets cred for that.

This is absolutely terrifying and I don't know why. Please help me understand anons

He should ditch the booze

ge is boring,, fat, and repetitive

Why is there so much hate for him? He seems bro tier.

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he's a truly boring cunt

Apparently he makes lots of money, I have no clue how someone as dumb as he is can make over minimum wage