Is it just me or did it seem like the divide between this country exploded within the last 3 short years...

Is it just me or did it seem like the divide between this country exploded within the last 3 short years? In 2014 things were weird but civil war seemed more like an idea for a novel but now people won't shut the fuck up about Americans shooting each other

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Other urls found in this thread:–Mundt_Act#Recent_interpretations

Just buy an AR and shut the fuck up about it

Trump was the catalyst. I don't know how it's not obvious to you but Trump's rise just set everything off.


I think things turned back in 2012. Occupy Wall street, Obama round 2

The country is the same it's always been.
It's just that the sentiments of liberals are the loudest.
When they're happy, they tell everyone the entire country is happy, when they're mad, they tell us the entire country is mad.

>You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for

Get yer guns ready boys.

it's been building for a long time. dubya and the wars in afghanistan and iraq really pissed off a lot of left wing people and right wing people, especially with a lot of the new wartime laws passed such as torture and unlimited surveillance and extrajudicial courts. obama pissed off the right wing again by expanding this shit and being black and pushing for identity shit and socialist shit. trump is pissing off the left wing even more now by being politically incorrect and trolling them.

It’s weird, my uncle was speaking of civil/race war back in 2012, I thought it was nonsense but sure enough the way things has escalated within the last couple of years, it doesn’t unrealistic. He said they want America ultimately destroyed so they’re purposely ruining the country. This stuck out to me which is why I don’t really feed into the hysteria fueled through media outlets, it doesn’t prevent the rest of society but I’m relatively stable and unaffected despite the current climate

I'll risk my life and tell you the truth.
It's not people. It's Russians.
We are stroking the flame of civil war in the US. My government is funding both radical right-wing and radical left-wing organizations in the US, Europe, and Latin America.

Putin has already said that there is no Russia without Putin and there is no need for the world to exist without Russia.
He is crazy and he wants to subjugate the whole world. Only the US and allies are able to stop him so he decided to destroy the US from within similar how he destroyed Russia from within.

Your duty as American is to return your government to sanity, bring the world together, and destroy Russia and Putin personally. That's the only way unfortunately, no matter how bloody it will be.

>t. Democrat

While this is probably a troll I weouldn't be shocked if foriegn forces are behind some of the louder organizations and pushing for social divide. I mean when Obama was in power, Black Lives Matter was on TV daily. Literally when Obama left they vanished from the public eye. What the fuck happened? Also the moment Trump became president, the weekly stories about white cops shooting black "kids" stopped. What the fuck changed there too?

>yuri bezmenov

No organization seeking to control the populace can do so if the populace is undivided. That is why they polarized people into smaller groups. Way easier to manipulate and control people that way. It is exactly what Nazi Germany did and it's what they're doing today. If you live in America, get ready. You are witnessing the beginning of the events that will bring forth mass genocide and civil unrest. There will be government sanctioned mass killings as well as civilians killing each other. Seriously, guys, get out if you can. If not for your family then for yourself.


And go where?

They use prejudice as a practical weapon to cripple the nation when they are not powerful enough to control the masses to an absolute.

Anywhere else. America will become a warzone. Take a vacation and never come back.

I have wondered if they turned the whole "Occupy Wall street" and "We are the 99%" movement, into Anti-West, Anti-White movement.

If so, it was a crafty move by these bastards.
No one is talking about Banker Bailouts anymore. Everyone is just at each others throats.
It was hitting a bit too close to home, was it not?

Like I said, (((crafty))).

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You see it everywhere today- government officials break the law and never see the inside of a court room. Votes are being taken away. Certain places are being denied rightful voting powers and representation (Puerto Rico, DC, native American preservation residences) due to bipartisan politics. We do not live in a functional democracy anymore. You will see America fall within the next 10 to 20 years. When it does do not be a fool- you will not be immune to the carnage.

America was never a democracy, shill. We are a REPUBLIC.

I'm not a troll. That's for real and it's serious. The stakes are extremely high for the whole world and future of not only any single race, or country, but for the whole human civilization.
Black Lives Matter was at least used by Russians. I'm not sure if it is funded or controlled directly but it had received some substantial media-support through RT. Putin has also made some strange remarks about the Ferguson unrest. And there is a history of KGB connections to radical black organizations all the way to 60s when they used terrorism as the Weather Underground and Cuban militants. Soviet intelligence often provided them with forged documents, ammunition, IED training, etc.
Occupy Wall Street was another movement fueled by Russian intelligence. You could even find a bunch of public remarks by Putin where he laments its failure. He wanted it to be more militant but it failed to spark violence.

Putin also kinda loves using dog-whistles and kinda taking credit for something through indirect reference so if he references some event in the US you may be sure that he did take part in it.

>Occupy Wall Street
The person that owns the park they stayed in should be investigated for this. All they had to do was say "no protesting" and OWS would have died day 1 but for some reason the owners let these protestors camp on this park for months. I bet thats where the bribe came from.

The gay marriage ruleing is what brought in clown world imo. Nothing has made sense since.

Stop pushing this bullshit meme. America never claimed to be a democracy you dumb faggot.

>The gay marriage ruleing is what brought in clown world imo. Nothing has made sense since.
The problem is the left has no limit. I can't see a single social issue where they would be like "ok this is too far" and thats the real problem

2012 was more of a turning point. When occupy Wall Street turned into identity politics and Russian info ops to amplify identity politics began in earnest

Trump is just an actor, and all of this is planned. The jews in the media love this atmosphere of impending civil war, and strained tensions between the left and the right, because people are easily shepharded and mislead when they develop such an idiotic and tribalistic mentality.

this, they broke up occupy with racial complaints, then all of a sudden it was trayvon martin on the news every day instead of the latest missing blonde girl. look at the time line of the events, there's no denying the truth.



Yeah, it seems there was a great shift in 2014. Something happened in the spiritual. I imagine most people here pre-2014 were either not politically aware, mainstream, or libertarian. Incredible hate for whites on one side and an awareness of the importance of race and a desire to preserve white identity on the other side both appeared seemingly out of nowhere and serve as perfect counterbalances for the coming conflict....almost seems contrived.

This is the only red pill that matters.

I was predicting civil war back during the 2000 election recount bullshit. When nothing happened back then I began to think I was just overreacting but it looks like I was right, I was just off by 18 or so years.

this is exactly what happened user i was an original occupier and in 2012 i was chew up and spit out for refusing to participate in the purity spiral.

There is no limit because it isn't progressive, it's Marxism. The pillars of Marxism are such that the social structure is completely dismantled to institute socialism. And Russiabro is not far off, those dirty ruskie pogs have been assisting it by stoking Marxist bullshit for the better part of 40 years. That's 2 full generations of brain dipping.

Russia has always been keen to stoke racial tensions in the US, which are a large threat to national stability, thanks in part because the US establishment is totally incapable of confronting the problems and seeks to exploit them for its own ends.

Hi, shlomo.

bullcrap, get off the Russian VPN you dumb cunt. The divisions are being sowed by the Oligarchy which have gotten fabulously rich at the expense of the middle class - it is so fucking obvious.

Look at the demeanor of the men. They seem so much stronger and self assured than men today. It makes one wonder what is happening to men.


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>Is it just me or did it seem like the divide between this country exploded within the last 3 short years?

Looks are deceiving
Media is hyping a small bunch of faggots and insinuate they are a majority hoping that it will draw gullible sheep into their stable.

They have to bring in immigrants in order to have someone actually vote for them.

Reminder that they have to actually pay to create this appearance of division.

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This guy gets it.

It's weird thinking about the old Occupy Wall Street political climate. Everything was about economics and taxes back then. It's like we live in a different world.

Fuck off VPN faggot

A retard appears.

Around that time I started to see a few less political savvy jews openly begin to claim that criticisms of the '1%' and the 'banking elite' (which both the left and right were beginning to see eye to eye on) were anti Semitic. The jews who have brains just kept their mouth shut. Like a week later the anti-finance movement had totally devolved into the modern social justice culture war stuff, and the only thing mass media ever talks about is social justice culture wars.

Basically the jews realized that the people were angry with the rich elites (all jews) and were going to be coming for them if they didnt change the narrative. Thats literally all that happened.

The Russian is telling the truth. Hillary conspired with Putin to buy American Uranium through Uranium 1 deal, remember. Media pushing Trump/Russia collusion to hide Hillary/Russian collusion.

Funny that. Right and left were just about to find common cause in stringing up some bankers when suddenly identity politics makes them go for each other's throats instead.

Vpns are banned on 4chinns u faggot

>foreign countries have an interest in subverting the US government, therefore we should blow up all foreign countries.

No, the reality is that these (real) attempts by foreign actors (like george soros) to subvert our elections are only successful because we live in an a multiculti society that actually IS divided.

These foreign forces only shine a light on a divide that already exists (and our own two party system contributes to this) . It essentially comes down to racism.

If you want to solve racism in western countries, the solution is simple:
Remove the non-whites from white countries. It's really that easy.

Racism is an innate biological defense mechanism that humans developed to protect themselves from predatory foreigners. There's a direct correlation between the rise of non white immigrants in western countries and the rise of racist sentiments.

If you want to "turn off" the defense mechanism/immune response, you need to get rid of the invading organisms.


So tell me, pls. Is Putin controlling American media, too?
Because all this shit like BLM is fucking nothing without the media. They are almost completely responsible for division. And there's no conspiracy theory, it's all in the open, you can look it up. The media is run by jews.

>muh retard
whatever shlomo.
The ideological basis for identity politics that is being used in the west was formulated by academics in US universities. This ideology has been encouraged by the oligarchy to be used for very specific aims that benefit them - particularly policy regarding trade and immigration. Muh Russians is not gonna fly when Israeli, Saudi, sov families, PRC etc money and influence on academia, institutions and policy etc is so much more and that is not even mentioning where the oligarchy come in and force policy and social reformation.

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Oligarchy doesn't need this extremely dangerous divisions. Every fucking oligarch is smart enough to understand that all of his wealth could be rendered worthless and useless or even expropriated by a ten cent bullet. This tensions are serious enough to make it a real possibility.

you can still get through with the right VPN dumb cunt.

that's funny because I can fire up shade you and post with Russian flag too. Or French, or Ukraine, or Sweden, etc.
The paid shill meme is not a joke when the midterms are just around the corner.

You already know why there is a divide, it's because all western educational institutions are churning out indoctrinated activists and the media conglomerates are backing them 100%

This Russian faggot would know. Now fuck off sergei while we work out your plot

Yes. This anti white rhetoric is really misaimed. It's anti elite that all the privledge gripes book down to. And anti elite rhetoric would divide the country 98-2 instead of anti white which divides the country 50-50.
It's puzzling that people who would actually want to fix something would choose this tack. Maybe the goal is not to fix things, but instead to divide, distract

Russian amplification of these forces is the only theory that makes sense. How else do you explain the meteoric rise

the divide started when Obama started pushing the fake news about gentle giants

>Oligarchy doesn't need this extremely dangerous divisions
Wrong - it depends what they want m8. THey are by and large anti western and are hubristic. One thing the oligarchy wants is permanent population growth, they can only get that through immigration and they can only get that by dismantling white patriarchy.

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nigger you faggots set up the long marches that ensured the degradation of America society, this was all before Putin.

Exactly. The oligarchs are building bunkers. They're scared as shit of what's going on

The US media are extremely prone to manipulation. They are for years already just reporting on whatever is trending on manipulable social media.
That's exactly because they are not controlled enough.

LOL are you reading from a script?

>the only theory that makes sense.
And that is because you are a dumb cunt that knows fuck all about what is happening.

You are either a completely brainwashed brainlet or shlomo worried about coming pogroms.
This situation is just PERFECT for the oligarchy. When the economic situation becomes tough, they need people at each others throats or blame somebody from outside. Oligarchs don't need people out for their blood, their attention must
be somwhere else.

You are a very shallow thinker, OP, to not have noticed that everything had already broken down and turned to red-hot lava and it was only a matter of someone finally just opening the floodgates for the great unhinging to "start".

Most of the time, all people really need is permission to finally do what they've been ready to do for years.

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meant for

prove you're actually russian

>russians control the media, goy!

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I'd say tensions have been insane since 2012.

We were given a non-choice between romney and obama. Obama had proven himself to be shitty, and then doubled down in his second term. Hell, he even implemented romney's healthcare bill, to show how useless voting was that election.

As identity politics was snowballing due to obama giving credence to various fringes, things just kept heating up. DESU I thought civil war was going to happen before obama was out of office. I'm beyond disbelief that it isn't already happening, I guess it's because things are going pretty decently on the right side, and the left are cowards.

Me too i feel a growing tension everyday especially with other races

Russian Q predicted this

What does social media do? What is its killer app? Destroying nations. We chuckled when it was our state department using it to facilitate the Arab spring. But only because we failed to realize we were just as vulnerable. The west will tear itself apart with Russian and Chinese encouragement and the only difference between us and those arabs will be the little bit longer it takes

This, the media pretends every issue is insurmountable and polarizing. No one can discuss immigration without being portrayed as a either a Nazi or open borders loony

Here you go.

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Never mind that it's literally the declared geopolitical strategy of choice since the late 90s (do you even Dugan, bro?) and you can trivially track the development of capability and deployment of this set of tactics from Georgia thru Baltic cyberwarfare to Ukraine to Western focused Asad info ops to finally plain to see underwriting of fringe groups in Europe to the US

You should work on being less obviously Russian yourself, Vlad

It's what happens before those big moments in history.
Our nation is going mad.
Our world is going mad.
What's next...

To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour.
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for you sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God.
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.

Some resources that may help: has a verse by verse Bible Study for download or daily listening.
Chuck Missler’s Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (
Robert Breaker’s Bible Study and Topical Sermons (
J.D. Farag’s Bible Study and Prophecy Updates ( )

Clearlywrittendotnet YouTube channel details near future events. ( has a free online bible & apps with cross references. is a group of Israeli Jews who know Jesus is their messiah. tracks information that points to Jesus’s soon return. shows how many world events are prophetically and numerically linked.

The End is nigh. Tomorrow may be too late.

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This board will believe any delusion but can't get hard for the truth. /npc/ amirite

it's getting worse every year

Question is Russia bro how do you know this? It obviously doesn't require you to be an insider since I Worked it out exactly what was going on in May 2016, well before the media almost got it right. What's your source of insight?

I have no doubt that all countries that actually matter engage en espionage, however you're so desperate for validation that 1 russian no one on the internet is it

People will cause this person a shill or kike, but he's 100% right. The thing is, the mainstream (left) media will say that the right is being influenced by Russians, but it is every bit true in terms of propaganda being pushed on them. Liberals are only half correct on this.

Excellent job stringing together a coherent sentence

MUH RUSSIA! It is all so easy ahy m8.

What a retard.

You're close. Read about the renewal of the Smith-Mundt act.

We are now reading propaganda from the State Dept. and the BBG that was intended for foreign audiences only. In other words, in the US we just don't get spin with an emphasis on domestic US interests but also the spin that the US wants the rest of the World to know about the US.

This is why the mainstream media has become so divided in its interpretations of nationwide news, especially as it relates to news coming from the Federal Government and the White House. Now we get TWO bullshit stories...just like TWO scoops of ice cream. Get it?–Mundt_Act#Recent_interpretations

>The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012, which was contained within the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 (section 1078 (a)) amended the United States Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948 and the Foreign Relations Authorization Act of 1987, allowing for materials produced by the State Department and the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) to be available within the United States.[1][2]

Wow that was a cogent rebuttal. I will reconsider my opinion Vladimir

This is true. But Hillary is a catspaw for her (((handlers))). I don’t even blame Putin for taking the uranium. 17% of Russia’s energy comes from nuclear.
The crime is Hillary selling this shit under wraps and trying to pin it all on Trump.

Not just you
Fucking crazy out there
Crazy coming from places that shouldn’t be crazy
Crazy coming from smart people
If We were told they discovered a virus that was causing this, it would make far more sense than any other explanation.

>Reddit spacing
>Muh Russia
Back to plebbit/Styxfaggothammer's comment section, you cunt cocksucking motherfucking niggerbitch cuck.

The establishment had the song-and-dance planned out. Jeb! was supposed to go up against Hilldawg and lose, allowing that beast to completely destroy the country. By this point, if she'd been in office, I fully expect that she'd have declared martial law and fabricated some massive terrorist attack.
Instead, Trump came out of nowhere. You can see how much he upset the plans by just how violently every shill responded. CNN is still having a stroke going on three years now, Democrats are calling for open violence, and Republicans are confused between cleaving to the NWO agenda or following the new populist wave.
We're seeing so much violence because this is what happens when tyrants don't get their way. They no longer have the power to attack outright, so we're seeing staged school shootings and bizarre attacks on concerts with motives still "unclear." They're only going to escalate because they have no idea how to operate outside of their script. I think that's what gets the kiked elites so pissed about the NPC meme: they're quite literally following a script and have no idea how to act outside of those parameters, so when faced with new stimuli they react with violence.

I knew many of the original organizers and several of them would repeatedly bring up how obvious the 3 letter agency plants were at the meetings.

> crying out in pain
poor little cunt

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Just read the entire wiki entry. forget the recent interpretations part as it doesn't include the quote I mentioned.

but Carter Page acknowledged this many times. The story that he was wiretapped because he was "a possible Russian spy" is just disinformation based on counter-intelligence ops. Page actually helped put away Russians who tried to gain influence into US energy sectors / industry. This whole Russian thing is just the cover story so that he doesn't get killed if he has to ever travel to a Russian-friendly nation...though I doubt he will be doing that any time soon. Not until a few heads roll first, that is.

Almost every tactic that was used on the US population was tested and still being used on Russian population beforehand, with different goals though. With Russian audience it's more about subjugation, oppression, overload with bullshit, and removal of any free will from the people. It's impossible to have any coherent discussion with my fellow countrymen, they are zombified by the state propaganda to the point of incoherence.
If you'll live in Russia for any prolonged period of time, you'll kinda understand.
With the US population it's more about conflict and tensions instead.

So almost any Russian who could kinda evaluate situation objectively will say the same.

>they're quite literally following a script and have no idea how to act outside of those parameters
Yeah I think you are right on that. Their politics is down stream of their culture and their self interest, but they have lost control of the script lately. They were so happy and triumphant 5 years ago only to have sure easy victory interrupted. They thought the white majority was completely beaten down, deracinated and emasculated, but now they see them awaken very fast and they are panicking.

How do you think the average roman felt during the end of the republic?
Or the several major cultures during the bronze age collapse?
Or any other person living in a time of turmoil and instability?
We all have a chance to try it ourselves now.